PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

Being a night elf this xpac must be even more embarrassing than usual


It could be an interpretation of modesty like we have diffirent interpretations of what’s modest all around the earth.

Roleplaying a ‘traditional and savage’ night elf isn’t an excuse to walk around looking like ur part of Goldshire Lux

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It certainly could. I’m usually reluctant to read too much into dresscodes unless specifically brought up in RP or lore; instead appreciating it as a minor, but valued, bit of a variety in the setting. It provides a sense of a it being a world when races stand apart from first glance onwards.

I actually think they have a lot of potential these days. Their status quo has been shaken up something fierce - that in itself is a ripe opportunity to start off with.

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It’s just armour/clothing in a video game. It doesn’t make me uncomfortable. :o Don’t fuss over it too much and just enjoy yourselves!

Same could apply to orcs, tauren and trolls. How many shirtless orc males are there in RP? Or with that nice grunt/MagÂŽhar heritage armor that is basically leather strips across their chests.

Really the only difference is that amount of people that milk their eel to naked muscular orc bodies is much smaller than those who do it with night elves so ugly barbaric races get a pass while pretty barbaric races donÂŽt.


Shirtless male isn’t nearly as bad as what’s more or less plate nipple covers and I do hope u understand that
Almost as if there’s different standards for men and women, like it should be.

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How is woman in a bra (or bikini) worse than man with bare chest? Those different standards you speak of are met here: Male night elves have bare chest while women have their breasts covered.

Also, armors I mentioned do the same thing, giving female characters bra on top of leather straps so female orcs in grunt/heritage armor are inappropriate?


Can’t believe a Night Elf would dress like that. What crazy person could ever associate them with skimpy-https://effysrponwyrmrestaccord.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/warcraft-night-elf-2.jpg
Hint: Blizzard


disproportionate responses that belittle mental health issues 101


It doesn’t fit, it doesn’t look good. Don’t care about the men, just give the women some clothes.

No Koiffen aaaaaaahh stop drooling. NOOOO.



I dedicate my upcoming lovely transmog to the subversion of expectations.

Soon, all will have forgotten elves were even a thing.


Aren’t Blizzard actually doing it right these days standards-wise by making skimpy armor skimpy both for males and females, instead of, you know, the silly old convention of full plate on men vs. plate bikinis on women?


It’s good that they’ve made it for both, yes. But it’s still quite bad having to see night elves in bikinis ever.

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Robert E. Howard would be proud of modern Blizzard.

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I’m just glad the men can have their skimpy armour.

Its all I’ve wanted.


I think to keep this thread on topic, we need to know the official PCU position on Night Elf racial armour.

Waiting to hear from a spokesperson on this ASAP to clarify.

i honestly think the only good rebel rp i saw was when i and a few others made rebel npcs and infiltrated hoc to set off a bomb in the barracks and attack hoc members

Small brain: Practical, covering armor.
Big brain: Skimpy, form-fitting armor.
Galactic brain: Bikini plate
Universe brain: Modestry straps.

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burn all nelves is the official stance i think!

woah, subfertuge and sabotage instead of yelling DEATH TO THE LICH B-

that’s crazy

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