[PCU] Forsaken Loyalist RP - The Rotgarde 💀

NEVER. :slight_smile:

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These Rotters shall die one day! … An :eye: for an :eye:, as they say.

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alright, witch


You see the problem is that people seem to underestimate Sylvanas loyal subjects.

You know the people that have blight that can wipe out an army.

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We have a orbital laser

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And gnomes !

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Jeez guys… don’t have to lay it down like that.

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All night long you could see the budding magician training on the field. Again and again bigger and smaller fireballs flew through the area until Ashley disappeared into the valley at dawn…

I have really much fun to rp with you but the next days i’m very busy. But ashley will return! :smiley:

And lots of them. “Damn Gnomes”

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We have a mirror.


You have no forgotten our most powerful weapon, have you ? The No u card.

the end of an era

join this guild for rly good rp


There’s nothing quite like this guild to be found anywhere else. A long standing story, with extremely dedicated members/officers. Always an absolute pleasure to interact/RP-PvP with.

Just wish it was like the old days before the siege bro’s…

“Where Folien…?”


Dead or alive, this guild is very good, join now


The bitterness of betrayal still remains. Forsaken once more. I will not rest until the last banner of the Horde and the Alliance turns to ash and our flags hide the sky, adorning the walls of our kingdoms. Times change. For the Forsaken! Death to the living!

(miss my pcu bros loads… Where’s my boy Tohga’Jin?)


Thanks for the nice fite btw.

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Some cool people in here, only real wholesome dude is Blithere, but he is very wholesome. You know what, maybe Lawson is wholesome as well.


I love em :relaxed:


The Rotgarde are a great example of people who have had the story shift against them and they still manage to stand tall. Even if it means going against the whole of Azeroth.

Devious and brutal, yet supportive and united in their cause. They struggle against foes chasing them to moral conflicts about their chosen path. A strong story focus to be had here, with lots of twists, turns and excitement.

They really show off that sometimes, the best way to be ‘good’ is to be ‘bad’.


What has it been now? A year and a half? Let’s make it a year and a half more!