PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

I don’t need to be schooled by someone who’s been summoned in to comment on their off-realm character. The suggestion that the PCU isn’t a one-man autocracy is honestly laughable. It’s not a democracy.

I know the party line is that the ‘PCU’ moniker originated as an insult and was taken up by the plucky pioneers of the community, but I spent ~10 hours in a Discord call with Perroy in the early days trying to convince him that creating a project in which he would seed various racial guilds and keep the guildmaster role on most of them so he could create a more-or-less closed community which he could tightly keep the reins on, and naming it after himself, was not only an exercise in vanity but would ultimately serve to be self-defeating by starving the server of life.

Regardless of the origins of the ‘PCU’ moniker, the PCU community was an intentional creation.


Things the PCU is not:

  1. Named by itself. The name was used as a derogatory term first, that the group co-opted as a joke to mock those people, and it’s stuck.

  2. An attempt to manage all RP on the server. It’s just one community on the server, out of many, that happens to be very successful due to great events, great RP and a great community (that also does content!) attracting many members.

  3. Killing the server. Blizzard’s general ineptness and worse, and the sheer toxicity of some people on the server screeching like lunatics over others joining a community are starving the server.

What the PCU is:

  1. A great RP community that you should join, see the full list of guilds here: The [PCU] 😈 now recruiting! [250]

Night elf poster


Now and always.

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Never was…

I genuinely don’t know how people can claim that it’s the PCU killing Argent Dawn over two lacklustre expansions, a content drought, and Blizzard’s awful writing giving very little of worth for roleplayers to make use of.

Seriously, when was the last time roleplayers got something to really sink their teeth into? Maybe the n’zoth invasions? But before that, like… I dunno, Burning of Teldrassil? And now we have an entire expansion in another dimension where all the characters we’ve grown to love tolerate are acting like utter morons.

But no it’s none of that, it’s definitely one group of players on the server and none of that.


Yes. You should.
It helps if you actually say you’re argument when making it.
That is how discourse works.

The fact that you’re refusing to actually say WHAT your problem is, implies that you don’t actually have a legitimate, provable reason, and your deliberate obfuscation of your reasons for disliking the PCU, because you know that it can be disproven.

I would really love to hear your issues.

This is important. People think PCU guilds are all super interlinked and tightly controlled… they’re really not. PCU RP is incredibly free-form I’ve found, with there being very little control and a general willingness to let events go off their original conclusion based on player-made alterations IC.
We’re not all reading off a script, we’re not all pawns of Perroy, my literal single interaction with the guy was replying to one thing he said in general chat a few weeks ago, and I’m a decently ranked member of a decently sized PCU guild, so if we were all under his Tyranid Hive Control surely I’d have interacted with him more than once (at a push at that).

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Bit of a weird take because; what guild is?


you should join and see for yourself instead of talking mad :billed_cap:

I honestly don’t consider any opinion on the internals of the PCU valid unless you’ve actually joined and participated in the community, you’re just operating on assumptions and old bad feelings rather than going out to see things as they actually are

Argent Dawn was always a fairly good reason to stay subbed to WoW even in periods of content drought, since it was one of the few places in the world you could find genuinely open, free-form roleplay. If you’re familiar with the Cathedral and the Bazaar analogy, Argent Dawn was the quintessential Bazaar. The PCU is a Cathedral now constituting a good chunk of AD’s playerbase, and Cathedrals (by which I mean centrally-managed RP communities) are dime-a-dozen on the internet nowadays.

That’s true. Still, there’s a difference between the guild-as-unit and the self-contained network of guilds led and directed by one person, like the difference between a free market and a planned economy; it’s the difference between having the initiative to set up your own guild concept and running someone else’s for them.

No, I just genially thought the idea was stupid, as I expanded on why I thought the idea was stupid further in the topic. I am glad that I can still make my own decisions without anyone’s influence.

Simply false, cause I was never a part of PCU.

I really don’t get the infamous stigma that if your opinion aligns with some from the PCU - you are an immediate apologist for the community and therefore a homophobe, sexist, natsee and all the extra words that come along with such “title”.

Even if it

was seen as a coordinated attack of the drones - it still doesn’t evolve further than assumptions that simply breed false accusations and further division into “black and white” classification, which is just fundamentally wrong if you wish to remain objective in any further conversations.

Hold on, when I made DPC, was I actually Perroy?
I knew it! Tuzoh must be Perroy in a wig!


Federation of Evil

Same, but here we are again talking bag and accusing everybody who disagrees as being part of the PCU.

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Get in the bag

Sounds somewhat like “who-zat”, or “Who’s that?”

The answer: Perroy.

I’ve been playing since Legion and for me it’s never been like that. There’s been Duskwood, there’s been Stormwind, sometimes there was Booty Bay and sometimes there was Feathermoon (And personally I never felt too much like I could just walk-up in Feathermoon compared to the other places, but it should still be mentioned IMO). I’m not doubting that there may have been free-form roleplay on the server but in my time here I’ve never personally experienced.

Generally it feels like less people are playing on Argent Dawn these days, and to me I think it’s just that less people are playing the game in general - which I would again accredit Blizzard’s shoddy expansions for rather than to anyone on Argent Dawn.


Lets peel off that fur and see whose really been behind DPC!

If the PCU is a planned economy then you’re arguing for planned economies, because the PCU is great and works efficiently and cleanly.

I’m actually fond of planned economies, so you shouldn’t read too much into that - it’s an analogy, nothing more.

((warps in wearing an unusual tan and green uniform with a 6 pointed badge))

this is false. the name was chosen by its creator and attempts were made to dissuade him

source: i was there at the dawn of its creation

((warps away before anyone can reply to me))

Hey you should consider changing that and join one of our Award Winning* :tm: guilds.

*awards are purely speculative, this cannot be considered a legally binding statement swearsies-realsies. But they are great places to RP + have a great community.