PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

No need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Anime swimsuit ladies are permissable imho. Better if they are in body pillow form.

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Well shucks kid, that’s all I needed to hear.

/e enters the recycle bin on his desktop and hits “restore folder”

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Trying to play into ignorance as if it’s your gimmick doesn’t make what you’re doing any less wrong - just remember that

“Yeah, I ERP, how could you tell?” is honestly such a bizarre and unnecessary thing to not only go out of your way to mention to others on a public form, but is generally a pretty strange hill to choose to die on too. Like … yeah … we don’t like those things happening on WoW + this game is an inappropriate platform to do it on - who’d have guessed we would disagree with what you do?

Genuinely a bit perplexed as to why you feel the need to flaunt this lore tidbit about yourself as if it’s something you’d put on your CV / portfolio (because I definitely would not)


To claim that there is anything noble or “true RP” about it, as a certain someone on these forums once claimed, is a blatant lie both to the people you spout it to as well as to yourself. There is nothing to deepen the relationship of two romantically involved characters that can’t be done with a fade to black emote or just not addressing that aspect at all. It’s entirely unnecesary.

In WoW (and any other unsuited platforms), sure.

Somewhere age-appropriate and with equally age-appropriate partners? Can work. Just don’t bring it into WoW and everything’s swell.


… and then announced on the forums, because it is very very important that actually this allegedly private ERP is broadcasted to the server

Aye my slime you’re acting kinda strange …


Title: PCU Discussion, Questions and Views.
Current content: A mexican standoff where people are accusing each other of ERP.

What in the world happened to this thread?

Welcome to the forums, kiddo.

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I admit, with shame, that I share with you the experiences of first half of your post and couldnt agree more with it all

A really good post Akamito


So true, I’m tempted to upvote it with all my alts now


Same here, it definitely messed with me on the longterm, hell, getting close to a decade after it started and I’m still sorting things out.

It went on for a multitude of years and literally at not even any 1x single point did anyone ask about my age, or anything of the sort.


Yeah, possibly. I wouldn’t want to speak to this though since my experience is entirely based on WoW and similar platforms.

For me it was an entirely unhealthy and debilitating phase that wouldn’t have been any better for being somewhere more age-appropriate.

Glad you can relate, I think it’s more common than people expect.

That’s a bit excessive forum bestie. One alt is okay though.


For me it was an entirely unhealthy and debilitating phase that wouldn’t have been any better for being somewhere more age-appropriate.

Very sorry to hear that. I didn’t mean my comment to undermine your experiences in any way. I’ve had very similar ones, both in and outside of WoW. Fortunately, I also had a more private, creative space to experiment in, but that’s beside your point and unrelated to this platform. Carry on!

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You didn’t, no worries!

I just wanted to address your comment in some way, even if it was only to say that what you were talking about was outside of my own experiences, which it is.

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Thank you for being so transparent over your own experiences. I am sincerely hoping none of what you said will be taken out of context and added to some internet social media page in an attempt to make you look like a hypocrite. I think you know where I mean!


Are you telling me your uncle doesn’t really control Blizzard Entertainment?

I agree with this 100%. There are places and platforms where ERP isn’t really an issue - it’s just one more thing consenting adults can do between themselves, and it’s no more or less weird than many other sexual interests a person might have.

However, it’s worth remembering that any discussion on the AD forums relates to WoW RP and the community on this server.


What, make it to the hall of fame? Sounds good to me.

Real talk though; ERP is bad, and my sharing here is really just me giving some context as to why I personally think it’s bad in addition to the other great points that have been made in this thread and on these forums over years.

No that is real I swear.


Thanks for sharing your experience.

I’m likely one of the more sex-positive people you’ll meet (have a few friends who are full-service workers), so please understand I am not judging you on prudish tones here. Draw and write smut about your characters to your heart’s content, or have sex with whomever is willing.

I just draw a hard line at it being placed in-game. It’s not as simple as “you ERP = you predator” but normalising it in this format in particular causes harm to vulnerable people.

Also, awkwardly smushing models in brown underwear together isn’t very exciting so one might as well use a text-based format anyway.


I was a young, horny renard who didnt care about my age not getting verified. I wasnt hurt by anybody, wasnt forced into this. I was just a mere forehead.

The cringe

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Tbf I think lots of people have tried ERP and many of us luckily saw the back of it in the end. There’s no shame to admitting to past mistakes really. It’s good to share points from being in the depths of hell and coming out the other side.

Just a shame some are still stuck in it.