The Eternal Sisterhood has recently returned to Azshara from their trip in Desolace. It’s been a crazy few days and after a well fought “Friendly” competition with their rivals/frenemies the [PCU] Worgen/Night Elf RP - Dirge of Teldrassil 🌳 - #333 by Artheric-argent-dawn, which ultimately ended in a draw, the two orders managed to part from Sargeron peacefully and head home. Leaving the resident Matron with a massive headache.
We’ve been up to plenty as of late also, diplomatic meetings, interesting schemes with various other orders and of course a “friendly” propaganda war with the dastardly and nefarious [PCU] Gallywix Loyalists/Pirates - Coppersail Corsairs 💰 - #103 by Lunarglade-argent-dawn. If you enjoy faith, intrigue and all things highborne now is the perfect time to swear loyalty to the goddess! Likewise perhaps considering checking out the mentioned guilds if you’re interested in calling us Heretics or being sleazy goblin criminals!