PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

Just join Ronin, nu-Horde is basically more Alliance than Alliance is

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Can’t. I find huojin philosophy a bit ooof and can’t headcanon it away when being a horde panda, and I personally dislike neutral RP (not knocking anyone it’s just not for me).

It’s not a critique as said because there are good reasons it doesn’t exist. Just makes me look at my pandaren collection and prepare the dust cloth for when the RP moment arrives.

Huojin gets a bit of flak for being a real ‘act first, think later’ sort of rap, but it really isn’t all that when you get down to it.
‘Doing something’ doesn’t mean you have to immediately fight. It just means you get to do a lot more activities IC and have different approaches. Before fighting.
The fun part about philosophy is how much it can be debated (imo). You should hit some of us up, maybe we can all learn something.

Anyway enough plugging. If folks want to know about the PCU or have concerns, it’s been said enough times, just go to the thread made for that!

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I am just a lowly ordinary member, so don´t take this as some confirmation, but I´d say it´s likely some high elf RP will emerge once pre-patch hits.
There are multiple PCU people who seem to be interested in that race (including me).

Nah not interested in High Elf exclusive guild. What grinds my gears personally is research, interpresting lore through ingame avatar. Librarian researcher borign job.

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“Grinds my gears” means something that irritates you, not excites you!


Agreed. I don’t see Huojin as that either. I see it as “the ends justify the means” loosely speaking, not necessarily always springing to action, but to quibble over means when the end is threatened is something they’d likely frown upon.

In contrast to Tushuis “never treat the means as to some end, but an end in themselves”. This doesn’t mean Tushui “do nothing”, rather they consider the way of acting has to be justified as much as why you’re doing it.

Loosely speaking if we consider them moral philosophies huojin is a form of consequentialiam and tushui is a form of catergorical ethics.

It would be pretty cool to meet and discuss IC.

This ends my derail. Something PCU is not the Sith Empire in Waiting Something.

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You can be a Horde Tushui can’t you? It’s an ideology

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This is how you decode when one isnt native english speaker. XD

Yeah, I figured it might’ve been. English is a dumb language

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You can indeed, that’s something which has been floated before in the guild. Strictly speaking, there is nothing preventing a Tushui follower from joining up with the Horde when leaving the Isle other than their own ethical principles, which certainly have proven to be pretty defining. And peer pressure.

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Wow a lot happened when I left the thread at ‘Let it die, I’ve made my apologies, had some queries and got some answers/discussion.’ Sad to see some people still attacking me, or what seems to be me in the thread, I was angry and irrational, and for the final time, apologise for that single rude in game yell. Cannot stress it any further I am not anti-PCU here, even with the odd few people thinking I am and lashing out at me, those in the thread sharing their personal experiences and discussing things in a more civil manner has eased my worries on some of the PCU stuff and given me a more informed, better opinion on things.

So thanks to those who did so, I’m sad to see so much anger back and forth, I do understand PCU guild members defending themselves since the hate against them is more than I originally thought. A lot of you though took my word and heard me out, responded and for that I’m thankful, and you’ve had me consider joining future events possibly in the future, and if I ever do settle on one character, and it seems a PCU guild is the most fitting for them, I’d not be so hesitant/against joining one.

Gonna mute the thread now since I’ve had a good few posts that have cleared things up for me and put my worries and queries to rest. So all the best.


Have a good one, king/queen.

It’s OK you don’t have to apologise 100 times it was one goofy yell it’s fine / cool take care & have a good one bro

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Runs in super-late and out of breath

If you want to commit war crimes by complete accident and through buffoonery with equal-buffoons then become a Venturer and come on a Redventure!


If you make that a thing, I want to take part!

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I guess it doesn’t make sense to assume all huojin and tushui ended up in their respective factions. Then again the reception they’d receive “on the other side” is a different question given they appear willing to kill each other over it.
Perhaps an adherent of a “middle way” between the two?
That or a Tushui seeking answers their own philosophy hasn’t been able to provide. “Can this power be taught?” “Not from a Jedi” as it were.


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Tbh the whole PCU vs Anti-PCU is silly as it can be resolved by one simple thing: Ignoring the people you don’t want to play with like a normal person.

Such a shame threads like this have to pop up every so often.

sadly i have the self awareness to say i lack both the time and commitment to run something of the sort, thus we may only wait for a bolder soul to take up this mantle.

i don’t think it ever comes to blood about tushui vs huojin, only ever about horde vs alliance.


Was there even much interest in this kinda concept among other PCU members or not really?