PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

That sounds horrible

Visionaries always encounter non believers… You will understand my plan one day.


I mean, we did see SOME panda lore.

An alliance healer in a WQ, a horde sqaluad leader in a nazmir WQ, the 2 named faction pandaren casually teaming up in defense of thunder bluff (AGAINST NOTHING LOL!)

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Especially Gilneans, who had not one but 2 homes destroyed by the Horde, and the Kaldorei who had their home torched just for Anduin to go. ”Sucks to be you lol.”

Elune should have blessed the elves with the concept of fire extinguishers.

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Then again we never see Pandaren in faction stories so its entirely plausible they don’t fight each other at all and just stick to killing other races where need arises and otherwise avoid each other.

Basically yeah? Or they’re so rare that you don’t have to worry about coming across one.
The only canon occasion in which the Huojin and Tushui have fought, I think, is in the Temple of Kotmogu. They were apparently the representative faction fighters in the temple, 'cause the NPC’s who recruited you to queue up when they actually still had those dudes were part of their respective Pandaren faction.

Perhaps, then again, Perhaps if the Zandalari learned how to build doors the king would not be dead. :sunglasses:

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i must say… that open throne room pointing towards nazmir is also a weird oversight.


Indeed, With no protection other than like… 2 guards, and some advisors.

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R U L E O F C O O L babeyy :sunglasses:

Warlocks are evil. Mages are :innocent:

turns out that’s just his balcony, his real throne room is inside the structure, in the raid.

He sure liked his balcony.

What can I say? It is good to be king.

Rhastakhan too busy memeing alliance over how they were crawling in the mud when his people had empires that he forgot about doors.

I actually think the Zandalari home strategy for defence has sincerely rested upon them assuming everyone else thinks they’re as godly as they think they are, so they wouldn’t dare to attack them, so why bother with bog-standard security measures like doors, or not building your open-face palace in the direction of a swamp full of people who hate you?

All it takes is some dudes to go “imma attack anyway” and their whole system is exposed as a complete shambles. It’s evidently clear based upon their military thinking - “We’ve heard enemies are afoot in X, I know let’s send essentially our entire military forces to investigate it and leave our capitol with skeleton crew.”

It’s pretty clear they didn’t ascend to the power they are because of sound strategy, rather those around them are either dumber than they are are just can’t be bothered to compete with them.

He knows too much…Sharpens daggers

I figure most of my problem with the PCU is that they consider me some kind of creepy grooming predator type.
(Yeah I’m one of those spooky awful erp’ers you hear so much about. Tremble before me.)
So, y’know. Hard to get along with that.

You could always… not ERP.


not ERP? on a game for ages 13 and up?

Now you’re just talking nonsense.


Imagine announcing it on the forums. Cringe