[PCU/Horde] Saurfang Legion 🤼‍♂

Is this what ADHD looks like


Not really, I have ADHD (and known many with it during school) and I’ve never seen this behaviour before. xD


I think I don’t need to assume anything because I can read your posts and form an opinion from those

Nah I think I can just say “scroll up” and make you read your own posts

Don’t mind / didn’t ask

My argument is that you didn’t read the OP, made a post that was answered by the OP and then started posting at length when that post was (generously) answered

I also think that “nice = nice” isn’t much of a point on your part and I found it weird when you began to roleplay your character reading this thread and implied his IC concerns should be taken into account by me OOC

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The forums are canon

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It’s really odd that you use the word ‘Insinuation’ when you’re the one being biased (and most likely just doing this because something has frustrated/angered you?)

For the sake of yourself, I advise that you call it a night and stop arguing when you’ve no ground to stand on.

To explain in a way you understand, you’re currently Gollum sinking into the lava trying to grasp the ring.


stabs Arthritis

I’ve killed u on forums now u can no longer type my g :pensive:

“Yeah I think you’re guilty until proven otherwise” basically. Also a good reply to:

The above post says a lot about why your opinion is flawed.

To which I already replied. I did read about it and I found it a draft. The intention of the project wasn’t specified, it was just “so huh new leadership”. Again it’s all nice and dandy but it didn’t prevent the new leadership to be basically a facade for a more subtle anti-Saurfang attitude.
I wanted to know if this was a genuine direction and if it wasn’t, I would have inquired further.

Sorry but I warned you there. It comes across as totally hypocritical to claim I am the one making lengthy post, when I replied to two of your posts with just “are you sure you want to do this?”

You asked for it so don’t try to play the “oh not nice of you”.

Yeah as I explained I was making fun of you there to prove that OOC matters in so many ways. You’re just going #error 404 on this bit which kind of makes me think you didn’t understand my points.

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but u did it anyway

Nope I didn’t. I said I was satisfied with the reply and in fact I never touched that topic again, if not to make further clarifications about why I brought it up, like now.

Really all this mess started because pandaman here is so adamant to antagonize a normal question and turn it into a huge contest. Guess it turned it out nice for him

Satisfied but went on to argue for hours over a point that you, yourself have forgotten after all your edits

I’m confused by this entire argument.

He’s arguing his right to metagame


I went on to argue because I was repeatedly provoked in several posts. Initially I just suggested to keep quiet, but there’s a limit of unfriendliness one is willing to tolerate.

If you want to pick it up with someone, it’s the bad PR from the pandaman. I was leaving the thread before being called inside it again. And again.

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Ah it is one of those situations where you can’t handle the weight of the L

Not really, best is simply to stop responding and ignore the unfriendly person.

Yeah sure. But this way it kinda shows what the other person is also capable of, don’t you think?

People shouldn’t stand down when others act like d/cks.

I mean the guy I am debating with is the OP and he said he wanted this type of attention so I imagine it’s alright.

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Why… why did you murder your classmates

Doesn’t really matter, as I simply wouldn’t play his game.

I got other things to do than argue. :grin:


the classic high horse / pity me, when you lose an argument


Yeah absolutely

I don’t care if you don’t remember the content of your own posts

No it doesn’t

Most of your posts feel like a draft

So you’re of the opinion that any IC story should instantly have everything about it explained to you instantly OOC? Fits pretty neatly with your “nice character IC = good OOC” rhetoric. It’s all so Cathedral Square

It makes me glad that I’m unlikely to ever roleplay with you - I don’t think it would be very fun

I mean you are making pretty lengthy posts and it’s obvious your nose has been 100% flicked

LOL … 100% gnomed out

It’s pretty obvious IC and OOC are indistinct for you no matter how you rephrase it

I think Boush has only been quoted so far in this conversation

nice = nice doesn’t need much clarification


It’s actually 100% epic PR

