PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

that’s true, we’re 200% of the server

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Can actually confirm that as someone who’s stood against the PCU on multiple occassions that not a single PCUer has whispered me (with the exception of Kump, but that was a friendly and enjoyable conversation) whenever I used to be online on any of my characters.

What is strange was that one anti-PCUer who whispered me once to thank me for “standing up” against this “fascist” community, and I’m using the word “fascist” lightly here, because said person actually described the PCU much, much worse.


Life is too short and full of wonders to spend 1 nanosecond pondering what does some nobody over the internet think about you.

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Fun fact: the only hate whispers I’ve ever received are from people complaining about me putting words to the effect of ‘Illidan says trans rights’ in my TRP

EDIT: someone did also once send a lovely mail to Stonetower when I wobbled a bit mentally but I very rarely play that character, shoutout to that person


Angry gamers can’t stand people supporting trans or lgtbq+ rights!


Remember when some people would put “Ignores the usual” in their OOC TRP notes? Last night I saw “Ignores the PCU”. But don’t worry chaps, also saw “Will happily RP with the PCU” so balance is restored!


In most cases, I found that the people who actively put things like “ignores X” or “ignores the usual” were both not only quite bad roleplayers/not fun to roleplay with, but also not really nice people OOC either to interact with.

It adds nothing to the table really, because the obviously bad stuff like trolls, people already know/knew to ignore without needing to showcase that they do/call attention to it, and same with other things like weird concepts a person might personally dislike, like cat-rp, child rp etc. If you don’t want to interact with them, don’t showcase it like that/boast about it, it just looks smug.

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If I see any sort of “does not RP with PCU” or whatever I just think… thanks for saving me the annoyance. I didn’t much want to be scrutinised and nitpicked by someone hoping to get a “gotcha bad PCU” moment anyway, instead of being RP’d with in good faith.


As a fresher roleplayer in WoW, the whole “ignores / doesn’t interact with PCU” thing is just disheartening to me. Really uncool.

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It’s that I am seen more and more TRP3 with OOC details saying “Anti-PUC” “Do not talk to PCU members” and so on.

That, as a non-PCU member, also would put me off thay person/s too.

Simply put, it shows close-mindedness (with the odd exception of people who may have had a bad experience in the past). They’ve already made up their minds (as others have put it) “PCU bad!”.

There’s been times in the past, in forum and game, where I’ve thought “Thats a bit much” or “Thats a bit mean/rude” and “I wish there was more sensible responses and not just meme-speak”. And yet, at the same time, I have also RP’d in passing with some guilds/peeps and thought “Hey, this has been really fun RP” and "These characters are all really neat. "

It’s… a very weird environment and mindset being perpetuated, honestly.


There’s a tavern guild in Stormwind (with a night elf DK bouncer, so, y’know) where every single member of the guild seems to have this in their TRP, almost like it’s some sort of guild rule.

Bit of a weird one.

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Wait…ur PCU…?

Damn, cant believe I’ve run events 4 u…I’m complicit in your crimes :sweat:


I do not RP with anyone in the PCU, anyone who has liked a post made by a PCU member (including their alts) or had a post liked by one.

Also if you’ve ever participated in an RP-PvP event, even if it wasn’t run by the PCU, you’re out. Just can’t take the risk.


Not do something? Have you any idea how hard that is?!

Joking aside, these people seem to think we’re the anthropomorphic personification of EVIL. As seen above, were apparently fascists, although other accusations include: bigot, homophobe, transphobe, Islamaphobe, anti-semitism, cultist behaviour, probably tankie-ism, and probably littering too. So they wont stop this constant ‘PCUbad’ posting because in the minds of such people, we’re utter monsters.

Of course, it doesn’t help that the PCU is honestly one of the most accepting and diverse communities I’ve ever been in. Others have written about how many of those accusations are nonsense, but in this case I write as someone who’s openly gay, and have been called a token asset by ‘PCUbad’ types for my troubles, but in the PCU itself? No issues, not one.


Careful there, lest these people will say you’re a supporter of the PCU now.


You’re right. This can not be.



Amusingly enough also saw quite a few of these most desperate to involve themselves in our recent riot event! Strange how that goes.

Yeah this has been my experience as well, even despite beating people over the head with constant references to my SO in one way or another. Meanwhile I get called a ‘token gay’ by the brave rebels, as if my relationship of over half a decade now was actually just a long-term op to join the PCU as their gay champion before I even knew they existed.


i thought all gay relationships were just a front for joining the pcu, no?

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“Are you a man or a woman?”

“I’m a demon hunter.”

“What gender are you?”


“Yeah but what’s in your pants?”



now we’re thinking with portals