PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

You being unable to find it is part of the quiz.

+10 points to megnarosh

p.s. 42 points here @ad = (

That Rebels were only able to act when the PTR lore shined in their favour was a Shame.

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Thinking i have taken the correct quiz, i scored a 21. But with that +10 i am on a 31. FeelsOkayMan

Also +2 points to crowton for this

People who did it as soon as 7.0 (ie years early) in the middle of Orgrimmar were even worse

If your character hates [despotic ruler of an area] why would you hang out there really openly? Still wish there was some cool underground movement based around owning the loyalists through subterfuge / sneaky stuff instead of [walks towards you up to the Orgimmar barracks] " not my warchief … "


You forgot the part were they TP away grinning while their mate is getting killed.


During MoP when it was announced that Garrosh was the final boss? yeah, I recall.

Rebellion pratically began on launch in RP, either it was due to their characters acting or because the outcome of such an Rebellion were seemingly already set in the Rebels favour can be discussed.

I hoped that there would be a Rebellion against Sylvanas, I had hoped that those that spoke IC against Forsaken and Sylvanas would act on it immidiatly, but instead the would be Rebels waited, until the future lore promised a favourable outcome.

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That is how Rebel RP should be done when they’re heavely outnumbered, how come no one raised a project like that? :c


because everyone wanted to be The Voice Of The Revolution (preferably with immunity to authority) and no one wanted to be The Hands Of The Revolution.


We weren’t big enough to run that aswell back then. Maybe in 10.1 though :slight_smile:


There were those that simply just abandoned the Horde, but they were few inbetween, since many seems to rely heavily on Valley of Honor for the daily RP.

Fair… Makes me think what is the lesser of two evils here, futa elves or rebel/criminal roleplay but oh wait no one else has authority in the Capital over us.
Strange times…

Between bad RPers with snakey behaviors and people ERPing on a 12+ platform, the answer is always the 2nd one.

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You surely mean the second being the greater evil…


  • to be continued*

yes i do i kinda lost track of my own train of thought

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I knew that you knew, my friend.


Bro, don’t just bring up the source of people’s mental trauma like that. He died for the sins of rebel rp’ers


His name was Belok :rose:


Vengeance… for Redfang.


My experience with the PCU is limited, so I can’t comment on the quality of the RP itself. What I find offputting is its name, and the connotations that come with it being a pun on the MCU; which make me think of a certain company’s monopolistic hold on the entertainment industry?

Also the veiled political references when people are giving their replies can be a bit creepy???

Besides that I have absolutely no idea what the conflict between PCU and… coad, is? I’m drowning in acronyms, is this what getting old is like.