[PCU] Plot : Cosmic Crown of Terror 🌌

Keeping this one open


Plaguefist has handed one of the Crimson Eyes to Megnarosh, and the Stygian Hunger to Xotrios.


The ensanguined chamber of Duke Drak’Ash, hidden somewhere deep in the stygian innards of the flying fortress Sylvarus, briefly becomes host to a cosmic aberration: Only a faint vision of Xa’sugoth’s greatness graces Drak’Ash, the all-consuming evil taking hold of the unholy knight’s mind…

…the sprawling Borean Tundra…

…only four fingers on a dwarven hand…

…fiery rage…

…then the eldritch tendrils leave the knight.


Love this plot, as much as I didn’t get to involve myself much sadly.
Glad to see it still going.


“This… thing… must be locked away. None should find it. None should have it.”

The mercenary captain quietly stared, fixated and almost enthralled by the crude, eldritch stone that sat within an open lockbox; for the brief time he held the bloodstone in his possession after relieving the now-missing Albert Smith of it, Gallvin had already felt the ebb and flow of rage. Intense bouts of fury swept over him, that of which left thereafter much like the tide itself, and he feared that were he to hold the stone for too long, the tide might rise too high. He might drown in it.


Gallvin hesitated. The warrior leaned down next to the hole he had dug with the intent to bury the lockbox, cautiously reaching out as to clutch the crude stone, of which filled him with yet another brief flight of anger. He clutched it tighter still.

“Perhaps it would be safer under my watch. It would be.”

Captain Gallvin Corrigan of the First Sunnyglade Free Company has claimed the Hemorrhagic Fury.


Having reached his limit, Xotrios passes the Stygian Hunger to Serpent Plaguefist.


The blood-red graven image towers above the vampiric knight, listening to his daemoniac plea in lithic silence. It lets him grovel at its feet and in his own blood for a long while. "I seek – " utters the bloodsucker on his knees and is cut short by the agonizing sensation surging through him like a red tide.

His prayer is answered. :drop_of_blood:


After a gruesome battle, Xotrios stole the first right part of the Crown, delivering it to Baron Morsteth Blightreek on the way back to Strahnbrad.


Morsteth now holds the first right part of the Crown.


Late at night within the ruins of Strahnbrad, after having words with the former Exemplar Darinarth Woebloom - the Executor is given the the first left part of the Crown.


Following a scuffle with orcs of the Blackrock clan dwelling within the Burning Steppes, an orcish chieftain briefly gained control of the gemstone and found himself consumed by the intoxicating magics that dwelled within it. As frighteningly powerful as the gemstone had made him, the mercenaries of the First Sunnyglade Free Company have cast the Hemorrhagic Fury into the fires of Blackrock Mountain in a hopeful bid of ridding the world of the gem’s sickeningly dark magics.


Something stirs…


can’t wait to see who is crowned :crown: the king :flushed:


oh, boy! i hope its me! :grin:


Best plot around, 100% sandbox vibes. It has been going on from at least 1 year and an half by now?
Stay tuned.


With a clawed iron hand, Koiffen swept the Hemorrhagic Fury from Exolth’s scorched palm, gripping the blistering prize tight to his chest. A nod from the Serpent Commander was all he needed to prompt the seizure. Immediately, the battered death knight was absorbed by the beginnings of a murderous craving he had not left unsated for a long time. The Hunger of death knights could not compare to the compulsions forced onto him by the stone.
And yet he thought the Fury his own.


i take all credit (ic)


Blightheart closed his eyes for just a moment, his head still recovering from the dreams he’s witnessed. How glorious this one was, filled with mirth and utter insanity. Yes, he was sure of it. The Void… Xa’sugoth… Yogg-Saron, they shall help him bring disease, decay and death to each corner of the cosmos.

There where so many voices in his head, now. Stygian energies intertwine with cosmic darkness, surging through his entire body. He listened to every whisper, every word spoken and it drove him further away from the mundane, into the arms of madness. He did not protest, however. No, he left his humanity behind long ago.

He opened his eyes once more and stood up to his feet. The many whispers in his head agreed to one thing: There was much to be done; and so Blightheart moved, going through his many malevolent plans.


Plaguefist hands the Stygian Hunger to Xotrios.


Dame Lilly Blazepast has asked and received the Stygian Hunger from Xotrios.