[PCU] Eternal Sisterhood - Dawn of the Eternal Night 🌑

Tonight, the Melody has made their way to the Broken Shore, honoring their part of a deal with their sister-guild on the kaldorei side, the Moonlight Embrace. They aim to retrieve certain items from the ancient temple, now twisted by foul magics.
A camp has been set up, letting them prepare for the tough few days ahead.


We is still on da broken beach and it is scary but me is being brave with da rest of da Melody! We is gonna bonk da bad demons good and get da stuff we need! Me found big pot too so is good!


The Melody have made their way back from the broken shore and traveled to the continent of Kalimdor. After a quick side step to Stonetalon the group has began to set up camp on the Ashenvale border while they make preparations for the Lunar Festivities.


Is nice in Stonetalon, me remember when me here last and me got attacked by stinkies. Me found Durb Squad here so dats good and is good to be away from scary beach!


Looking forwards to working with you guys again for the festivities!

9/10 Nightborne would plot to kill again!


Hello Horde frends!

The Melody will be assisting the Handmaidens of Elune in hosting the Lunar Festival this year as the Horde coordinators. Come one come all! Enjoy the party!


And assist you did! Lovely performance from our Shal’dorei Sisters!!

Though im still getting used to Corinnes new hair!


We were proud to stand at the Moonwell with our Shal’dorei cousins last night.


The Melody had a great time helping out with the opening ceremony this year, even if the timing at the start was “Slightly” out of sync. However despite these problems we managed to get back on track and dish out a fantastic opening ceremony. A big thanks to Niamh for organising the whole ordeal!

But wait, there’s more to come! The Melody will be here all weekend alongside many other fantastic guilds. Come say hi, there’s plenty more fun to be had!


The Melody had a great time being part of the closing cermony that was performed admirably. After Elune and the wild gods were honoured we enjoyed the fireworks before having to abruptly leave to ensure the safety of the horde travelers making their departure. Thanks to everyone involved in making this lunar festivale great!


You were all brilliant, looking forwards to seeing you guys again!! :purple_heart:


It was fun to finally RP with you guys during the Lunar Festival! I hope we meet again!


The Melody has been hard at work over the past few weeks setting up camp in Desolace, helping to uncover hidden Elune and Void Related artifacts for research, as well as beating back the incursions from the minions of N’zoth.

We’re currently offering our support to any groups in the area that require us. If you are in need of Lunar-based backup feel free to reach out.


Dere is lots of green stuff growing in Desolace, is pretty! Me got hurt by one of da nasty goatmen but me recovering now cuz me big strong orc! Me hope more Horde come down so me can help and so Durb can share his pork!


It’s been some time now, the Melody is currently in Aszuna combating the evils of the world with their allies.


The Lunar Guard are about to have quite the reckoning when their new training schedules get posted. How will these wily Nightborne hold out? Find out next time on Moonlight Melody!


Praised be Elune!

Don’t think the guards get all the fun! Prayers, rituals, mysteries! Priestesses get’s the cool things!

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It’s scary in elfy place, dere was mean night elf but da blood elves are friendly to Durb! Me got to ask lots of questions to da blue dragons and me became honourary dragon peon! Me hope dat makes mommy and daddy proud! Me hope next dat me can make tower nice since brick fell on Durb’s head last night and it gave Durb an owie.


I love the idea of this guild! I wonder if recruitment is open since I am looking for a permanent home for my Shal’dorei


Hello yes! The Melody is open to all Shal’dorei permitting you fit our guild concept. Feel free to drop a DM to any of us ingame and we can go through it all with you!