PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

It is kind of funny how the table did turn on that.


This tbh. Perroy takes accusations very seriously, and if proof is provided he will make sure it is acted on. But most of the time, there is just no proof to back up the various PCU bad claims.

Well written post. :clap:


It’s now one of the things I always see brought up by people. “They call it PCU. How arrogant. But what can you expect from Perroy.” And then sometimes I’m looking at the people saying that and thinking… hey, wern’t you one of the ones that originally spread that name as a mockery?


A deeply insulting / tone-deaf comparison actually, comparing messed up religious fundamentalists (ie. Scarlets) getting taken to the Stockades for being overtly evil rabblerousers (in a video game RP setting) and the protests in the US that I think anyone with above a room temp IQ can see had a very good reason for happening / are a force for good changes over there

I think at this point people will grasp at any straws. Crazy to see a dude who harvests the personal information of reddit users struggling with various problems only to post them in his guild discord for wholesome 100 points is out there shilling this dumb and overtly cruel piece of propaganda. I would instantly kick anyone who began memeing those IRL events in in-game roleplay


Come off it Lilynore.

How many trial accounts is this now? 10?
How many reddit accounts? 5?

You are really obsessed, it’s incredibly sad.


Okay, I am a bit fascinated by the PCU stuff happening here. I am actually not an AD-roleplayer. I RP on a german server, but as you can imagine, a look at the biggest EU RP server with actual RP can be interesting or even inspiring sometimes, when trying to look for ideas. I actually never had any in-character interactions with the PCU ever, and don’t really plan to, so this here really can only ever show how it looks from the outside, to a stranger. But I do feel that that’s not necessarily an uninteresting perspective to hear.

Looking through the PCU projects, I find myself largely in agreement with their lore interpretations, and think most of their events seem fitting enough. And I feel that larger organization of many guilds is about the only way you can create a server climate and server events, that can reasonably be referred to in open RP, as opposed to just group-internal RP. If you care about having a halfway realistic feeling lived-in worldthat presents your characters with unexpected struggles, player-made organization is the only way to go. The only alternative is to leave the open RP to become basically smalltalk, and a bit of interfacing to invite others to your internal plots, never more than that.

There also seems to be a certain culture that comes with the PCU. They advocate a rough world full of war, and yeah, their humor is a bit rough, too. The ic rethoric is obviously inspired by real life political movements, and they don’t seem to care about modern political sensibilities, when organizing their fictional stories. I actually quite like that as well.

However… I have also gotten the impression that the PCU is quite authoritarian, as well as a little cultish. It starts with the way I first interacted with them: Some posters who didn’t usually venture there started posting in the story forums, got replies that fit the usual tone there, which isn’t always friendly… and suddenly a bigger group appeared and started mass flagging posts that disagreed with their position. I was told that that was the PCU, or their usual followers, and while I never cared to ask them, it does fit the impression of the PCU I get here. The idea of naming and shaming, reporting and banning, protesting and silencing, especially ERP, I guess, seems to be part of their ethos. And while I don’t much care about what people do in Goldshire, I do feel that this, and the spywork needed to “expose” people is a bit more authoritatian than I would like.

And I do feel that the network created for this is easily abused to strike at enemies of the group. Once set up for collective action, a group can easily be directed at undeserving targets, since many of them just won’t even bother to review evidence themselves. And it doesn’t even have to be malevolence from the instigator that does it. Sharing an opinion in their private group chat can be enough to spur their overmotivated friends into action, they don’t even have to ask. And I’m not really surprised that a disproportional part of the people who like to crusade against ERP also come from pools that are willing to crusade against all kinds of wrong-thinkers.

More than that, it’s much easier to see the wrong the outgroup does than the ingroup, and mich easier to condemn the stranger than the friend. That’s not malevolence, that’s just the basic psychology of bias. So when someone outside of the group says something deemed wrong, in a public forum, I would feel there is a real risk of getting adisproportionate reaction from enough PCU members to feel like a pile-on, and while most of them might be polite enough, they will be associated with the ones that are not. It certainly felt like that on the story forums, the few days the group I was told was associated with the PCU had their eyes on it.

And now another bit of my bias: I find it easy to believe that this sometimes happens on these forums, which in turn antagonizes other players, who i turn provoce the PCU with their newfound antagonism. So I am not at all surprised to see very polarized “discussions” on the PCU.

Apart from that, I find it a bit disconcerting that everything seems to be focused on a single player, going so far as to name the group after him. That seems to give him an authority that really superceeds the mission of the project itself, and gives him a lot of influence, that he can wield for good or ill. And he doesn’t even need to be malevolent to use it in ways that are more hurtful than helpful, a lack of competence or reflection can be enough to do wrong. And while I only saw the odd post here and there, and I am sure that Perroy gets enough criticism to be a bit more curt in his replies to usual claims, the impression I got wasn’t a very reflective one, at least.

Oh well, I don’t have a dog in this race, like I said, but I am interested to follow this discussion from afar. Notice that, rightly or wrongly, I actually considered if PCU harassment for me, my server or any group I was associated with was in any way likely before posting. I am hopefully just paranoid there, and going by evil rumors and my own prejudice, but I do feel that it is at the very least a bit of an image problem you should be aware of, that I actually considered that.



What is it the young 'uns say these days? ‘We are forced to stan’? :stuck_out_tongue:
Well… not forced. But that I can stan, quite happily. -Tips hat-

I don’t know why everything is set in polar opposites for this thread. I said that’s my impression. By this, I meant to say that I’m willing to consider I might be wrong about my impression, which I’ve stated several times now.

In truth, it’s likely a select few individuals that have colored my experience. I’ve been on your discord once I believe, either it was yours or members inevitably popped in. By association, it’s hard not to see the PCU the way those kind of people tend to behave. I’ve also been part of a community channel of yours.

The fact that those type of people also get support from other PCU members makes it seem even more so the case that it’s a group of really angry people who condemns anyone and everyone that does not agree even in the slightest with you. The type that will scrutinize your paragraphs, cherrypick them in the context they please and going on to address claims they allegedly think holds no merit, repeatedly.

It all becomes a giant target when you repeatedly get to see the [PCU] distinction next to their name or by them directly stating their support/participation.

Is it fair? No. Unfortunately, that’s just how it works. For one, I actually have no real impression of you yourself, the self-proclaimed leader of this movement.

Let’s be real. A lot of the ‘PCU bad’ talking people know exactly what they are doing. Using a concerned tone to paper over the fact that they are acting exactly like the bullies they claim to be against.
I can watch the rumour-mongering and mud slinging happen live on Twitter, now. People that got half the story, who happily and knowingly lie about our intentions and behaviours to whip up total strangers or the previously uninvolved into the ‘PCU = bigot’ frenzy.
Some even gloating about the fact that this is all more content for COAD; a hate-blog that has spent two years harassing and doxxing.


The “Perroy called PCU after him” was debunked several posts above.

It doesn’t take Johny English level spy to expose ERPers. They often do it in open world or actively hint/blatantly invite it in their TRP profiles.

As for the “PCU brigading forums” yes, these are public forums. Anyone can link the thread and people who care enough for their RP community to defend it from harmful narrative will do that. That or Perroy secretly vaccinated me with a microchip and I must obey.


I don’t really care who named it. The fact that that name is in use by the people itself creates the outside impression anyways.

But it does take the motivation and organization to do and spread it. And that’s what I find concerning in itself.

Oh, thanks for the information, I actually would not have thought it was that bad, but now I know.

What’s concerning about outing groomers from our RP communities?


Time to make some more points again yay!

1st off when it came to the name of the PCU and all that stuff we clearly do not take it seriously and we took the name simply because its redicuelessly funny. The same how we call our Discord the Federation of Evil after that certain stream. We do not take these taunts and such insults that serious because they are so commen with no ground that makes you wonder why you even should take it seriously.

2nd thing is that when it comes to lore and such you need to view it with a grain of salt. Sure Anduin did make a peace treaty but i think its very very VERY well justified that people ESPECIALY Gilnean’s and Night elves will not let go of these old grudges. Hell alot of people in stormwind would be angry cause its the horde. A lot of their family were killed in the fourth war and previous conflicts, Worse some even could be raised into the Forsaken thanks to Sylvannas’s aggrisve recruitment and a sudden peace treaty without much of a sense of justice to it could not remove all those poor grudges.

3rd to be fair the PCU is hardly aggresive to newer people or others outside of it cause we simply focuss on the one thing, If you wan’t to see how it really goes view it for yourself and interact with the guilds that are PCU and RP with them. You don’t have to join them. You don’t have to suck up to them if your character are not fond of them. Thats the beauty of IC interaction afterall.

And 4th the OOC issues that we only really run into is these rumors and accusations and just groundless hate just for hte sake of hating. When evidence is asked. When proof is required we never get it. We do take harassment and such serious if we catch one of our community members doing that. Hell here in the Painted Shields we did that with one of our guildies was aggresive to RPers they didn’t agree with and we told them off. We do take care of our mannerism but if people keep complaining and not provide solid evidence then can’t do anything on these “Supposed issues”

OP If you happen to read this amongst the mess of text. I do like to say sorry if the riot disturbed your evening, Things can happen and stuff will go out of hand from time to time but trust me when i say that what you hear of hte PCU is false, I believed in those rumors as well a year back but i now serve as a Officer within this community so it should say something.

I also agree that you chose to have your Zandalari character as your Forum post cause trolls are superior in every way.


It’s a community you can opt in or opt out of, it’s doesn’t require transparency, it’s not some argent dawn governmental department; that’s why people barked at you, because you seem to be under the impression that the opinion of people outside the community on matters on how it should be run mean anything.

This is literally every guild, community, group or project and it is poor reasoning to single out one community for it.

They literally just held an open public event in the middle of Stormwind ???

It was implied.

You can’t expect people to just roll over and go ‘hmm good point’ when you’re doing these weird subtext snipes at them, you need to examine your own language and wording as much as you do others.


could you post on something that isn’t a level 10 forum alt with hidden alts? There’s an odd trend of people on these types of characters having all the very similar sounding hot takes while at the same time saying they don’t care much/have no dog in the race.


No, thank you. That you felt it necessary to check is part of the reason why. And I’ll be interested to see if my post leads to more digging into me, I guess it wouldn’t be that hard to find out, though a german-speaker might be handy. Feel free to see me as whomever you like, the impression I got is real enough anyways.

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And worst of all… He could be any one of us…


We do tend to like conflict RP though that doesn’t always take the form of wars etc

It depends who that’s measured against. We joke around but if you join the PCU expecting 4chan’s greatest hits you might be let down

Don’t necessarily agree with this part

Opening check.pvp and typing in a name to see the identity of the angry alt PMing you isn’t that much work

I think if you went through the forums and counted on your hand to instances of (for example) naming and shaming you would quickly see that the PCU are not the ones on the offensive

Absolutely. In the same sense, do you find it weird that when someone says PCU bad you will inevitably get people (in the PCU / sympathetic to it) posting the opposite. It feels like people start arguments and then lament that they’re in an argument

Named by people who didn’t like the project in its infancy. It is not a serious name and I don’t feel extremely cool because an RP community is named for me

If I was even 5% as bad or doing any number of these things the PCU is accused of, the people accusing us would have quit long ago

Instead they’re pretty much happy to pretend to be under attack while being the ones behind hours worth of harassment

To me that is very weird

Put that out of your mind, dude. You can post on your main and at worst the response will be “I disagree” worded in various ways

Yes, I understand, I am asking what gives you that impression and then offering my opinion (which who knows may also be wrong)

Well, if you had a rough time with someone in discord that you know is a PCU guy you can PM me about it or even post it here if you like. I will look into it for you if it’s a complaint made in good faith

This seems like a case of entering a discussion and then saying “why am I in a discussion” - people are more than welcome to reply to you to agree / disagree / contradict / whatever

I think you’re taking a very defensive posture generally here

Alas the one form of harassment routinely excused on Argent Dawn

Self-proclaimed as opposed to what, ordained by God?


damn this language really shows that you definitely have no horse in this race at all.

looking forward to the next alt


This is literally how the anti-pcu crowd works.

The PCU is just a group of roleplayers, not some political movement trying to exterminate world of warcraft, don’t believe all the hype.