PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

Feel free to come and see :slight_smile:


I certainly will in the future! :hugs:


Feel free to do just that - RP an evening with any of the thirteen guilds and form your own opinion. Unironically the answer to all of this, even if people like Vaxir attempt to undermine these opinions in veiled ways.


As you said, they’re opinions. Everybody can have them!

I personally dislike some members after being doxxed and having my irl splayed on the forums by them. The rest? Don’t know them enough to judge.

So you go and think… hmm, based, I’ll do the exact same thing to people that are completely unrelated to it, but have been blasted by that link? Ye, good work Vaxir. You really are something else.


do you want someone to pull up the incident of your barely cropped futanari warlock alt’s art from AA, showcasing your general degeneracy, or do you want to pipe down a notch and realize you have absolutely 0 right for calling others out on their vileness (using COAD of all blogs to support your trolling with “proof”)


That’s not actually true - it’s something you advertise all the time but have never posted a single piece of evidence to reflect

All the while you have - for example - posted names, pictures and even places of work just now. You’ve done what you like to tell people has been done to you

What a terrible fate


Screenshotting alts and posting public discord chats =/= having irl details put on the forums.

Go ahead? It’s artwork. Why should it matter.

They’re just opinions and everyone is allowed to have them!

Hold on! Placing an opinion on a public forum backed up by dodgy sources will cause it to clash with -OTHER- opinions causing an online argument?! Gee I didn’t know online discussion worked that way!


So as long as the source is discord, it’s cool to post? Can I get some official permission

Come off it. Should have stuck to cyber in Duskwood’s crypts instead of dipping your toes into doxxing


As someone who only became a part of the PCU a couple days ago I must say the people are nice and friendly, discord has good bants and the events I’ve attended so far have been fun and inclusive. I would honestly recommend people at least give them a chance


So then why did you link to a callout Tumblr that aims to do that exact same thing? It pretends to be about exposing ‘all evils’, but it’s obviously very targetted at one person, going so far as to claim connection of any and all ills to Perroy and the PCU.

If you know doxxing is hurtful and dangerous, don’t be so cavalier to aid it happening to someone else; yes, even if you don’t like them.

As for ‘the rest’? That’s lots of us. When you link to a website that is all about exposing the “PCU” that includes people you admit you don’t know.


Works both ways. People have “great sources” of me “ERPing” and have yet to ever show it. Sources are so unreliable…

:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

She doesn’t actually have that belief - her belief system is instead “well, if it’s aimed at someone who I don’t like, it doesn’t really count”

I can post a screenshot of you doing just that. Add me on discord if you want

You really operate based on the assumption that nobody is still playing from those days - but here I am


I mean what you do with your art privately is a-okay but if it was being hosted on aa, then like, why. lmao

Don’t worry, no nudes are shown :L

Edit: Best part is that the people who hate the art so happily search it out to put on forums etc where minors can see.

Yeah, it was just heavy gore instead. Much better

Search it out ie. it was in the AA’s image previews

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As I said before, someone can always disagree/agree with others and whichever regrettable things happened a year ago, they happened, and it’s over and done with. I wont talk trash about others ICly or OOCly cause of some OOC disagreement a long time ago, and neither will I tell people to not RP with the PCU cause of the orange man bad low-tier arguments. I rather stick to my own opinions and form said opinions and beliefs from my own experiences.

Also imagine being so butthurt about a community, you end up making an entire tumblr about it and grasp at straws and take things out of context just to continue the orange man bad-tier arguments. KEKW


maybe this is why I’m worrying
