PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

When you’ll create platform for mages, researchers and alike. I’ll heavily consider it. Untill then I’ll continue being hated by Lightforged for saying Light’s a symbiotic force

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I would like to say something. Yes i am a member of Bilgewater Battalion and joined them a few days ago.
I started a new account a few days ago used my boost for a Goblin hunter as you can all see. I was approached by a member of the guild and IC asked to join.
I took a few moments and thought about all the things i have seen on the forums about this group and almost said no. Wow what a great bunch of people told them this was a new account and the help i have gotten has been great.
It is not much but when you log on and there in the post is something you can use IE: pet, transmog gear etc just makes me feel all i have read in the past as perhaps not 100% correct.
I am sure as in every group there are those that cause others trouble lets not pretend we are all perfect as none of us are not. But the kindness that has been shown to me online and discord has been excellent and I suggest give them a chance do not let others sway you away.


Twenty One…


There’s twenty PCU guilds… giving Perroy ideas as to what people are interested in just pushes us closer to 21


Sorry! I posted on my Void elf.

I am always excited to see the next guild created. Painted Shields caught my intrest despite myself not being interested in troll RP or even the lore until then. But I hope another is created on Alliance side I can fall into.


The truth of the matter is that some people are so afraid of confrontation, or the mere fantasy of it, that they prefer to perform the most mind-boggling mental gymnastics concievable rather than take some intiative to try a new experience firsthand.
Instead of reaching out to a stranger, taking a chance with a new character, or joining a guild on an old one (It can be intimidating I admit) and finding out for themselves what it means to be a part of a role-playing ‘community’, they feel safe fabricating an evil, manipulative, permeating cabal of machiavellian RPers that wants to strangle all opposition.
I can’t think of a word that even begins to approach that level of cognitive dissonance.

The World of Warcraft is called an MMORPG. We want to Role Play massively with multiple people. The PCU is quite literally the biggest group of die hard dorks on the server. That’s it. We just want to RP yo.
If you can process that, reach your own conclusion, and decide to check it out, then then take a pick of what guild catches your interest. You are spoilt for choice.


But how am I supposed to RP my void elf bartender in peace and quiet if the world is changing


another one of these huh

Given the in-game comments I’m not so sure this was made as a “non-hate” thing but, if we were to take the main point for what it is on its own:

Initially when I saw that there was a PCU guild for pretty much everything I kind of raised my eyebrows and wasn’t sure it’d be all that good for the server. I never thought this was some intentional power play kind of thing, just that I wasn’t sure that so many different concepts all under being under one roof, as it were, would really work out all that well in the long run.

While I don’t RP a whole lot anymore (though hoping to get back into it soon), however, I can say that from what I’ve seen these fears turned out to be unfounded. I don’t mean that as some hyperbolic endorsement (I’m not in any of their guilds and despite some occasional random RP my IC interaction with PCU guilds has been fairly limited), but most people I’ve come across seem to be good RPers and pleasant people. I’ll admit that sometimes the line between forum irony and hostility can be a bit difficult to read in the case of a small number of players but that just goes for the server as a whole, and while I’ve had arguments with PCU members in the past no one in it really strikes me as a horrible person.


An unashamedly Tushui “we live and bleed blue for the alliance and the principled life is worth clashing swords over”.

It’s a small niche but this would without doubt push me full time back into RP. I have many Alliance pandas, they’re alliance for a reason and it’s not so they can chill in Pandaria and keep hand wringing about conflict or seeing it as something to be avoided at all costs. Some things are worth fighting for! :panda_face: :lion:

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There’s so few Pandaren on Alliance bro … it would be pretty funny but I think you would be struggling to maintain activity

Sunnyglade Ratters recruits Pandaren though surely you can still be a pandaren in blue there


I really enjoy to see people bringing the topic of being afraid of confrontation or completly avoiding itself, to then see them post on alts because they’re too afraid of being confronted by the same ideas they defend.

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Yeah you’re right, who would do that sort of thing?

As an aside, the Alliance really could use more dedicated Tushui.

It would be nice, but I could count the number of alliance Pandaren on one hand and at least one of those fingers was my alt

I’d like to add my two cents, too. I’m fairly new to WoW RP (started a couple months ago only) so take my words as you will.

I’ve been roleplaying in other venues for years, now, but this game in particular I never did dabble in. So, I spectated for a while, and from that perspective, all I saw was a proper, organic whole. Not bubbles, not cliques.
I went in-character just randomly one day, got approached by friendly and not-so-friendly people, as one would be. On multiple occasions I was offered membership of groups, but never pressured into it, eventually deciding with the one I liked best, and have been with them since. These people were cool, patient, and nothing but understanding towards me, and anyone who joined in after me. When I had an issue with another player, I took it to an officer, and it was handled in a proper, mature manner that didn’t lead to screaming matches or forum flame wars.
A week or so in, I was told a big multi-guild event will happen, and, to be fair, I haven’t seen a similarly sized one before. This was the FIRST time I even heard the term ‘PCU’, and soon found out the gist of it. Unsurprisingly, that didn’t change a single thing, it was still a gathering of cool, level-headed people who all operated on those three rules that keep being brought up - none of which are unreasonable or particularly hard to adhere to, mind you, I’ve done so, and have avoided clashes or issues with others. People who weren’t members of the PCU happened by these events too, and were welcomed just the same way as I was. If I saw roleplay I felt disinclined to be part of, I excused myself and no ire was drawn. Organizing was never on one person but several, and from what I’ve seen, most things that would need to be considered for a player-made MMORPG event, are indeed mulled over in detail by those at the helm. Sure, it’s possible that on a personal level I wouldn’t click with all of these people a hundred percent, but that doesn’t mean they were in any way unwelcoming or mean towards me. So in all honesty, my experiences with this community were nothing but positive - down to the forum posts summarizing / advertising events, which all make me feel rather giddy to see.

…Even if by being part, I am now suddenly disliked and / or ignored by complete strangers to whom I have not spoken a single word in my entire life.

tl;dr - If you like the PCU, cool! If you don’t, also cool. Just be reasonable and mature about it, talk it out like adults do. As a sorta-fresh roleplayer, it feels incredibly disheartening to see people just refuse interaction because I happen to be part of a guild that happens to be part of a larger community.

P.S.: Join the Bilgewater Battalion! We’re super cool.


No! No! Join the Seventh Cohort! The Painted Shields!


Oh, sure, if you want to be primitive. If you want to pilot mechs, look cool and commit war crimes? The Assemblage of Uld is for you!


typical alliance

Edit: blast, wrong character

You have a choice between primitive Trolls and rampaging tech geeks. Why not both? Uncle Bedlam wants YOU!

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Elune wants YOU to help commit warcrimes! Join the Dirge today and do your duty!