PCU Discussion, Questions and Views

All the people striking out because the pcu made a riot event just strikes me as jealous because they’re getting attention. The only bad experience i ever had in the pcu was someone getting the guild name wrong, whereas as soon as I joined the pcu, 5 of my friends not inside it either put me on ignore or stopped talking to me without a word, so it makes you think. Always find it funny when pcu members defend themselves too, people resort to “Ye but doxxing” without any evidence.


it shouldn’t matter if it was PCU or not… I do wonder if people would still act out the same if it wasn’t a PCU event at all?


Uh, yeah, world of warcraft.


Wait he should go on about the power of collective action

No gods no masters

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If you want the honest truth we hear this stuff about us being a cult or being Dictators so many times just because we Enforce our rules upon our own members or we defend the community that we like.

No ofcourse i am not a brainwashed quir boy in the holy church of perroy. we joke about that cause that accusation is frankly redicueless.

As for the topic of spying the most that we do is check PVP for alts. Thats it. This is not because we wan’t to harrass people or violate privacy. This is simply so we can abide by our community rules and quality control, Within our own community mind you.

No real life politics has no place here. Matter of fact a lot of things that happen in our RP is political, But political in the sense that its politics in race, This is especialy true on horde where ideals are so diffrent. We have issues with the elves because they are stuck up, People have issues with the Zandalari because we have heads up our asses. People have issues with the grunts because they are glory hounds. The politics in all accounts are not inspired by mordern era but rather are spawned from thinking to one self “What are the flaws of this race and culture and how will they react if this happends.”

And about this harrasement and what not, No we will not attack you nor harrass you for having a opinion. We will however debate and defend. Such is the nature of a debate. If you don’t like the PCU thats fine but so far the reason why people hate us is because of these over-exagurated claims and accusations with evidence that is either Grosly taken out of context or don’t exist to begin with, Its usualy the latter.

My friend you can have your opinion and speak it with any voice you wish without hiding behind an alt but i will not stop you for doing so cause who am i to judge how you let your voice be heard? But very truely i say we are not boogy men that burst through your window because you say something mean to us. Cause trust me debating on the forums about our existance is almost a daily occurance for us.


Except you, Clown god.



Only thing I really don’t like about the PCU is how they jump on you for saying anything that isn’t “PCU is great”. Give them constructive criticism and suddenly your a PCU is bad person. Sure when there making fun of one of the “PCU is Bad, but i have no evidence people” that’s fine but they do it to anyone that says anything that isn’t PCU is great sometimes.

I still remember when i was pointing out how a particular mentality was forming due to there response to it and they went at me like i was the big bad when i wasn’t even saying anything against the PCU.


I chose… Rapture.


Wrong anarchism!!

I think you mean the most right one.


Alright you got me there

Well, you don’t have to care about it, I only shared my outside impression. And that was part of it.

Sure, no culture of spying on each other is introduced to violate privacy and harass. They are all designed to defend the integrity of the group. It’s just that you have to give up some of your privacy to allow for that defense and open yourself up for abuse of that information. But if that is intended, I guess we can agree that you do that and are okay with it. And you can accept that I find that a bit repelling.

Okay, let’s rephrase that: You seem to engage in highly political play, and avoid fitting what you think would be likely to happen to what you think would befit modern sensibilities. Like I said in the following sentence: I like that as well. That was not a critique.

Like I said, my impression of that was mostly formed on the story forums, and my problem there certainly weren’t the opinions, but the aggressive flagging, and the attraction of a whole group of people, when you were only talking to one. That was a year ago, though, and that it’s the same here was just my bias talking. My post was meant to inform that this bias exists, rightly or wrongly, even outside of AD, though.

Thank you, I did.

Nah, constructive critisism is good, but most of the “criticism” we recieve is. “PCU BAD REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”

“Please provide evidence”

“uh my friends friends grandmother who is a friend to my grandmother that is a friend to my father said it.”


Is it not about time these kind of posts stopped it is all becoming a little old and boring now. The pro PCU all arguing one point and the anti PCU arguing another just play the game or as i used to tell my children when they were young if you can’t play nice together don’t play together at all and go do your own thing.

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You beat me to the Bioshock reference I’m so distressed


We have tried to tell people that but they won’t sadly listen.

Fastest typer in the west :gun::cowboy_hat_face:

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i smile darkly

messing with angry alts on the forums IS my game

you would notice my post count rising dangerously


Now you’ve beat me to the cowboy roleplay too.

I’m getting slow in old age


Your suggestion was to use unnecessary, outdated and outright trash Wikipedia that has been replaced by superior version 10 years ago as some sort of a manifesto meant to tell people everything about the community just to protect them from the horrors of joining one of its guilds based on liking the basic concept.

Why? Because someone outside the community with mindset from 2010 (“just make a Wowwiki page and website to show you care, otherwise you are bad and unprofessional”) says so?
PCU is transparent, I´d say even more than many other groups on this server. Every guild thread or event on the forums starts with [PCU] to tell people we are organizing it. Instead of using some random page or Wikipedia, we use the official forums for the server, which is often the first thing people use for asking questions. Our goal really isn´t to give people who have been living under the rock for past year enough material to spend the entire afternoon reading about ideology of the community (which can be summed up in one sentence: Keep IC and OOC separate, don´t grief RP, don´t ERP, don´t be an idiot).

You came to the thread, gave your advise and when people disagreed with it, started acting as if you are this superior celestial being that ate all the wisdom of the world.
Instead, you are just another person that when faced with disagreement did classic pseudo-intellectual move and did the whole “I said what I wanted to say, I just want you to think about it” schtick.
Yeah, we did, we think what you said is stupid and implementing it would be a waste of time.

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People really out here pretending that a website with an application form is more accessible than just saying hello ooc and roleplaying for a bit