[PCU] Horde Elf RP - Highblood Myrmidons đŸ’«

test in ten characters (bugged forum, will edit)

Can’t quote Zarental or Sathrynn, bugger it.
Does the level 10 undead throw you off that much, or are my points invalid?
The question indeed was rhetoric.
I just wanted to see how a kick would be justified without proof of the misdeed (such as a screenshot of erotic content).
Had situations where I was in an event within a raid or instance, such as garrison on alliance and got random whispers asking me if I’m having “fun” or “hows the ERP”.
Just by being there with someone I had to ‘justify’ myself to others.
It might be unfair to characters, such as couples or guildies who spend time there that’s not necessarily sexual content within an instance.
How are you going to govern that without supervising and stalking every guild member?

All right, I’ll admit it I just wanted to kick up a new ERP related discussion since the Shonn thing got boring, but I’m still genuinely curious if you’d just assume “erper” and insta kick.
I will stop posting after I got a reasonable and level-headed reply. :fire: :fire_engine:


I’ve been in my Garrison, out in the Elven locations you mentioned, and elsewhere and I’ve not got a single message about ERP. It’s lingering around the Bazaar and having a Lust/Chaste bar that we consider sketchy.


you can usually spot the people who spend way too much time in such secluded areas and make a reasonable assumption as to why


As Blithere stated, you can generally come to something of a reasonable conclusion as to whether the person in question is actually doing things such as that if they’re repeatedly in the garrison and / or very secluded areas or zones for little feasible reason. I’m quite confident that I’d not be suddenly questioned on presumption of such if I visited my garrison to do a little bit of old content every now and then, likewise if the same were with an empty zone or somesuch.


We’ve decided to open our doors to dark rangers, seeing as they are all formerly elves. This includes undead night elves. We expect most to use the blood elf or nightborne models to represent themselves, but dark rangers using the undead model OOC will also be accepted.


We’re expanding
Soon we are to have all races OOC’ly in the Myrmidon!

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the chances of anyone rping an elf dark ranger with the forsaken model are incredibly low tbh


But the chance is there, it’s enough for me!


seeing as they are all formerly elves

Now hang on a cotton-pickin’ minute there


Hello there, I was wondering if the guild is still recruiting for I am interested to join :smiley: Cheers!

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Hello there, I was wondering if the guild is still recruiting for I am interested to join :smiley: Cheers!

Absolutely! Give either myself or Elyrius a whisper in game to get an invite and start the IC recruitment process. We’re usually both around during the evenings.


I had loads of fun DMing for this cool and crazy crew last night. Such interesting characters and a really collaborative environment.

Thanks for coming to the aid of the Dawn Seekers IC & I hope to do more with you again soon!


Currently in Feralas fighting the Alliance!

Funny, I don’t remember the Alliance having so few elves


You could say that all their elves are missing.


Missing makes the Kaldorei go


Look at my name.
Join Highblood Myrmidons to meet Highblood the Myrmidon in Highblood Myrmidons today.



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oh no
 veshj is back.

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You’re never getting rid of me
 even if I spend most of my time on my Alliance characters and what spare time I have on levelling my orc warrior