[PCU] Forsaken Loyalist RP - The Rotgarde šŸ’€

Folien lands in the Sepulcher atop his plaguebat. A considerable number of graves defiled and damaged.
A letter is hastily written for High Executor Hadrec referring to the absence of the military in the settlement and the caretakers along the gravediggers are called.
They are seen restoring and cleaning the graves, overseen by Folien himself.
A moment after, he leaves the base and marches for the Greymane Wall.
Soon after, he returns with three Worgen heads, all tied to a rusty
chain which he carries on the way back to the Sepulcher,
marching openly on the road while they hang from his back.
A bloodstained, emanating with Shadow figure is all the Alliance eyes
can see in the harrowing woods of Silverpine.

A month old story, yet it will happen againā€¦ Soon. For the Forsaken!


Number 1 Forsaken guild on the PLANET!


Many times he had passed the horrible creatures in their pens, looking in at them with a mixture of morbid curiosity and disgust. Now he stood here once again, peering in at the one specimen hatched, grown, and given to him by the Baron. He followed its shape, tracing the outline of its arched body in the dim light. He took in the sight of its hardened shell, so grotesquely misshapen, not by nature, but by something on the other side of the spectrum to the natural world. He saw gleams of silver reflecting off the wings and their protruding veins, dry and delicate, neatly folded back over coarse hairs sprouting from the plates on its back. Around the other end was its stinger. He had yet to learn whether it held any venom.
At its front, a domed skull transitioned into soft flesh. What would pass for a face ended in a curtain of dangling tentacles. Its mouth was in under there somewhere, hidden away amongst the arms. He had seen it eat, but he had never seen more than the tentacles coiling around the meat, and how it slowly sank in and disappeared at their roots. His thoughts lingered on them, conjuring up ideas on how the beast truly fed itself. An image of it having several rows of grinding teeth formed in his mind.

The being turned to face him, shifting its many feet with a few swift beats of its wings. He cursed and flinched away from the gate, startled by the sharp, rustling sound and the sudden movement. It wasnā€™t the first time it had gotten that response out of him, and it sure wouldnā€™t be the last. This thing, this ā€œbeeā€, was safely locked up. Still his reflexes took over and urged him to flee. There was no middle ground in how it moved. Every time it went from stationary to decievingly fast, as if all it was waiting for was a chance to grab at him. So unlike the bats which he had long since grown used to being around.
It was, as the name suggested, little more than an overgrown insect. Insects (as far as he knew) didnā€™t have emotions. They had no empathy, no reasoning, no morals. No sense of loyalty. They acted on their whims, doing whatever their instinct told them to do in the moment. Everybody knew they were as likely to eat their young as they were to protect them. Out of all animals he had encountered, insects seemed the most brutal, and the most unpredictable. It came as no surprise the Gest favoured them.

One of its eyes found his, and he once more approached to meet it, his hands resting on the horizontal bars of its prison. It had no eyelids.

He was going to silently challenge the creature to show him it had some form of sentient thoughts inside that head, but he never got that far. Something in that unrelenting stare drew him in, and his objective changed as he fell deeper into it, turning from a search into a mere observation. He lost himself, opening up to its gaze, and what was reflected back at him gripped him tightly by the throat.
He saw fear. Floating in a vast sky of suffering and desperation was a wordless plea for help, a cry for mercy, and the freedom of death.

The massive hornet jerkily moved its head in small twitches. Its tentacles curled and raised, reaching for the bars, and his fingers.
He recoiled, and ran.


Best Undead around, enjoyed Roleplaying with them in the passed night!

Also I need more of your beans, Roy.

Edit: The lore of beans:


Based post for based guild. Keep up the good work, friends

Nice ambush!
Iā€™d like to do that againā€¦ Sounds weird but it was awesome!


Back and bloodied from the harsh battles in Zangarmarsh! Outnumbered and attacked from all sides - but we managed to sneak out with our objective in the end.



Especially above. :zap: Iā€™ll get you next time Skabb.
They are a joy to fight, argue and interact with.

As a proud servant of Sylvanas, you better join themā€¦ NOW!


Thank you for tonight The Rotgarde (Lepper Gnome) Division.

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Caer Darrow; a lifeless place, steeped in the magic of death and home to a history of horror and malefic ritualsā€¦

ā€¦has become a little darker. Sylvarus, the Stygian Star, hovers over the ruined corpse of an island keep, itā€™s grim-faced soldiers patrolling the lands in the name of the Dark Lady.

We have returnedā€¦ back to Lordaeron for a time! Thereā€™s no better opportunity to get involved, whether youā€™re seeking to join the only true cause - or to rid the world of them!


Had some nice events for the recent week with these guys!
I recommend this guild for Forsaken RP! The best one by far!


ā€œBest Forsaken Guild on ADā€ - I heard it from someone who reads THE FORBES!

(its me. i read the forbes. sick guild)


A great bunch, itā€™s going to be a pleasure to come and attempt to blow you lovely folks to smithereens next week!


Amazing guild, the best of the best, truly remarkable. Wow.

The quality of roleplay is astonishing, giving you a clear and enjoyable theme to work with.

Should you join them? Yes, yes you should.


Super based forsaken roleplayers.

You got a forsaken ?

Are they a loyalist ?

If yes to bothā€¦ u should join this the Rotgarde !


ahaha yes. thanks for the ā€œbattleā€ today was really good

(join the rotgarde)


Yeah it was.

Join Rotgarde.


Ever a steadfast ally to the Grim Gest, ever amazing folks to RP with. I worry sometimes that being Loyalists may wear out at some point, but roleplay alongside the Rotgarde assuages those doubts instantly.
Seven Kingdoms, One Empire!


Confession time: I always admired the Rotgarde from afar before joining up in the PCU and wished to somehow be involved in their RP, despite not being a Forsaken.
Being able to build up a gradually antagonistic relationship with them has been one of the most genuinly enjoyable portions of RP to partake in, in like, ever.

Undead who are bold enough to stand up for what they believe in and their own comrades should seek them without hesitation. They even have monks. . .zombie monks!!!

Canā€™t wait to run into them again in the wilderness, or wherever they lurk. Hopefully after recovering from the last primal encounter.


I cannot fit even a shred of the amazing memories, events, battles, interactions in a single post in my time in the Rotgarde. My very first RP guild, which all of the members warmly welcomed me and numerous others. Before discovering RP, Iā€™ve always loved to think about how cool it would be to have a vicious, relentless Forsaken guild to join in. This? This is a dream come true. Join in and experienceā€¦ perfection.