PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

Even if you might think so, when it comes to this case specifically with the ToS, it isnt something we can argue. It is a -set- list of things allowed and not allowed within the game, and that includes things like ERP as it falls under the in-game code of conduct for chat behaviour.

And the severity of how it’s actioned is also not something we can argue, as it is decided by Blizzard and also written down.

It is a matter of principle for me that the ToS should be followed, not just on this, but in general, I’ve talked about this lengthy on the Homophobia threads. We all legally agree to follow it to the letter in order to play the game, so no one should skew around it with their opinions on diffrent aspects of it. Follow it and play/roleplay, or don’t and don’t play at all. It is the same for everybody.

If you want to ERP, simply do so on another platform that doesn’t have these rules/isn’t in the game.


You know how people some times live in different countries?

And yeah, awful people do awful stupid things that hurts people. They suck.

And with that I sign out of the conversation. Toodles!

You should sign out from WoW instead and find a proper platform to do your dirty deeds.


Haha owned

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If only there were other means of communication.
If only we possessed this level of technology.

I don’t think anyone asked.


So it’s that easy for you to bail on a conversation and with people telling you what the ToS is?


Hey Anni, there is a trash bin button at the end of posting screen. Press it + yes abandon every time you try to voice this erp nonsense yo thanks

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Yeah I live +8hrs ahead of my partner and yet don’t ERP (or cyber in general because its cringe but hey) because phones are a thing r u mad using this as a defence.

“Arrrgh I need WoW to facilitate cyber even though there’s plenty of apps I could use instead aughhh”

Oh wait they said toodles I guess I have been owned





Your honor, my client has plead toodles.

Chance would be a fine thing :pensive:


Cmon king, self deprecation isn’t helping you :frowning:

If you want to be like this

Then expect to be seen like this

Annlively ready to go post about their private lives on another public forum.

All power to you Ann! and your loved ones! Just don’t tell us about it/don’t do it in the 12+ rated game.


Yeah, that was a self-inflicted wound if ever I’ve seen one.

“I normalise a practise that directly leads to sexual harrassment and grooming of children, wait why are you saying I normalise this b-baka”


i honestly think that people like you do more damage to your own image just through blistering un-self-awareness than everyone else combined. it’s unfathomable that, of all the lines of defence you could take, ‘being a nonce is not as bad as swearing actually’ is what you settled on.

Fun thing is that there probably wouldn’t even be an issue here to begin with if said person didn’t publicly confess to erping in private with a consenting adult, because who the heck would know other than those two?

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Eh, it’s fair really. Normalisation is a scary thing that creeps up on ya. Your point’s taken.

So I’m going to put myself out here; I’m 30 now and have been in the RP scene since I was around 15 years old. I’ve been a young, impressionable and horny teenage boy and with enough motivating factors it’s real easy to get pulled into ERP, whether you intend to go in that direction or not.

Over time I engaged in it as an extension of my otherwise normal (if super edgy at times) RP in WoW and other games in the early years, and it took longer than I’d like for the shame and disgust to set in with what I was doing. It became an almost inevitable and mandatory facet of my RP sesssions at one point.

Did I know the people I was engaging with? Not beyond what they told me about themselves, and you surely can’t verify that and likely have no interest in doing a thorough background check. Why would you?

Did they know much about me? Not at all; I shared very little about my own life and would lie about myself just for kicks because my reality was not at all interesting or glamorous.

It’s a dangerous and skeevy activity that is only ever self-gratifying in the most base of ways, with little to no care for who it may potentially damage, and that person may well end up being yourself.

It polutes an otherwise fun and collaborative hobby and pushes you into the shadows with a small group of people or individual where the activity can only ever self-perpetuate. You already know what you’re doing is not cool with the majority and so better to stick with people you’re ERPing with, and certainly hiding it from people who don’t already know.

To claim that there is anything noble or “true RP” about it, as a certain someone on these forums once claimed, is a blatant lie both to the people you spout it to as well as to yourself. There is nothing to deepen the relationship of two romantically involved characters that can’t be done with a fade to black emote or just not addressing that aspect at all. It’s entirely unnecesary.

One-handed typing is a meme but is 100% true when referring to ERP. You are engaging in sexual acts with a relative stranger on the internet, regardless of how close you might think you are, and if you know the person in reality then I don’t see how that makes it any better.

If you’re into it, try breaking yourself out from it and actually just engage in roleplay that is about the activities of your character, that you no doubt love, outside of a bedroom setting and live their adventures in a world that is about a lot more than how sexy the races are, and develop that character that you have created and watch them grow (the person grow, not their genitalia). That’s the heart of RP, and ERP is just a corruption of that original goal that warps and distorts the boundries between IC and OOC into very uncomfortable and unhealthy places.

I haven’t spoken about the child grooming issues and implications here, as I feel like the above posts and posts made in other threads have covered this point already and in a better way than I could.

Akamito out :v:


The most wholesome anti-coomer post I’ve read in years - you’ve convinced me to finally delete my folder of anime swimsuit ladies and head outside to rediscover Jesus.

Thank you my friend :pensive: