PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

I hate this


Regardless, Miraja got a point in regards to the attire of the Sentinels in-game.


But what if I really am the Joker, baby? :sunglasses:


Point or not, I am always off-put by this kind of transmog. That said, not a fan of picturing the night elves like that either

you do realize that Night Elves have been portrayed as savage, scantly clad warriors, sentinels, hunters. etc since the early days of Warcraft 3?

I’m not a fan either of seeing a lot of female night elves/draenei and what-have-you in Stormwind, barely dressed and clad in the typical armor sets from Classic that expose a lot of skin, cause it’s mostly done for reasons we all know at this point, but that doesn’t change the fact how a lot of female night elves are portrayed regards to their attire in the lore, whether you like it or not.


Its culture, and if we wish to portray any race traditionelly, that includes how they dress.


Yeah I do realize that, and I think the bouncing animation for NE females is a traversty. I dislike “city elves” in Stormwind as well. There’s no need to write it all down for me because I played the entire saga, and was foolish enough to preorder WC 3, so I am a fan.

For some reason I enjoyed what it looked like in WC 3 more. Anyway, that’s just me. Point taken, I sit defeated

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Stormwind Demon Hunters are worse

I absolutely loathe City (Night) Elves. Especially the ones born on Stormwind 178 years ago and raised by Humans. And who then act like a 12 year old girl/boy for reasons.

As for the female bouncing animation; didn’t they remove that one with the model update?:thinking:

Although I am personally no fan of the vanilla platekini’s, I do have to say I don’t mind the current BfA skimpy armor as it suits the Night Elves and both genders are as skimpy(ed) as possible when wearing it! (I would deffo wear it on one of my NElves if it became available!)

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Damn, I thought I read somewhere they removed it! :frowning:

Do you actually play still?

The best part was when tyrande was having her moment, having just been powered up to become the Night Warrior then-- bounce, bounce, bounce.


Damn, I didn’t notice that at all, luckily! D:

I mean its random, but they couldn’t even give poor Tyrande a unique stance so she doesn’t do it in the middle of her speech on how she’s going to kick the forsaken out of Darkshore.

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I hate the new sentinel armour so much. Why are they practically naked. Why.


Hopefully its so the elves can die easier.

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Because night elves. In general as well really, several races of Warcraft show skin and muscle with little regard to modesty. Maybe it’s an intimidation tactic as much as a maneuverability thing. “See how powerful I am. You mess with me, I’ll mess you up.”

Woah woah woah, you clearly missed the memo. It’s basically their version of dabbing.

It’s not even the modesty thing that makes me rage. It’s such impractical armour. Jump on the wrong tree and you’ll be scratched to bits before anyone even attempts to attack you from range

Yea, I have to admit I was surprised that male night elves are wearing the armour in its exact same shape, and so exposing the same areas of the body. Skimpy armour that is the same for both sexes isn’t quite as obnoxious as armour that covers everything on the male but somehow
 on the female