PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

Athramus, from my point of view, you’d be somewhat more palatable if your posts didn’t come off with this superior note in them.
I can understand the need to be contrary at times, but even with evidence mounting against your point, you never concede and I can’t understand it.
The way you type comes off as arrogant often, you also seem to feel the need to display that you’ve been educated in some way.


Agreed. I’m getting the same vibe, with the same effect.

Worth making a note of, Athramus, if you’re into analyzing and improving your presentational skill.


neurodiversity, self-pity and a complete lack of self-awareness

i feel attacked by this post

But you did very much so atop of proclaiming that it is also a fact that I skew and alter narratives, something which again, was entierly your opinion only.

No. First off, the thread was about a certain OOCer/youtuber who had at the time made public video displaying how he disrupted roleplay and trolled the RP community, more than once. Why you chose to make it about me, I have no idea.

Secondly, your “proof” was a disagreement on a political topic, where you absolutley REFUSED to think that your opinion on it, was infact that, an opinion. Your entire logic revolves and revolved around that what you thought was right, was infact indesputibly right, and therefore because I saw something diffrent in it(as many others did and disagreed) I was not just lying and wrong, but a bad person by default.

Even then, throughout the thread, every piece of “proof” you had were still only your own opinions or things that could be subjective and discussed, but you got really angry for some reason when I flat out told you that it was a subjective opinion you had and not facts. The moment I did so, you started to immediatly become alot more agressive in your tone and posting and focusing on attacking me personally rather than my counter-arguments.

And this is my core issue with you after all this. You self-proclaim yourself as someone who never goes into any discussion whatsoever without 100% factual, indesputible facts, and that you only ever argue with logic and no emotions whatsoever at all, ever.

You also have on several ocassions, particularly in that thread stated that people you believe get emotional about topics are flawed and wrong by default because emotions are bad.

And I’ll be honest, I’m also kind of ticked off that you to this day has refused to give any apology whatsoever in the slightest when you KNOW you went way overboard.

And to those who might not be invested in what all of this came from, let me give a short rundown to get everyone up to speed what it all was about this entire thing before I go again:

Sometime in February 2018, there was some political argument in one of the peeves thread. Athramus had taken the opinion that SJW’s are bad, a threat to society and was causing breakdown of western culture or something. I was arguing that Social Justice on its own(not account the minor, vocal people on a few blogs) was not a bad thing and asked for clarification. Athramus then posted a few cases(I think 6 of them) as proof that the entire western school culture was collapsing due to SJW’s. All 6 cases were only in the US, an already entierly diffrent way of life than Europe.

And all 6 cases were debatable as there were two obvious sides/interperations to all of them. One in particular involved a school were as tradition, the minority students would one day go off-campus for classes to show how they make up many of the students. However, two students did one year think it would be interesting to instead have the white students do this and brought it up with the school board, who agreed and said this would be the case that year. Worth pointing out however is that this experiment was never forced, and students who didn’t want to participate were free to remain at campus.

One teacher however, disagreed with this and kicked up a fuss about it, accusing the two students who came up for it for being racists against whites etc etc. He also wrote a lenghy dissaproval letter to the school board about this. The teacher then ended up in alot of drama, being accused of racism and hate speech and eventually was let go from the school & was also himself attacked verbally by the community overall.

Athramus side was that the teacher was entierly in the right and did nothing wrong at all, and that the letter he sent to the schoolboard was neither wrong or racist.

My argument was(and still is) that while the letter itself, held no direct racist remarks, the context of which it was sent(and what came before it) was made it racist. The letter itself proclaimed that the school, and the two individual students in general were wrong, were bad people & had tried to bully the white students into submission.

Prior to this however, students had reportedly(according to when I read up on the case) provided video evidence(which was not shared in the articles however) to the principal of said teacher making derogatory remarks about the two students and generally being very racist, which lead to his dismissal.

Now, after the argument went back and forth a bit I left the thread and didn’t think more about it. Then, well over a year later, in the closing half of 2019 a thread about Kakio, a youtuber, popped up. After Kakio had made another out of several videos were he ran around and trolled Argent Dawn with a bunch of followers.

It was in this thread, almost a year and a half later, that Athramus, well after the main topic about Kakio had died out, very out of the blue jumped in and started to accuse me of lying about everything I posted and always skewed facts and truths. I asked where this came from, since the interactions I had with Athramus in the past year had been rather polite and no bad blood between us as far I knew. He then dragged out the old peeves disagreement as his main point, and was quite visibly angry with me for saying that I believed that his opinion on the topci was a subjective opinion of his, and not a cold-logical fact like he himself believed. This then lead to a day’s long wall of text with him just attacking my person for the next several hours, which then ended with me getting snappy with him and calling him a stalker.

Something I then came back the day after and apologised for, to which he immediatly begun like the day before, and to this day has not said any kind of “I’m sorry” for whatsoever.

That’s my main problem with you Athramus, you think you are superiour in every way and proclaim you NEVER act out of spite, emotion or even personal opnion, but that EVERYTHING you always say is accurate & 100% correct because you are always logical.

Edit: I would have no future beef with you at all about this if you would just own up to that you aren’t always correct, and that this was ultimatly, about your opinion, rather than cold-fact, much like how I had my opinion. And perhaps offer an apology.


Its not just my opinion. Few other people have said the same thing in that very thread. It is my opinion, yes, and it‘s very likely to be true. Judging from what I have seen, I am fairly certain of it myself.

The conversation started off as pretty generic and was mostly related to tracking people’s alts as a way to look smug. We replied* and confronted each other about the topic. Among other things, you advocated to harass people. When I asked you, are you sure about that? You went “yeah ofc, these people deserve it”. And so the dice was drawn.

I am not, indeed. I believe in a few instances I was proven wrong.

However, in this case, I am correct. As for opinions - as I said, they can be true or false and this is what matters to me.

If you feel offended it’s a shame. I don’t think what happened to you was a nice thing. I know what you went through that thread was rough, indeed displeasurable, but you have to consider this is the attitude you advocated for against other people in that very same thread.

Hahaha literally is an incel pretending to be an intellectual pretending to be a dragon. Why am I not surprised in the slightest.


Your alter ego isn’t a person, I’m afraid. There are literally zero other people on the server as contrarian as yourself. You’re just tossing a ball at a wall rn.

But also you hypocritically advocate for bullying and are also surprised when that ball comes back and hits you in the face.

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She was a good friend.


This is extrapolating from a context you’re barely aware of.

I’m not advocating for bullying people at all. My first post opened with “what you’re doing is a big no no” over there. In no way I have spread false informations.

If that was bullying, then each and every situation in which I had a discussion with the PCU should be considered bullying tbh. Which is something I didn’t claim myself.

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just the fact that I don’t bother to answer to each of your Rick&Morty empowered posts which keep piling on threads doesn’t mean I don’t have to suffer nonetheless by reading them.


The fact you read them doesn’t imply you get the context correctly, I’m afraid.












Wat. The. Freck… Is that?

A post modern depiction of me stuck within Athramus’s monitor, banging on the screen to get him to put the keyboard down but he wont.


What is PCU.

And why are people such cake-holes about it on both sides?


There was a nice and informative thread called “what is PCU” some time ago, but it sadly got nuked off the forums. :frowning:

Ah, but the context of your posting is quite hard to decipher as you structure your sentences for form over function. Even for native English speakers it’s quite hard to discern the minutiae of each point you try to make due to them being hidden in amongst overly verbose, flowery language.

You see Athramus the forum platform is best structured for short to medium length servings of information, but your own special brand of pseudo-intellectualism has lead you down a path in which your opinion is at best difficult to discern and at worst utterly meaningless.

You would benefit from adopting a more common prose, and explaining your points more succinctly in order to have appeal to the widest possible audience; as it stands right now your postings are far too lengthy and your opinions far too trite for the average reader to bother spending time on.