[PCU/Horde] Saurfang Legion 🤼‍♂

Arthranus whispers you asking you if you’re a hot & single lady before even thinking of RPing with you

True actually

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i’d never lie to you broush.



That is a bit hurtful to be honest. You asked why I am doing what I am doing, that’s what I think. I genuinely believe that being rude is uncool. People can achieve the same amount of charm (or strenght) without acting like pricks.

I personally think it’s important. But if you think what is going on is so bad, why not pick it up with the pandaman too?

I do, which is why my replies don’t focus on you but on what we’re discussing.

Again, guys, you realize you’re just speaking about me all this time? “Oh oh oh, you’re losing the argument” but barely adress any point unless I remind you that there is one?
Stop projecting - youbarely knew what you’re debating for if I didn’t call you out three times on the topic. You want to be deemed a winner, Boush? Then stop acting like a loser which is afraid of debates and confrontation.

So far you just remind me of an overweight truck driver angered with the world which eats in mcdonalds while smoking a cigar.

Nope? I don’t? I mean my point should be easy to understand after so much discussion. You already admitted you’re doing your best to prove me guilty unless proved otherwise.

But this decreases your credibility, rather than the other way around. If you don’t work with what is plausible you don’t have anything to work with.

We do RP together and I think you didn’t mind. Personally I find your characters uninspired, but that’s the type of OOC that people can keep to themselves.

They’re indistinct as in, you don’t distinguish them from one another?

Judging from your replies it totally does

Blood and Thunder


Address the argument of “nice = nice”

I’m not actually Boush and I would have hoped that it’s pretty obvious who I am if not by typing style then by the thread itself

Who do you suppose would be the OP for this thread advertising what account for a large chunk of the PCU’s [hint here] Horde playerbase?

Come on, can’t you load up check PVP like every other gamer out here =(


You saying my credibility has decreased has actually instantly increased it

We very obviously don’t since [with the above in mind]

I don’t actually get much time to RP my characters outside of NPCing for my community / event situations

I think I would mind unless your roleplay is written in a very different way to your posts here in terms of how interesting / punchy it is. If it is hugely different, then that’s a big win for my point anyway. Easy

I’m not sure what you’re not understanding - I mean that you find it hard to tell the difference going by your posts



So far you just remind me of a guy that has a permanent headset dip in his hair

He actually reminds me of someone who roleplays a blue dragon instead

Hello… my old friend…

edit: in case the clue wasn’t enough in my previous post


ite imma head out

I did it a hundred of times. I will try to explain it this way: role-playing is a collaborative effort, you need to acknowledge that the guy you’re RPing with is a person that wants to enjoy the game like you do. While it’s virtually impossible to make everyone happy, there are rules people are expected to follow to make sure you respect other players and make sure they get a chance to enjoy the game on a similar basis.

When it comes to the “don’t do this”, many rules are kinda unspoken and we learn them along the way. Others usually involve things like “don’t poweremote”, “don’t godemote”, but they can go much beyond those.

If your role-play has no intention to make things interesting or enjoyable for the other party you’re much more likely create a bad experience out of it. Ultimately that is the type of role-play that creates disasters. Why should people RP with someone that seeks to prevaricate their enjoyment of the game?

So absolutely, in this sense you have to be nice as a player (respect that framework I spoke about) to be nice (give players the chance to enjoy themselves).

You remind me of a guy who lives in his mom’s basement and writes at 5 am about people not having a life. But if it suits you who am I to judge? Just do a favor to yourself and shut up; trying to act all manly on a WoW forums isn’t going to make you stand out my dude. It’s just freaking cringe.

We meet again

if you werent boush you wouldn’t have reacted to my post that was in no way attached to you.

what does it say about a person who lies about who their avatars are on a wow forum? comedy gold tho

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Having realised who you are now (and I actually at several point almost posted “wow, you’re like a budget version of the blue dragon draeposter”) I also realise this is just your usual routine that you do in many threads

It leads absolutely nowhere and even if it did having seen the kind of roleplay you enjoy at some of my older campaigns I would only be inclined to instantly do the opposite of what you’re trying to sell because it would more or less be a mark of quality in terms of the kind of roleplay I enjoy / the kind of company I want to keep

You’re still typing in the same [uses long word but slightly wrong] way and it’s still epic and I hope that never changes and I’m glad to see you kicking around but I’m surprised to see you devolve to “nice = nice” level arguments, though I guess it’s pretty late

Was this written ironically or have you lost the Eye of Eternity’s powers recently man


Lost his marbles


Nice post. Gave me a laugh out of it. I mean, I know you’re smarter than what you appear and I know you care about PR.
I personally believe you’ll uphold good standards of quality RP regardless of what I (or you) say. But how could you agree with me on the forums in public? Good post though.

Also yeah, no more eye of eternity or dragon stuff since quite a while. Don’t get me wrong it’s nice and all, but hey I’ve got a new concept I’m working on.

Tbh it’s the attention of people like you that increase my relevance.
I’ll never stop to be amazed by the irony of these posts tbh: you’re basically attacking all the traits that you seem to possess.

  • Lack of social relevance? no one defended u so far
  • Being awake alone at 5am? check
  • Telling me I am acting tough? check

My discord? Ask me nicely in-game and maybe I’ll bother.

“If you don’t share my model of morality you’re a hypocrite” blah blah been there, seen that already.

Edit. Orc-man, feel free to come back with something substantial or don’t reply at all.

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yea yea get it down there, all the way past the tonsils

He’s even copying the responses

Give it now or no balls


All he did was switch character and you’re on your knees mouth open loool


t. I’m mad and got a superiority complex


When I say im dead lmaoo


I agreed with you on the forums a few threads ago though I don’t recall what it was - just recall commenting on it because sure we don’t agree much

Your entire argument will always remain some tired point about how being “nice is nice” and there’s nothing at all to discuss. I don’t know why you put really heavy emphasis on knowing IC information OOC instead of doing some roleplay but honestly I don’t care that much why that is - I just don’t think that’s a good attitude for interesting RP

I’m sure it will be something par for the course

The “I was only acting goofy to increase my internet visibility” shtick …

I don’t see what exactly needs to be defended but I will post now and say

[defends Urugar]

It’s a weekend, do you have a bedtime or something =S


Who’s this list for?? LOOL
Is this is a diss or your to do list

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