PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

I think this is quite an overestimation on your part


kinda weird how frostknuckle is getting mass reported for voicing a valid opinion tbh

in my experience people that have art like this usually do these scenarios in game too so like, wouldn’t it be better to have them pick one or the other? pcu and it’s no cyber or letting people do it freely cos it reflects badly when you just mass report valid views lmao

Argh no… 5 people think he’s breaking ToS… clearly this is a mass flag campaign



Technical he did break tos cuz ain’t he naming someone and trying to smear them?


I know you think you’ve scored some huge gotcha, but you really haven’t.

Commissioned artwork is an interaction between an artist and a customer. That’s it. It doesn’t take place within WoW or the official forums, and is generally hosted on a separate website. You’re assuming a piece of artwork is evidence of ERP when it isn’t.

An example of when it is a problem is when artwork is linked through TRP profiles to supplement or encourage ERP, potentially with minors. If that occurs, as advised above, then report them. But you do that already, right?


Probably, dont really know/didnt report him myself but i can see why people would


Naming and shaming is against the terms of service of the forums.
If he did it without namecalling, perhaps, but he is trying to call on people we know based on outside websites. Its not irl doxing, but still the probable connection, if it exists, is not obvious. Either it’s true and he’s doing kinkshaming and exposing other people private folders, either it’s false and it’s diffamation.

So yeah, if he wants to make hot takes, perhaps he shouldn’t mix it with ad hominems.


Yeah did not report him either, was just saying why he probably did get flagged

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Sadly people don’t believe this :roll_eyes: Artwork =/= always IC stuff. Fs.

Realistically policing what people are looking at outside of the game doesn’t work as a policy - like how would you put that into effect? Do you assign someone who has to do that as their officer task or w/e

The PCU’s policy is only regarding in-game cyber and that has been the case for years and years and has been repeatedly clarified as that. The rules of the PCU are also largely meant to be for those PCU-related areas ie. in-game/the discord and stuff like that

If someone’s doing something weird in-game like that we will kick them instantly but that is really about as expansive as that is. It is already (in terms of online video game communities) a huge handful to enforce even that without having to demand to see people ___hub watchlists for personal curation

Basically there’s a divide between what we might call cringe and what isn’t allowed. Like can you imagine selling that as a policy? It wouldn’t fly

Kinda weird to see you being very hard line on this based on the guilds you used to run with also but I guess someones you need to make 1x kinda weird post

Yeah I guess not if it’s characters that are related to the PCU. I think that’s more of a personal thing rather than a written policy though

They can do what they want as long as it isn’t in-game / rubbed directly into my eyes I think

Wish it wasn’t if I’m to be completely honest with you bro


re. that, it’s kinda easy to just dig up dirt like this on people so wouldn’t you wanna run through the checks? i dunno who this frostknuckle is but he did it quite easily to the point where i think a few members are going “huh didn’t know that weird might avoid em now” which is fair.

kinda weird snipe @ me, like what guilds did i used to run with where i cant have opinions about this? isn’t that the point of “used to”?

i guess i do when stuff seems kinda weird, big P

big flag imo if they’re content with sexualizing their characters i just wouldn’t take the risk

that’s alright you don’t have to as you aren’t an officer of any guild/community Tenasa is in


Are u saying we have to go through members to find out what ever they do on the internet on sites made for what ever they may be doing there? Sounds pretty weird to me mate

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full stop right there mate pack it in forum ghost @ Agtherian


well yeah and i’m not going to? whats the point of this reply?

nah but this guy did it so maybe do it for the prolific ones or react to it friend rather than just mass reporting the guy who’s rumbling them

are you some level 110 mage superfan or something lol

if u wanna crazily monitor all of our members’ activity outside of WoW go wild I suppose

about the same as your input on how to run the PCU.

It’s pointless.


dunno why u gotta start flinging, why you wanna crazily resort to flinging?


are you the only one that’s allowed to fling? because that seems like a slight imbalance in the game of forum :monkey:


Are you suggesting that we approach every player with this kind of questionaire? Maybe feasible if you’re talking a handful of players though pretty weird anyway but for our scale I am more than happy to just enforce more or less the in-game ToS and not involve myself too much outside of the game

A kinda weird for a kinda weird, tit for tat

I think you know your own history and know what I mean so there’s no point of me respoding and catching a free vacay

The duality of man

I mean yeah that’s fair, as I said if it’s their PCU character specifically then I would be less liberal. I just want 0 connection with this out of game stuff

Because you’re doing weird concern trolling - despite being told very clearly what the policy is and also having never cared so much when it was guys who were healing you in RP PVP or w/e


that’s valid, if anyone thinks i was flinging or attacking them i’m not, sorry you see it that way.

that’s why you get officers isn’t it? so they can control the bubble they’re in. if you think it’s feasible, spread out the work.

i do but i have bad memory so like maybe before you go abroad give me a pointer towards a specific guild and point ur making otherwise i’m just gonna think you got nothing

that was basically what i was curious about. obviously the connection of a PCU character = way more heat in the water, but i’d at least give them a rap on the knuckles for trying to stir up stuff on their pcu character.

it’s a valid concern imo. mass downvoting and mass reports are the PCU’s forum history for a lot of people.
i noticed less of it back then/probably didn’t follow it and probably still don’t.
i have a history of being a forum warrior for sure, so its not like its ooc for me.