PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

This doesn’t seem like particularly healthy behaviour. Whoever keeps doing that needs to talk to someone or get a different hobby.


What I find more interesting is just how much time those people have and the will to spend it…

Some are certainly possessed of enough disposable income and fervency to run several accounts and altcheck everyone just to spy on rivals and gain some imagined upper hand or the satisfaction of knowing exactly who’s who in the Game of AD. They fancy themselves a cunning spider as they dance in motley.

Some people often forget to enjoy the game, to enjoy RP and just have fun.


I’m kinda want to put “does not ignore the PCU” in my TRP, stroll around Stormwind, and see how many whispers that gets me. :thinking:


They’ve been told as much but they seemingly disagree.
Doesn’t really matter though, free ad space. Rent-free, one could even say.

You’d be amazed with just how little responsibility you need to have in life if you live off neetbux

Unless you have dependents. Or live where for example disability pension doesn’t actually cover much. It very much becomes an absolute freaking nightmare if you want to both have a place to live AND food.


^ Agreed.
Given this thread ended up on a (fairly?) positive leaning, let’s maybe not go being ableist on the off-hand.


So… the long story short is.

-People want open roleplay, some are afraid the pcu seems a bit gated which isnt necessarily true if you approach people and just ask and treat them with respect.

-A lot of pcu members get a lot of hate just for being part of the pcu without having done anything wrong themselves which also puts a good few of them really on edge and on the defensive.

-There are instances of the pcu doing wrong but it has to be said that if there’s one bad apple not all of them are and if there is a constructive discussion I’m sure you can sort a few things out with the members in question.

That’s about a rough summery of a lot of I’ve been reading really.
From personal experience, I’ve had good moments, I’ve had some bad moments and I’d like more of the former.
Thanks to a lot of passionate people that make a lot of really good roleplay happen, hope to see more of you and I hope we can continue to co-exist, ideally a bit more peacefully in the future without painting the devil on the walls everytime someone hears ‘pcu’.


As someone on the “neetbux” who semi-regularly still gets bullied over it I would appreciate that thank you


If people could get this, things would be better. It’s like saying all christians are homophobic jerks or something as cliche as that. Some are, some aren’t. Don’t judge a whole.

True actually.

Grim Gest has the highest employment rate of AD/D guilds.

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I’m lucky enough that I’ve never had to be on Unemployment in the UK for any great length of time.

Anyone claiming that people would wilfully subject themselves to the DWP lizard-people because they are ‘lazy’ has very clearly never been patronised by them or their ilk in recent years. There is nothing ‘easy’ about it in the slightest, and it annoys the heck out of me hearing people spout that tired rhetoric time and again.



As someone whose job fell through when covid hit and has spent most of quarantine claiming UC, it just seems very dumb to sneer at the people who need it, yeah.


pcu advocates good rp and a sense of community, everything you need
so if you’re anti-pcu, you’re essentially anti-rp

what is another hot take in an ocean of them?

Throwback to certain people calling me lazy and laughing at me being unemployed eeeey.


I was roleplaying with a guild within the PCU at an event recently, when all of a sudden I received a whisper stating that I should stay clear from this particular guild, and the PCU as a whole If I was thinking of joining because they’re all apparently “bullies”.

Naturally I asked for proof to which I received a screenshots of his/hers friend chatlog, which stated that the friend took their leave from a PCU guild, and the person who whispered me with the warning initially was bad mouthing the PCU something chronic. This isnt the first time I’ve been warned to stay away from a PCU guild, but again, no solid evidence of this so called “bullying” has been provided. Just a chat load of whispers that hold no meaning or context OR “The PCU were really mean to my friend.”

I’ve not had many interactions with the PCU myself or many of its members, so I cant say I have an opinion on them myself as I’ve yet to form one properly but the whispers I get never have any standing and are hollow… dont understand it myself.


Just join a guild and find out for yourself, that’s what I did and now i’m an officer
We’re literally just a group of RP guilds that cooperate together to make big events, there’s really nothing else to it


I can’t qoute/stress this kind of reactions more! I had my own reservations about the PCU before I joined them! And Now I just wish I had joined them sooner!

Just incase you find yourself willing to give us(the PCU) a try; I do would like to point out the https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/pcu-ebon-rp-ah-the-ebon-onslaught/68338/683 (I’m Bloodtree!), because of your class on the forums!

But aside that I would also like to point you towards; https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/the-pcu-now-recruiting-updated-op-server/54704
Which lists all the PCU guilds, which are alot and are open for almost all kinds of RP (Except Argents somehow???)

And if you do not feel like joining up (just yet), but would like to try out some PCU-standard, quality RP; I do feel like pointing out you should maybe try out the https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/pcuconflict-rp-cold-front-two-dragonblight-1509-2209/176781/42 campaign!
It could give you a nice introduction of the PCU and its members, or perhaps a guild outside the PCU, but we’ll be friends anyway! :smiley:

As said before, the PCU is mostly made up of people who just want to RP… Without the OOC hassle or chance of becoming hassled within OOC drama! Almost all of us are genuinenly nice people who just go in WoW to RP and relief the day-to-day stress!

(Ofcourse this is all from my POV, which is not the PCU or its members POV at anytime in the past, current, or future time! :stuck_out_tongue: )


I got the impression that the PCU doesn’t like ‘peaceful’ neutral RP too much for the most part. They do not have an Argent guild, they don’t have a Kirin Tor one, no Earthen Ring one either.