[PCU] Horde Elf RP - Highblood Myrmidons đŸ’«

 okay PRIEST


The pin sat gently in her palm. It span, the light glistening from its wings every time it rolled. Anna’lyssa brought her hand into a fist, and the pin was once more covered in darkness. She sat upon a balcony, looking over the industrious work of the Priesthood. In the courtyard, she could see Blood Knights, both fresh and grizzled, becoming familiar with the new Sunwell’s power. She could see the Priests, hard at work, labouring, day and night, all with the goal of rebuilding Quel’Thalas to its former days of glory.


Anna’lyssa took her attention away from the plateau, and slowly turned herself around. Stood before her was Rethalia. Dressed in finery, she took a few loud, heeled steps toward Anna’lyssa, placing a hand on her shoulder once she arrived.

“I will do as you ask, but don’t get used to this.” Rethalia humoured, a smirk curling up her lips.

“Of course, I’m sure you won’t be needed for long.” Anna’lyssa responded.

Rethalia left, and once more Anna’lyssa was left in total silence, the only sounds audible were the clanking of heels as her Priestess, and friend, left. She once more opened her palm, the pin inside was fashioned into a phoenix, fully golden and intricately made. The very same pin Anna’lyssa had given to Koriane upon her resurrection, to try to remind her of home. Yet she knows now what Koriane has become. An intense, yet brief period of anger takes over. Her face becomes macabre and she squeezes tightly, threatening to break the pin in her hand. Yet, it remained firm as her anger passed.

“She’s gone. Dead.” Anna’lyssa murmured, thinking back to Rynore’s words.

Anna’lyssa then took a deep breath, and her mind became full of recent events. The life of a single wretched had brought her into conflict with a few of the Myrmidons. Before she could think any further, footsteps came crashing up behind her, a brisk walk.

“Yenarian. It’s about time.” She exclaimed.

“Anna’lyssa? By the Light! What are you doing here? I came as quickly as I heard.” Yenarian rushed his words, consumed with excitement.

“I’ve-. Made a mistake, Yenarian. I must atone and refill myself with the Sunwell’s power.”

Yenarian laughed to himself. He wasn’t used to seeing Anna’lyssa in such a serious way. He speaks:

“Come on, you can’t be serious? You can drop the act. I’m not one of your soldiers.”

Anna’lyssa smiled, she turned around and gave Yenarian a chunky armoured hug. Her soft demeanor quickly gave way to thought, as the pair fell into silence.

“Tell me, Yen. What do you think of the wretched?” Anna’lyssa spoke.

“They are a plague, of course. We must remove them! Don’t you agree? Surely they haven’t changed you, Anna.” Yenarian questioned.

“Yes, yes. I understand that. But the wretched who turn to bloodthistle. They are in the early stages.” Anna’lyssa paused, she took a deep breath before continuing: “I killed one, Yenarian. A thistlehead.”

Yenarian shrugs, looking back at Anna’lyssa with a confused gaze. “And?”

Anna’lyssa took yet another breath. Her brow furrowed and her lips made an uncharacteristic frown.

“I can’t help but think that I took the life of a Sin’dorei, Yenarian. I can’t bare it. I can’t bare the prospect. I know that it wasn’t
 That she was a wretched addict- yet I
 I simply can’t get a grip on it.” Anna’lyssa’s words became faster, more panicked.

“She was, of course. Openly trading and admitting to her involvement with bloodthistle, which is in itself a crime worthy of capital justice. But I just-”

“Stop. You are being absurd.” Yenarian interrupted.

“You are here to atone, aren’t you?” His tone became a questioning one, he leant toward Anna’lyssa.

“In part. I thought it useful to train, too. Perhaps forge a deeper connection with the Sunwell and her radiance.”

Anna’lyssa went quiet after speaking. She looked once more to the balcony and brushed her hair away from her face.

“I will never so much as raise a finger to those that were
 Once our kind. I can’t take the risk.”

Yenarian responds, clearly angered: “What? What of the Ren’dorei? What of those that were once our people but now stand as great betrayers?! The thistleheads and wretched are no different! You must not allow this to topple your will.”

Anna’lyssa locked eyes with Yenarian for an uncomfortable amount of time, shocked by his sudden outburst. She exhales a single breath of relief, strangely finding comfort in his sentiment. Her thoughts were scrambled, her mind was itself a mess of ideals and responsibilities, hanging carefully in a precarious balance. She took some time to think of what it truly means to serve Quel’Thalas. She would gladly give her life for it, on command, yet she always wants more. Always filled with a hunger to progress and to take the fight to the enemy. She thought over this, even considering her front footed nature to be a flaw. All of this occurred rather quickly, and she broke the silence with speech:

“I’ll think on this. Yet I cannot so quickly come to a decision. At the very least I owe one of my Myrmidons a very clear apology. Although I fear it won’t be enough.”

Anna’lyssa thought of Senera, the young Magistrix whom had taken the brunt of her annoyance during the incident. She nodded resolutely and looked back up to Yenarian.

“Now. I have training to do. Once I’ve harnessed the Sunwell’s energies to enhance my marksmanship-
 I fear not even you could stop me.”

Yenarian chuckles in a fatherly manner. He quickly retorts.

“We will see about that. Esteemed Ancillary or not, I have always been one step ahead of you. From our days in the academy up until now. This shall be no different.”

Anna’lyssa’s spirits seemed somewhat lifted, she hopped up and started for the door.

“Come, then! To the training grounds. I’d hate to keep the Priesthood waiting!”

The remainder of the day was spent in training. Anna’lyssa had begun her long and arduous path to becoming a spellbow, and had very directly chosen the path of worship and infusion. To harness the power of the Sunwell. This was her goal. To project the very Light of her home that she holds so dear into any who would dare stand against Quel’Thalas.

Be that Alliance, Scourge, or otherwise.


and i oop

in ten characters


Just had a fantastic campaign in Outland! You, reader, should come along to the next one!


Had fun supporting them in their events recently! Their recent event was very well organised, fun and included each member well!



It’s never to late to join the Highblood Myrmidons, take part in TOP TIER ROLEPLAY, make some based friends and also be a part of the P, the C and the U.


The P, the C AND the U? Golden deal bros, don’t wanna miss out!


high quality
 top content, do subscribe and give them the like button

This is a paid PCU advertisement.


Sathrynn is back? Pyromancer time!


[Speech 100] Join the Highblood Myrmidons!

It’s a really great guild for all your (Horde) elven needs!
Come and play with us!


[Persuade] I approve of this message


fr doe
 dese guys helped me thru a bad patch in my life and i am forever graetful 2 dem :brain: :heart: join them if you can


Hey guys, I’m hesitating to join Horde on AD for RP, I was wondering, does the guild has any outfit code ? Mostly asking as on Alliance militaristic guilds often ask their members to dress in a particular way.

I’m going to answer that with a quote from the OP. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m no expert, but I’m also somewhat sure you’re also expected to wear the guild’s tabard (golden trident on black background). No strictly specific transmog sets though.

Hope that answers the question. Correct me if I’m wrong, re: Highblood.


Oh jeez I feel stupid, I’m sorry I guess I’m more tired than I thought this evening, thanks for the help ! seems to fit my mog perfectly


about what u said? no
about not being in the guild yourself 
 ? hmm


Yeah but also smelly elves

Looking at the many members of the guild wearing whatever they like, I’m actually pretty confident it’s a suggestion and not a dress code.

yes mate

“very lightweight” & also “recommended”

if i dont think ur set fits the bill i tell u to change

i am the sovereign of style in this association


Yeah, too bad that outside this association your transmog SUCKS. :clown_face: