[PCU] Vulpera RP - The Dustpaw Caravan 🩊

You can find us in game during peak RP hours if you wanna drop Ranko or myself a whisper.


Not sure if I’m more sad about the bees or about Jester being dead.


Since day one of the campaign these vulpera have been nothing but enjoyable to interact with.
With schemes brewing on both sides the conflict between the CSS and Dustpaw has been nothing but fun.

If you’re looking to join the best vulpera only guild on AD and want some awesome caravan RP, join these lot nowwww!


If people don’t join us, I’m calling my lawyer.


When can I find you?

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Hi guys i am looking to rp a little on my Vulpera and was wondering how to get in touch with you guys?


We’re currently in Grizzly Hills running/gathering supplies and taking the fight to our arch-nemesis.

I myself will be online around 8ish onwards this evening, if not a bit earlier. Drop us a whisper in game, or find us IC on your vulpera character. We start the evening in Conquest Hold IC usually.

If tonight won’t do for you then just contact Ranko, myself, Azmeenah, Reesu or Krat with a whisper from 8pm in the evening. :fox_face:


Oh but actually I’m a goblin. Can I enter as a goblin?
I always read that caravan guild are composed only by vulpera, but why?

See you there

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We’re vulpera only for OOC and IC reasons. We’re one of the few pure vulpera guilds left on AD after the initial wave of fairweather foxes. :fox_face:

As I mentioned earlier in the thread, we do welcome non-vulpera outsiders RPing with us, following us around on our adventures. We just don’t allow them in the guild.


We’re all a little on edge due to all the potential spies, traitors and exploding Goblins bothering us in Conquest Hold this week. Feel free to (somehow) show up and talk to us in the evenings if you’re interested in joining.

Just don’t expect an immediately warm welcome.

(Unless you’re a Warlock as I want to collect them and get an adorable Imp army ssh don’t tell anyone).


Greetings Vulpera of The Dustpaw Caravan!

My name is Gomera and I’m a Vulperan monk. I see you were seeking new members for your caravan and I would like to join you! I’ve been exploring the lands of Azeroth for a few months now, but this is my first time in a RP Realm. I would really like to learn what RP is all about and join the caravan. I will eagerly await your replies.




Is there a discord for the PCU

I understand your reasons. See you in game!

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Contact one of us in game! :slight_smile:

There is, but you gotta be in a PCU guild to join it.

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So some stuff happened in Grizzly Hills today

Krat blinks as the Emergency Teleport Scroll’s magic fades around him, seeing himself in a completely different landscape to the Grizzly Hills Lumber Yard. Just seconds before he had been grabbed by a Draenei that had torn apart his Krolusk mount, but now seemed to have popped up in the middle of a city market.

The architecture, the people, were just as foreign to him as the forests of Northrend he’d been in just a moment ago. The gaudy purples and glowing sheen of what could only be magic however gave him a clue.

“Magic city. Of all the places. Magic city

He quickly escaped the bustling markets to the outer rim of Krasus’ Landing. He would have probably walked further if the floating city didn’t abruptly stop his tracks. Defeated, and still suffering from some Fel poisoning the day before, he sat on the edge and tried to figure out his place in the world from the stars above.


You forgot the best part, a fun undead fella with no memory of when he was alive was pitted into your group and left for you to baby sit, Hope he does not make your camp stink of death too much come morning

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Hey folks :fox_face:

We will be in Bilgewater Harbour today and possibly tomorrow too. By Friday, we will be in Vol’dun for a few days. Why? Because we lost many of our hyenas in a battle against Loyalist rebels.

Vol’dun is a special and great place for vulpera looking to join our great caravan. Give us a poke in game for more info!


I’m officially demanding the Dustpaw Caravan postpone going to Vol’dun to Saturday or I will be very upset!


The Hero of the Vulpera is going to Vol’dun, too. We’re just following the party :sunglasses: