[PCU] Gnome RP - Assemblage of Uld 🔧



I swing axe.


A leak of information from a goblin rat brought the gnomes of the Assemblage of Uld and the dwarves of the League of Modimus to protect the cargo of the Zeppelin of Westguard Keep. The aerial raid from the Copper Streets Solutions didn’t manage to bring the flying contraption down… but it did manage to kill the Forge Captain of the League.


I love these guys.

You’d be silly if you were from Khaz Modan and didn’t join this guild.


Yeah, that’s us. PCU RP is always the greatest, especially when it’s done between Gnomes x Dwarves against Goblins. :+1:


The Assemblage is currently making the necessary preparations before departing for the cold lands of Northrend…

Join us to take part in this eventful adventure!


Was this truly safe? The Assemblage, keeping to the same camp as people that have necessitated the fact that they are considered disposable? A bullet in the rifle?
Antiquarian Tosslespark himself nigh died because of it.
And imagine the Concordat! The people that had slithered like snakes and allied with GOBLINS of all races, included the person that was the supposed leader of the great Concordat itself. The Assemblage was in great risk earlier this night… And if it continues like so, every other group within the Concordat will run the roulette. A clock crushing its own cogs, and overloading its springs.
Some clearly prefer to keeping it on the passive, to forgive and forget, but of course, not everyone. This problem will not fix itself. It’ll have to be tinkered with.

The Assemblage is in NORTHREND! Fights, arguments, befriending and adventure awaits them! Day one, we’ve already fought Horde and Saurfang loyalists, and some shady backstabby Goblins that’ve set up a deal with a before-supposed ALLY! Let’s see how this goes down the next coming days!


As well as shattered wheels! RAAAGH!

Love them.


The grudge held by the gnomes for the Dirge’s negligence slowly grew dimmer as time went on… yet it never fully disappeared.


The week-long deployment in Grizzly Hills came to a conclusion yesterday night, the gnomes of the Assemblage of uld secured some solid victories… but that came at the cost of the life of two Custodians.


static https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHvt0VBWol0


Was fun fighting against this lot during the Cold Front campaign.

Still have a bone to pick with a certain death knight! shakes fist

But I also had the honors of fighting against, and with Tosslespark in the final battle, which was awesome!

Till we meet again, Gnomes!


After a ceremony with the rest of the Concordat, the gnomes of the Assemblage of Uld were awarded many medals, one of which is the medal of Ingenuity, reserved for the most dutiful soldiers of Gnomanity.


I’m doing my part!


I am back!

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Ignore the OP … we are still dangerously #GNOMISH


And here she was again, in Tinker Town, only mere hours after the ceremony that had held place earlier. It seemed like it would of been enjoyable happening to her back then, a time to celebrate the other members of the Assemblage for their impeccable and unique sets of individual skills, but instead it turned into an angry game of who could denounce the other quicker.
Did the Cog Captain really need to make the demotion a public display? He may have been right, of course, but every man and woman currently in Tinker Town seeing Antiquarian Tosslespark’s fit of rage?
Was this all because of the deployment earlier? That seems to have been where it all begun. Although the deployment into the Burning Steppes had been acted out swiftly and with great competence, yet the entire place seems cursed at this point. First her own fall took place there, and now the fall of the one Gnome she had begun to see as an equal. And what did they get out of it? Some gem… Certainly a powerful artefact she thought, but… Was it truly worth all the consequences? Every Gnome in the Assemblage seems to be treading with caution now, even herself. No one has outright stated it, but everyone seemed to know in quiet, that the way the Assemblage used to look is not staying much longer.

You want it, you know we got it, that’s right, the Assemblage has returned from the fields with YET ANOTHER titanically astonishing artefact! Horde and others beware, but here in the Assemblage? You’re welcomed to sit back, relax, and watch as Gnomish ingenuity cleans the floor BY ITSELF! I don’t see why anyone WOULDN’T join at this point!
…Just watch out for the in-fighting.


Midget Terrorists, simple as.


:point_up: LONG LIVE MEKKATORQUE! :point_up: