PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

I hoped for a tl;dr at the bottom.


post your results in chat fellas

you get an automatic +15 for playing on argent dawn


That would have ruined the bit.

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You aren’t though. Or atleast that’s your opinion that you are and I disagree.

Then why not apologise if you know for a fact that it wasn’t nice in the slightest? That’s what people do when they do something they know is not nice to someone.

just @ me next time damn

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The “PCU” is an OOC community of RPers that include a total of 12 guilds, adopting a slanderous term of insult that’s known as “Perroy Cinematic Universe”.

Said OOC community collaborates to bring server-wide events, campaigns and general RP amongst themselves as well as others.

For example; in January we were successful in creating a “PCU” event in Northrend that consisted solely of PCU members that reached over 140 RPers.
Two days ago the PCU took initiative of the theme of patch 8.3 and staged a riot in Stormwind with the no-good influence of N’zoth.

Officers of each guild plot and scheme with each other to bring RP-PvP/Cross-guild interaction & ultimately the community is the brainchild of Perroy.

Love rp? Hate nonces? Join the PCU today!


I got 24, is that a good score?! 39 if we add the +15 bonus for being an ADer.

Good to know.

So it has gotten a bad reputation amongst some because certain members have treated it as a some kind of cult following; herein I see something to be changed within the PCU community.

I know how it is to be the target of a cult-following mindset myself as the chairman of the association I am currently in, because my real name is just so extremely fitting. It is not success that breeds hate or jealousy, it is the fact when the members in a community are unruly, and generally just idiotic and do not know how to respond well to criticisms outside of their own little cult-following.

To me the PCU sounds like a great thing, and the fact that it arranges events that adheres to the current patch lore is something I have solely missed and the lack of such brilliant thinking is what pushed me out of RP years ago.

But yeah… even in spite of opposition it is great that the PCU still pushes onwards, because as you said it does seem to be succesful.


I don’t know what to think. I have to reflect on this.

What IS art…

Honestly Watrus, we’ve got a little bit of art in all of us.

Coincidentally the only people that try (in vain) to oppose the PCU and our events are those that have felt the branding iron of the anti-ERP/Grief squads, the depravity of the second life ERPers knows no limit.

People go to such extreme lengths to throw their salt in others eyes and blind them, to the extent of random OOC whispers, blog-posting, forum :poop:posting that it really becomes pathetic.

I implore anyone curious enough to interact with PCU guilds, speak to them on an OOC level if you want, throw a char in a guild and see for yourselves.

Despite being called racist or n*zi among other things, we’re not (shock) that bad and anything of the sort gets stomped out almost immediately. (Unless its to wink at the camera ofc.)

We’re all a little bit autistic for playing on Argent Dawn to be honest

2 for me :frowning:

Took the test three times, I scored 13 twice and once 15. Though admittedly, some of the questions there are really stupid. In Italy you don’t have turns to talk. You just do.

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It means you might have autistic traits but it’s not likely that you have an ASD.

I got 31 and have the diagnosis to go with it!

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Hah, matches your posting behaviour.


This oddly reminds me of Italian driving. That must be where their behaviour on the roads comes from!

Scored a six. So with the added AD bonus im extrmely autistic.




500+ posts late to the party, but hell.

Perroy and the PCU are keeping role-play on Argent Dawn alive. Successfully. Whatever your opinion of him and his crew, you can’t knock that.