PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

As I said in the peeve thread; a Queen-pretender is fine so long as you remember OOC that it’ll go nowhere.

Just the other half of my then-insult was the main thing.

Now I get to add futa to it next time it comes up.

All it takes is an S tier name to become an S tier roleplayer.

[funny in-joke that only the tightest of my friend circles will get]: I’m Toooony I’m Toooooooooony

im bouncy toooony bouncy bouncy tooony


Haha dang Tony you really are the life of those VC parties we have.

I’m glad i picked you up from those RP streets and taught you the ways, my apprentice.


Haha. This is epic. Going to link this to all the players I speak to on voice chat right away

Thank you for this laugh mate


my own family line tells me we are a bunch of trouble makers and lawmen in equal measure.

So why is the PCU hated now?

If I cast my ballot I’d wager its because they are huge, and some might be prone to judge the whole thing on one lousy experience with them.
Tho I believe (from what I’ve heard, someone confirm) that Big P and the O-core gang do their best to moderate and tend to asshats in their ranks by either a PCU re-education camp or a kick.

I myself can’t really think of a negative experience. Back on horde their Hoc Guild was always open to hunt down criminals, and lenient when it came to guard guild punishment. I rember one incident of Bearan popping me a /w if it was okay to lock up my character for a bit, and they actually delivered RP during the lockup too.
Something many guardguilds kinds forget about aka “go rot in this cell alone, have fun rping at the wall”.

tl:dr: iunno chief, seems fine to me.


Unsurprisingly as well, said kind of guard guilds usually get super mad if the person isn’t there 4-6 IRL hours later still in the cell.


True in ten characters.

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The reasons these days mostly revolve around the time Battle for Azeroth was in its prime time and Sylvanas was at the top of her game. Sure she burned down Teldrassil but a lot of people were still down with this Warchief up until 8.1?.. 8.1.5?

So with that said, there was a lot of IC drama going on back in Orgrimmar where people were talking smack about Sylvanas out in the open. What these people didn’t realise that there was a ying to their yang. The Rotgarde and Hand of Conquest, who were still loyal to the warchief and the latter having authority in the city, did not take kind to this and arrested anyone if they heard ‘rebel talk.’

So this is when we put ourselves up to speed ‘why the PCU is hated.’ It’s because a lot of people - too many people - got ousted for their rebel RP and accused the PCU as metagamers and when these rebel RPers were chased out of Orgrimmar during Sylvanas’ reign, they then accused the PCU of taking over Horde RP completely.

If people on this thread and elsewhere are going to talk big about ‘who ruined Horde RP’ then I’m going to be the one to point my finger :point_up: and blame the rebel RPers for going mental OOC for just about every conflict RP between them and the loyalist RPers and then refusing to interact with any loyalist RPer, causing an OOC wedge within Horde RP.


They also did this IC in droves, despite it running counter to what was going on in lore. When this was pointed out and comprises suggested, they went even weirder.


Wasn’t even mad, the quality of the RP was significantly better without the Saurfang fanboys in the city.

Something something whensa your dolmio day?

It effectively became a case of “We will not RP with the PCU until the story goes in our favour! So we will ignore you and your RP!”
To which the response was a simple: “Okay… We will do the same for you.”

And the result?
One maintains a strong community that takes the story, lumps and all, with a massive 140+ person event.

The other explores dolmio sauce ERP.


but then when the story goes in their favour they suddenly go rabid about not getting to forcekill all of HoC :^)

oh rebel rpers


Remember the day before the siege/Saurfang makgora when some of them walked into orgrimmar and went “haha!! Just you wait…”
Hate patch note readers.


It was eerily like the last rebellion were it happened two patches too early and just resulted in a lot of pointless drama.


suddenly so many wise sages appeared going “hmm… but what if tomorrow unpacks poorly for ur team, loyalist… hMMM…?”



This is nothing on people mysteriously predicting the whole next expansion, tbh. Particularly jarring if it really hasn’t been hinted at too much. Distinctly remember a dude ranting about how he knew Deathwing was coming, and how he was tryna warn everyone in WoTLK. I hated it.


When sylvanas runs off and vanishes and no one knows where she is or what she’s doing but ur OC knows she’s gunna humiliate Bolvar and break his LARP helmet

Absolute trash roleplay


crazy how after the trailer some DK rpers have suddenly gone mega pre-bolvar despite their previous stances

rlly makes you think

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Also why is no one questioning why there’s suddenly dozens of new Death Knights?

Y’all hate Forsaken raising via Val’kyr but the Ebon Blade gets a free pass. :nail_care:

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