PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

Ren’dorei shoulda come from the Silver Covenant. They pretty much pulled a Kael after Kael and were shocked that they got a slap on the wrist for it.


“The setback was merely a setback!”

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When you research a magic that’s just as, if not more dangerous, than demonology for Silvermoon but they don’t want it. And then go to the Alliance cuz you can’t trust the Horde with it.




i think the biggest gatherings have been at max like, 20, and that was always very close to Umbric, the big leader of the void elves.

Umbric: we are researching void magic, very dangerous stuff, nobody has ever looked into this

The Forsaken, who have actively built a religion around worshipping the Shadow for the past 15 years: are we a joke to you


Move over Natalie Seline 'cuz Drathir may have discovered a voided out version of Draenor.

8.3 should have had Umbric turn out to be a twillight’s hammer/Black Empire cultist all along.

Some time later

Lor’themar: Okay y’all are hurting the Sunwell you and your tentacle weirdos need to go somewhere else

Umbric: okay time to find the Scourge cultist, I’m sure his research can be trusted and nobody else can help us research this

Forsaken: we have a city


I -like- the idea behind the ren’dorei, don’t get me wrong. Research into a taboo backfires massively and they then have to cope with the side-effects. It was just a bit of a weird move to make them blood elves considering the actual point of TBCs story.


Correct me if im wrong, but wasn’t the whole spectacle with the sunwell being restored that the blood elves no longer needed to delve into weird stuff anymore for magical fix+power?

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It was half of the story aye, but there was a lot of “a means to an end” playing into it too. Power for the sake of power to put yourself in a better position. But there always was a stark contrast between Silvermoon and Kael’s expedition, the latter did a lot of awful things like developing the mana bomb and pretty much destroying Netherstorm.

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Ren’dorei: The entire Quel’dorei race becomes afflicted with a malady of magical nature which the Sin’dorei are immune to owing to their prior fel corruption, or their proximity to the Sunwell. As a last-ditch attempt to cleanse themselves, Alleria Windrunner reaches out to Locus Walker for a cure for her people. Using the power of the Void, the cure works, but too well, and the Quel’dorei are forever transformed into the Ren’dorei.

The End.


The whole “void and blood elf” thing was still apparent during TBC.

The Sunfury, under High Astromancer Solarian, were studying the void energies of the nether and then, the big girl Solarian put her voidwalker, pants on.

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It was, put you never really saw any Silvermoon astromancers - the only real ‘void’ we saw was the mind control of dissenters. However we don’t really see much in the way of shadow users post TBC. Like I said, there’s a stark contrast between Silvermoon’s most extreme and all the stuff Kael’s expedition was getting up to. Void, tormenting elementals, enslaving their own kind and so on.

Admittedly, it’s worth mentioning that until Chronicles shadow=/=Void, so it’s made it all a bit hamfisted.

Back when Blood Elf Priests were cool and dark.
Not, Human Priests, but with pointy ears.

They were always ‘human priests’.

“Already the rangers speak of your blessings with awe and respect. Now you can see how the Light serves us, allowing us to help others, but only after we have helped ourselves.” - Cleansing the Scar.

Yeah, but they were all down with the M’uru thing, which made them cool.

Plus, the Void-thing…it’s why this character used to be a Blood Elf, before…well, before Nightborne and Suramar and Nightborne and…Nightborne and stuff…

Both should have and could’ve worked out; making the Silver Covenant High Elves Void Elves would’ve worked to remove such a huge “faction” of Alliance High Elves from the story and those High Elves that went with Alleria and became Void Elves could’ve worked to make sure no new High Elves suddenly appear on the Alliance-side(Arator being the exception to the rule as he is a Half-Elf).

Best thing they could’ve done was not adding High Elves to counter the Blood Elves at all. Should’ve been a whole Blood vs Night Elves-shtick like in the Blood Elf starting area. Way more interesting to, imho…

tbf, I miss the old-style Blood Elves :frowning:

Fine you have a point here, but still;

And we all know that Blizzard will just pull out numbers out of thin air, but I remeber somewhere reading that the Zandalari were actually one of the more smaller, yet most respected, Tribe. Could be i’m confusing RPG-/Headcanon with lore now, though :frowning:

Sorry what even is the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow? :stuck_out_tongue:

No one knows, everybody forgot!

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We don’t talk about that in the presence of mommy Calia

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