PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

tl;dr certain (former) rebel RPers had a conversation at length describing the idea and act of engaging in intercourse with a jar of sauce.


Politically there have been some arguements about the value of partisanship in politics, treatmeant of old SS members and most recently about the situation in Thuringia. There’s also been some discussions about RP and who to avoid to RP with in the past, but those have been resolved.

The more you mention this, the more curious I get… mind sending me the screenshots? I know I’m gonna regret it, but… I feel like i have to see it.

gimme 1 (one) hot minute and i’ll try to find them rq

Send, suffer with us.


Thank you for your contribution. :+1:

I’ve also been hearing about this from time to time, but have never seen the actual images.

Let me just get my canister of eye bleach ready that I will no doubt need afterwards.

To my dismay I am not in possession of any off-forum ways to relay them to you.

lemme know if and when you’re online on some char or another and i can pm you

i actually have the pasta sauce conversation on hand which I could send you in game if you have something like Prat to copy it.

Speaking of Prat, are there any addons that do similar that isn’t Prat? Prat and I fell out in WoD.

The Listener addon windows allow you to copy links, I think.

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If you do a “pasta sauce” search on AD forums, you get a surprising amount of threads refferencing the thing.

I am not sure what kind of an addon Prat is, but I assume in some ways it is similar to Elephant, which allows you to store your chat history and copy words and links from the before mentioned.

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Pretty much, yes, with the copying links and such.

EDIT: I’ll try both Listener and Elephant, thank you guys.

i actually have the screenshot is what i meant. Sent it to a friend who I WhatsApp more than Discord with so don’t have to traipse through tons of messages to find it.

Currently online on Gizzyfius so you or anyone else can whisper a link to an Imgur with those, etc to me.

I already regret ever asking to see these.


That’s about the normal reaction from any sane person.

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While these do come off partially as a “Oh so random inside joke huehue so funni”… I can’t stop cringing at the fact that just anyone could have walked to them and heard all of this with no other context.


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I don’t think it was one of the sauce crew who originally posted it.

Which means that somebody DID just walk into them.

the PCU once approached me in guard uniform and asked if they could see my warlock license

i said no and now they have me on ignore :frowning:


it was at a relatively large gathering. Openly. 0 shame or self awareness.

you simply didn’t bow convincingly enough.

Also; two Nightborne sounding like tittering school girls.