PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

Happened already

Yes the word “good” (quality) is subjective how did you figure that one out
It’s the same with every normative term – people give it meaning by finding common ground / developing it, in this case it is adherence to the lore, the need for encompassing, long-lasting narratives / scenarios and meaningful role play character interaction beyond what I refer to as “second life RP” in which a character is only an outlet for simple social day-to-day conversation projected onto the Warcraft universe

I could go on for much longer but it would miss the point, really

Reading between the lines, it really comes down to a pink face and a few words of “don’t tell me what to do” – nobody will do that don’t worry

In any case, I invite you to spend a mere five minutes with me in RP and I will rock your world re. “good rp”

Ah… but “excessive” is highly subjective and not something any particular group holds exclusive claim over

Wake me up when you manage to run emote wars with absolutely zero OOC drama for over hundred people at once and for hours


OK, but that’s worthless.


This is a pretty meaningless / passive aggressive response and also deeply wrong

If everyone follows the same rules / follows the same courtesies / has a similar level there is more co-operation, less drama etc - generally guilds that hang out together do this already (unless you’re suggesting that guilds your guild roleplays with often have very different rules on (as an example) ERP?)

It’s shilling that is appropriate for our memberbase. We represent many hundreds of players and over a dozen guilds, so sure - we might post a little bit more than your own guild

Furthermore I would posit to you that there are 100% certain things that are objectively signs of good roleplay - the entry-level relativism stuff isn’t as insightful as you think

For example, would you argue that metagaming can be a sign of good roleplay? What about public ERP? What about sending hostile OOC pms as a result of an IC conflict?

Yeah, right. There’s certainly different flavours of good RP and that isn’t exclusive to any community, but to claim that there aren’t some objective good / objectively bad habits in RP is dishonest + just an excuse to make this wheezing snipe post


This is a bad idea because the end result is realms having their own continuity which is sad & bad. I read that Moonguard US, the epitome of this outcome, agreed mutually to discount any and all Demon Hunters ICly until 2 weeks after Legion came out. That was what was “most accepted in their community” and it’s daft, and doesn’t even touch on who their server canon considers the IC ruler of Lordaeron (Spoilers: It’s some made-up BS).


Aight, time to call in the experts. @Crowton

I was summoned.

Enlighten us

I cannot stress on how many levels this is wrong. As my good friend Utoobu has already mentioned, Moonguard US does in fact have a self-proclaimed Queen of Lordaeron IC with her lands being [somewhere in the nerf]. Now, to be fair, some people on MG US criticized the concept but the majority seems to have the mentality of “absolutely any RP is acceptable!”.

This leads, in turn, to people there inventing whole kingdoms in [somewhere in the sea where nobody can go to in-game] and it seems that the server also has more noblemen than commoners (literally everyone is a Baron at least). You also get people creating perpetuum mobile machinery and also having people run around with MIRVs in a fantasy pseudo-medieval setting.

Not only this ruins the game’s setting, but they also begin inventing rules which don’t have to exist, like the many version of Stormwind law books or some such. All of them tend to have a bunch of glaring :question: puzzles with self-contradictions, leading the actual server lore to break itself.

If you wanted to know the state of an average Moonguard player, they’re in all likelihood a noble of a place that doesn’t exist, have the most perfect sexual appeal by 21st Century standards and have had at least 3 or 4 romance relationships IC, which for some reason tend to involve oddly mature themes for a PEGI13 game (i.e. abuse).

By the way, that Queen of Lordaeron has a bunch of futa art. It’s pretty cringe. = /

TL;DR: stop saying any RP is acceptable and that RP quality is subjective. It still has its own bounds.


By the gods…

Don’t they have an entire wiki page too? Maybe it’s akin to the AA that we have but I reckon it’s filled with a whole lot of crazy stuff as well just to add insult to injury.

This one makes me appreciate the lawbooks we have popping up in Argent Dawn’s guard guilds every now and then. There’s some slightly questionable stuff there.

How many people treat this person as an actual queen? And not a delusional nutbag of a blighted land?
That’s excusing the amount of lore breaking, insane crap I could spend a whole document going over.


Jokes aside, bending lore to a certain extent is acceptable imo, but when you start putting yourself in the same spot as actual lore characters/invent whole Headcanon kingdoms, that’s when it just gets extremely lorebreaking and snowflakey.

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Evil is evil, and if I had to choose…


Bad thing is that this could actually be an interesting concept. Many rulers in Europe had extended families and if we all examined our ancestors, we might find out that AD has few people who are descended from kings.
Having some random person with surname Menethil who is descendant of King Schlomo Arthasovich Menethil VII. through his fifth son with inferiority complex gather group of followers and go claim they are king/queen of Lordaeron could lead to interesting roleplay, especially if done as part of storyline involving more guilds where nobody recognizes that lunatic, except then the lunatic´s “royal army” raids a troll ruin, sells artifacts to traders, gathers money, hires mercenary group and suddenly Argent Crusade guild might get involved because even though someone with 30 followers and 20 mercenaries is in no way a big threat, they can still harm farmers that are supplying your fortresses.

But I have no doubt Moon Guard´s “Queen of Lordaeron” does it because she wants a nice big guild that calls her a queen and doesn´t act in limits of the lore.

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I RP’d once with a character who believed he was a son of Rastakhan. It was interesting for all 20min before there wasn’t really anything else to talk about.

I think you should give Tempercoil another +15 since he’s said many stupid things in the past.


Okay based. So I still get to be reigning champion?

To be fair, Blood of Lordaeron (her guild) seems to have been dormant for several years now. Their realm forums are quiet compared to ours too, so it’s difficult to tell what their server is like these days.


Let’s keep it that way.

They have fun in their way, we have fun in ours, np