PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

Me: Homophobia in roleplay is bad.
CoAD: Obahar endorses eating children and is secretly a plant with some sort of heavy, deep ties to the PCU.


oh no not the classic alt’s wrath :pensive:

Nothing that you just quoted was antagonistic I’m afraid. (but the following will be) I think you’re making it kind of painfully obvious instead that you’re just trying to be the cool middle man which I guess you’re allowed to do but surely fences aren’t that comfortable to sit on, most of them are kind of pointy.

Probably a good idea considering it’s all just disguised snipes or taking things far more seriously than you really ought to, only to then get annoyed that people find it a bit silly.

you said we do bubble RP right after we round off a public campaign and a massive public event

idk chief you’re kinda tangling up


That’s not what I implied.

I implied that you might be able to understand, that when we are doing something you yourself seem to be in favor of (creating public RP instead of sitting in a bubble), we feel the need to be defensive when those efforts are constantly derided.

I’m trying to give you an easy way to find common ground.

I did not. You’re reading what you want to read in order to antagonize me.

Ok, but I never took issue with your public events.

But you can understand why we’d be defensive on the forums if we’re constantly derided for them, yes?

TL:DR version of most anti-PCU discussions
“PCU bad”


“I heard it somewhere that they harass people”

“If anyone from the PCU harasses you, report it to the GM/Officer, we don’t tolerate it”

“Okay this is getting boring now… I’ll block you now”


You kinda did my guy!

If this were true, we wouldn’t keep having these threads where people pop up and do the same song and dance. Sadly, here we are again.

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I really didn’t, but I understand your entire existence on these forums is to harass people as much as possible while scoring approval points. You do your thing, I get it.

can you explain how you didn’t because i just quoted you doing it 4 times pretty clearly.

Are you pulling my nose?

Its amazing how quickly the “insult a community and then falsely act shocked about the irreverant tone in response” routine gets really old.

Bigots do the same thing so I’m not surprised by it but it’s still really dull


It’s even more amazing how every single one of them keeps trying it over and over, as if the result is ever any different.


Imagine having people constantly bombard your community with hot takes like “PCU doing protest rp to meme on george floyd” and then see them acting outraged if our response isn’t “I’m sorry, king. Here let me give you a twittlong response over how you may be wrong but we are still horrible and we’re deeply regretful of our actions”.


Just need enough people to see the back and forth of “well I don’t see why that language is necessary” without seeing the post that inspired it, and the people who want to believe we’re an evil council will be satisfied

As someone completely unaffiliated with the PCU, inactive in RP for a good few years, and only lurking on the forum for the drama, I can tell you that it’s having the absolute opposite effect. These anti-PCU posters (even the few trying to appear ‘neutral’ or faux-helpful) just come off as ignorant, spoiled drama-babies.


The anti-PCU crowd don’t offer any alternative. their only form of opposition is to whine incessantly on the forums in the most small-minded and embarrassing ways.

the reason the PCU is so big is because it provides the highest quality roleplay on the server in abundance - the anti-PCU crowd’s inability to understand this and even try to offer a decent equivalent is why they have so little traction.


It doesn’t fool anyone who doesn’t want to be fooled, true.

Doesn’t stop them from trying. All it takes is one community where “no ERP” is a general rule to have some traction and they lose.


The server labelled us instead and will have to live with that mistake. I didn’t make the name


What a chicken / the egg situation eh

What makes you say it isn’t? Honest question - because the reality is it very very easy to join and check out and you’re welcome to RP with us regardless of that

Unironically how we recruit

Yeah because you posted for hours demanding that we make a guild website because you don’t like using the forums (?) - it was a weird topic because you don’t get to choose what social media we decide to use but you seemed to keep going and going


Me tossing a like on Perroy’s and Tehya’s posts here to undermine the anti-PCU statements