PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

I scored a 3… then ad 15 for playing on AD means I have a score 18 Autism points, which means it is possible.

Thanks Obama.

There is sadly that risk that should all good RP be limited to PCU guilds and people on good terms with the PCU that say if you have some beef with the PCU top brass over whatever be it politics, personal views etc etc you can be locked out of RPing on one of the limited RP servers

I don’t think thats ever a genuine risk. At present the game is too big to say “All RP is going from the PCU”.
Even if it were, there are other servers, smaller sure, but they are there.

Even if it was, all you’ve gotta do is not be a nonce and follow the community guidelines.

People making out that being able to join the PCU is this hard task when you literally just have to not be an active ERPer and actually want to ensure you’re RP is at a good quality.


this is a risk that exists only in projection, really. Only the people who would behave exactly that way think it’s something that’d happen in the (inevitable) future where PCU has a true monopoly.

The ones we don’t RP with are very few now, and had to work hard for that status.

it’s really that simple.


I am not saying it’s a high risk or even a realisitc one mainly due to the current structure of PCU giving the guilds a lot of autonomy but I have seen one too many well meaning RP collectives cause problems when the power starts getting to people’s heads to think it can’t possibly happen

Yeah, you’re right. PCU, just a collection of like-minded RPers should disband. I didn’t think so before but you :100: convinced me.


You can be as sarcastic as you like my dude but being aware of a potential danger makes you less prone to fall for it

I think with 13 guilds already, that’s pretty big and since it hasn’t happened already it probably never will.

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but it’s not even a potential danger.

For something like that to happen with a big community, you need big power trippers like

well, i can’t name names, but look at the leadership of the average (former) rebel RP guild and you’ll get the idea.

Wouldn’t know where to look that up but I will take your word for it

guess its time for you to become a better RPer before we absorb you then brrap out the remains

If this was private RP server and some people from PCU were admins, your statement might have some merit, but there is nothing they can do to stop someone from coming to the server and RP here.
Even if they became majority on this server, there are so many people who outright despise PCU that they could easily create their own community that would be big enough to provide decent amount of RP (quality of that RP is different matter entirely).

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Surely this is not a risk, there’s so many good guilds out there. Many of them have a bit low profile though so you have to look a bit beyond the forums to find them.

That said I’m starting to think I should give the PCU a try myself. I have some horde characters on another server. Moving one might be worth while.


The most common reason for the PCU hate that I’ve encountered is that they give of this perception that anyone that isn’t a PCU member is badrp.

I think this perception comes from the fact that one of there main weapons on the forum is to criticise / insult peoples roleplay standards as a way to invalidate there point during a discussion / argument.

My self i don’t care about the PCU. I’m not fond of some of there guilds and i enjoy others. I’ve had both good and bad rp with them, like i have had with many others. There a part of the server that creates amazing events so don’t see a reason to hate them. But meh that’s my opinion.

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You’d think so but if a group’s only unity comes from hatred for another group, it tends to be a bit internally volatile.

Absolutely give it a whirl, though remember we have Alliance guilds too.

Usually we engage their point properly AND mock the person if they’re being volatile, the latter being purely for personal enjoyment

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As someone who has had arguments with some PCU top brass (both the P himself and his attack dog) about politics and personal views in the past I can assure you that you won’t be locked out of anything.


hey that’s good to hear also do I want to know what political and personal views you had beef with them over

True, although it would be really funny watching owner(s) of COAD try to actively RP with pillars of AD community like Big Italian Sausage Man & Gang and Siavashid Sultanate of Uldum.

with perhaps a topping of pasta sauce, as well.

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Clue me in on the pasta meme