PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

Oh no… I was too late to save you… An innocent life has been lost today to the sauce. :pensive:

But not destroying poor innocent Pasta sauces. :pensive:

In all honesty can you tell me what Dolmio RP is cause it’s the first time I heard this term?

Where did Child RP came from into this discussion?

Actually it is not just that. Adulthood has much to do with social status then actual physiological maturity. I have been researching a bit into this for a new character and am struggling with the broad spectrum of ages given for the race in question.

So as far as I known and have confirmed, elves develop physically at a similar pace as humans (I believe based on Velera, but I may be confusing the lore character’s name). But there is no official source for this assumption, nor is there a very conclusive information, for the most it sources seem to not be consistent. However due to the complexity and long life expectancy they are only considered full adults somewhere in the interval 60 - 300 years old.

Just like the adulthood of humankind has changed through out the centuries.

Taste is something subjective. As what is tasteful for some may be completely unthinkable for others. Knowing that this will be flamed I will quote a saying

“Each to its own kink.” Or “If it rocks your boat.”

Just because you find something not to your taste, does not mean its bad or wrong. It simply means you don’t like it. And as many things in life you need to think who are you to criticise someone else and dictate what is correct or not?

I know I do not do it. If I don’t like it I either step away, or I try to help when it is something that can be done.

Back in the old Zul’Gurub raid. There was a tiny village of trolls that were Zandalari.

For anyone who remembers there was a web-page called Troll RP and it has all the lore behind trolls compiled.

Zandalari were the watchers of the two main empires if my memory does not fail me. They were wise and respected, and possibly the original tribe that originated the others.

Now I believe none of the quotes above have anything to do with the reason this thread was created. So why not simply create a new one and respect the OP?

People doing ERP involving pasta sauce.


people who have lengthy conversations IC about copulating with jars of sauce.


The person I’m quoting there is a child RPer.


No, don’t, abandon your curiosity.

You two ruined another innocent life with the sauce, a very sad day. :pensive:


I confess I seen worse… I saw someone defending the concept of females with dingly bits being a part of evolution… It was cringy.

I can understand the dislike for child RP, however what is wrong with rping a child WHEN it’s done properly? Why is child rp so wrong?

You’re literally basing this on nothing, i’m racking my mind for it but there’s a short story were Sylvanas is regarded as an adult and an accomplished ranger in her early twenties.


That’s not a thing


Nothing, but it never happens.


Wait what? I stated there are no consistency in the fact they do or do not physically mature. However there have been several sources quoted regarding the social adulthood for each of them, with one or two examples where it is not followed. I also stated before that, that I am researching. So I am actually basing myself in LORE section of this forums both EU and US, as well as multiple fandom’s.

Aside from Sylv being an “accomplished ranger” in her twenties, Alleria being 3000 and Anasterian and Voren’thal being so old that they were sickly and Lorash being old enough to remember the exile from the kaldorei when he was a child.

There’s literally nothing on age. There’s no defined age span given anywhere, what you’re citing is the RPG which is no longer canon.


It’s weird and creepy that an adult wants to role-play a pre-pubescent child. Whether it’s ‘done well’ or not, it doesn’t matter.

If you want an example I recommend checking out the upcoming Kosh’harg. I hear Teliabell will be the returning champion of the archery competition. :slightly_smiling_face:


In all fairness, none of these are credible. You’ll want to look at books published by blizzard and in-game quest texts.


Correction I am not citing anything. I am speaking of what seems to be the most accepted among the Roleplay community. If you want me to cite the sources of other people’s ideas I will, however I am still unsure where my opinion lies exactly because of the lack of enough sources to work with.

headcanon never supersedes actual canon and Aerilen posted actual canon


What’s accepted =/= canon, as Arano said. It’s better to actually read quests or the books. Because otherwise it’s sitting down to play the Star wars DnD but then just homebrewing your own lore for everything, so really what’s the point?

I’m gunna find that story if it kills me by the by.


Weren’t you going on about respecting the OP’s original topic? lol

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They’re also the person with “proof” of the “Rotguard” trolling etc. that has never been posted.


Almost like… they just say whats convenient at the time…