PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

You really want to find out what the PCU is all about? Then join one of the guilds. Best decision I ever made in my entire RP experience.


There are some pretty vile screenshots on it.

As I’ve said. Some people are nice. Some are disgusting. Can’t judge a whole community on certain individuals.

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People see some big/attractive RP happening and they are not part of it. Instead of trying to participate, some people shun it or insult it to show that they are “above” it. They arent, and they just lie to themselves.


And it never ever ever will be, Vaxir

Oh, so you linked the anonymous harrassment blog that posts peoples real names, pictures etc along with (for example) graphic cyber emotes / the n word to “show good and bad sides”?

Would you be so gung ho if someone used that argument on you to post those kinds of things but directed your way? I don’t think so - I think you would instantly become the local martyr and complain about it for the next thousand years to come. Luckily for you, the people you’re so obsessed with targeting are much more moral people than you (as well as, of course, far better roleplayers)

Never ever


They are literally just a bunch of guilds that all do their own thing but collaborate on events and inter-guild lore.

that’s honestly it, on the face of it.

any big clique is going to have toxic components at some point or other. doesn’t have to be perfect.

they provide rp and don’t touch kids, just be happy with that okay

Screenshots of people who arent even in the pcu. You drank their koolaid thinking its the potion of truth.


Screenshots, if they are true, which there’s a chance they’re not doesn’t always mean everything. I’ve said some dumb stuff in the past especially when heated about something.


That links to a blog by people who legitimately think they’re secret agents and self proclaimed “threats” to people who don’t go along with their agenda.

On topic: There are a lot of people in the PCU. Sure, there are some names who help run things but being part of the PCU isn’t about taking one side or another.
It’s about creating enjoyable RP that anyone can get involved in.

Event ran by someone you don’t like? Can almost guarantee there will be another event ran by someone else you can get involved in.

Perroy took it upon himself to help create RP for a lot of people, sure the name “PCU” might sound arrogant, but the name started as a joke and simply stuck.
Perroy could have continued to create RP for just his guild, but instead is doing his best to offer RP to the entire server.

It just seems some egos have been hurt along the way.


I hope you realise alot of those ‘screenshots’ are mostly intentional to flick the blogger’s nose.

When somebody says they hate women then turn to wink at the camera - does that not spell it out for you?

I think if you were in the discords those were taken from, you’d see that people actively announce that they’re trying to become a tumblr celeb.

Ironic how people argue this for one side and yet when “proof” is shown on the other side it’s “all true”. I wish people would make their minds up (not you, dw, more an observation).

Anti-vaxxer logic from Vaxir. Ironic.


That’s really cool & badass Vaxir, thanks a bunch for the absolutely enlightening comment, really added a lot to this conversation

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Yeah, that is annoying when that happens. Context matters a lot when screenshots are taken as well. There’s a lot of factors when it comes to screenshots.


All I’m glad is seeing individuals like Chucklegrin and Sainur who didn’t really like the PCU at the start of 2019 have come around and just given us a chance to see things for what they truly are.

Here’s to the rest of the server becoming PCU, gentlemen.

The goblin raises his ornate glass to the board of shadowy executives :clinking_glasses:


Vaxir I honestly wish you would find something more fulfilling in life than linking the sweatiest tumblr site that was ever created

I mean you don’t even role play why are you still here on the forum only showing up in threads like these : O (


Racism sir? Strong words, I’m a mere representative of Trading Standards.

Now then sir - let’s look at those ears. Not very large, are they sir? No no no, this won’t do at all.

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:relieved: Wouldn’t you like to know.

Never fully disliked you lot in the first place. Few things I disagreed with back then, but also jumped onto the bandwagon. More time I’ve spent around with you lads, the more I’ve learnt about y’all and how y’all not bad.


I mean I’ve seen some pretty crazy screenshots of your character in the Duskwood crypts and I recall you claiming that those are fake, too (they weren’t)

I think if someone ends a message with [winks at the camera] you might be able to realise that it isn’t a serious position

The answer is pretty obvious. I don’t think you’re a very happy person

I’d like people to remember this next time Vaxir pipes up - that while they may briefly pretend to be against all the evils of this server, they’re pretty much all for targeted attacks on people they don’t like


I honestly have no clue. I’ve been wondering about this myself, since there seems to be pretty black and white opinions about the PCU, at least from what I’ve seen.
Never spent a day with’em though, so I can’t really say anything.