PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

Amazing post. I made a similar one a few years ago about myself on the old forums, I am glad to see others are also coming forth to tell about the massive problems it can (and will) cause both to yourself and others.


Popcorn munching material is what happened. Surprised the mods didnt lock it, but hey, may the entertainment continue.

Listen man i know we’ve established math isn’t your strongsuit lilynore, but even the PCU can’t magically make our days longer than 24 hours


You know it is really funny we keep getting told by these goldshire guilds and usual suspects we can’t just change the realm and that all of our efforts are futile.

But then the PCU managed to, in Lilynores own words, destroy his guild single handedly. Further, every time we have these threads on the forums and host some events for ourselves, we just keep growing.

We’re +200 members atm on peak hours online every day. Next goal is 300. As our influence grows so too does the amount of people who don’t allow ERP in this game.


‘Guild’ is too small, now.

Try ‘village’ next? Bring some ray of light to this freaking awful year? :stuck_out_tongue:

Best thing is, they are wrong to say that. The PCU didn’t destroy Goldshire Lux, Lilynore’s Asmongold interview destroyed it. They were hoist by their own petard.


Worst PR move since Prince Andrew agreed to a TV interview.


I mean, I guess it’s nice he said he had help destroying his guild, but the truth is, he never needed it. He was capable of and did it -all- by himself.

“My self destructive tendancies are part of the PCU”

Signed, dressed space goat.

That was so funny.

Asmon: “Can we do an interview.”
Lily: “Yes. For one million gold.”
Asmon: “Deal.”
Asmon arrives on AD
Asmon: “I need one million gold.”
Random ADer gives Asmon one million gold
Asmon: “Thanks! Okay, let’s do this interview.”

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I haven’t cringed this hard in a long time. My face muscles needed the exercise.

You’re honestly on a mad one atm and come off as some crazy dude that’s just rambling to himself rather than actually talking to anyone in this thread. People like yourself who insist this narrative pulled out of thin air sometimes make me wish that the PCU was the evil that you desperately wish it to be, but it isn’t lol

Literally just contact somebody in the PCU (an officer, preferably) and we’ll discuss whatever your gripe is; if I’m not mistaken, I’m pretty sure that we’re willing to extend an olive branch to just about anybody so long as they’ve not egregiously wronged our community in some shape or form. You must have some legitimate reason to be so wound up, right? The reasons for your vitriol surely can’t have just been witnessed in a dark dream … right? …

[closes my eyes + touches my temples + begins to experience a vision] Ah… I see it… a vision… it’s telling me something… the vision is whispering… “PCU … bad”


OP, I saw you asking about IC summaries of events and stuff. Perhaps the Stormwind discord would be good for you? It’s basically just a nice big server (nearly 700 strong!) of Stormwind RPers where we all share events and rumours and stuff about things happening in Stormwind!



lets allow this thread to die y’all
we have to make way for the next one :wink:

What is dead, can never die.

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this is like arriving halfway through an argument between two ultra-leftists about an obscure 19th century labour strike. what actually are you talking about? what does any of this mean? what is furaffinity? who is the 23rd precinct detective?

i don’t think it’s cool to say other people have coom brains when your post reads like it was written by a donkey with a severe head injury


Want to re-post this on your main Mr.Altposter?

What’s hard to understand about not bringing 18+ stuff to a teen rated game. It’s not that complicated. If u done it in the past but now realize it’s stupid+bad to bring that into the game then you are ok. It’s just that simple.
Are you saying that PCU members are currently bringing NSFW/18+ stuff into the game? Please report them if so.


yeah sure as long as it isn’t linked around ingame/isn’t tied to a character with some relation to the guilds of our community because that’d be pretty cringe

idk any other questions

also yeah please do this if it pops up thanks

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Most people don’t bring it into the game at all though it is related to their chars, myself included. But the people who oppose it enjoy dragging it to the forums for all to see usually. Which is backwards but happens once a while.

Just keep it from the forums and the game and it’s fine tbf.