[PCU] Worgen/Night Elf RP - Dirge of Teldrassil 🌳

Turanil Fangstorm resided peacefully in the earths of Ashenvale, his home and surrounded by his people who have gathered to say one last goodbye…

And so they spoke and spoke, many a passionate speech given before the Priestess called upon the spirits. Another mournful dirge to a dead kaldorei, all too many now to count.

And so they bid farewell and walked, and they walked forwards, now more determined than ever. “The Horde will pay for the Shan’do’s demise”, they thought to themselves.


Over the last three days, the Dirge of Teldrassil have been dealing with dangerous cultists…

Vashava sat at her bureau, reading reports as the sun rose. Everlook was waking up, the smells of baking bread and fresh wood added to log fires drifted on the cold winds that blew through her open window, but she remained focused on the reports. In the last three days, the Dirge of Teldrassil had dealt with a dangerous warlock and her underlings, and the cost had been high. Multiple injuries, and more questions than answers. They’d first run into the cultists while dealing with a corrupted moonwell, although this action was seemingly not one the warlock had planned for. She had been most displeased with exposure, and taken the life of her over-eager minion without pause.

Vashava moved some papers about, quill poised, and scribbled a note on one of the documents. This report covered the incidents over the last three days. They’d first dealt with more cultists in an encampment, dealing with Satyr. They’d gone in with a small group, lured the targets out and killed them quickly and quietly. They’d then moved onto Felwood, following reports of more cultist activity. Vashava circled the word ‘Satyr’, then continued reading.

The cultists had been numerous in Felwood, and after multiple engagements, had led them to a underground den, hidden by illusion magics. They’d recovered a key from one of the cultists, a fel-crystal, that was used to open the way into the den. Careful scouting had allowed them to observe this in action, and the level of secrecy along with the numbers of the cultists had required immediate action.

Yesterday, they’d stormed the Den, moving quickly and ruthlessly through the tunnels and killing the cultists and their leaders, a fel-addled apprentice and a dangerous swordsman. Of greater concern were the corrupted druids, although the Satyr may have been involved with this. Vashava circled ‘corrupted druids’ and linked it to the circled ‘Satyr’, and added a question mark. This was something she ought to look into.

Once past the corrupted druids, they’d finally encountered the warlock, the leader of these cultists. After a brutal fight, during which the warlock had unleashed dangerous fel-magics and wounded several of the Dirge, she had been defeated. But even in her dying moments, she had power enough to overload her summoning portals, unleashing a powerful explosion of fel-fire that raged through the tunnel-complex, and brought it crashing down. The Dirge had only just made it out before the entrance collapsed.

She looked at other papers on her desk, and sighed. No rest for them this week, it seemed. Reports of Horde activity in the northern realms of the Eastern Kingdoms had made their way to her, and the debt the Dirge owed was still outstanding. They’d have to move soon, if they intended to keep up with their foe. Vashava initialed the scout’s report, then put her quill down, closed up and locked her bureau, and shut the open window with a wave of her hand. She’d move to Ashenvale now, and gather the Dirge to depart that very evening. There was no time to waste, when it came to hunting Horde.

The Dirge is currently in Astranaar, and will be moving to Arathi soon. We’re always on the lookout for more Kaldorei and Worgen to join our ranks, so if you’re interested in finding out more, /w Vashava, Llyiene or Falathim, or find us IC!


The Dirge of Teldrassil stayed at the grand bridge of Thandol Span for the night and finally headed out to scout the northern human lands of Arathi… It didn’t take them long to find resistance.

The Thirteenth of the Saurfang Legion would plead for peace, as they claimed that the Rotgarde and the Grim Gest were the true enemies… However, none of the Horde’s slaves can be spared.

As they fought, the night grew darker and darker. At long last, a spell was conjured as the Dirge would find themselves covered by the dusk’s shroud and retreat, having done enough damage.

After the Dirge had taken shelter at Refuge Pointe, an outpost of the League of Arathor, the rumors say a one-eyed man was sighted late into the night on a horse, scouting the lands of the infamous Arathi Basin…


“Breaking news. Local Night Elven renegade group attack Thirteenth’s fishing trip. Thirteenth successfully drive off aggressors they they flee into the night.”


Our fish! , as always it was a lot of fun battling the Thirteenth , even if they did stink of fish or death or both.


I don’t see your name on it! >:c

The Horde forces were bad enough, now there were Pandaren and Zandalri bolstering their numbers. Whatever hope of a decisive victory faded fast as their numbers swelled beyond the Dirge’s own.

Fight after fight, retreat after retreat; loss after loss. Llyiene was not fond of the humans, but knew that they may have no other choice; the meeting was tense, one group of humans had already walked out due to the in-fighting amongst the Boy King’s people.

At least the Gnomes and Dwarves were stalwart allies, the Assemblage of Uld had rallied to the aid of the Dirge numerous times, and she was thankful for it. Without their aid her warriors would surely have perished at the hands of the monstrous Horde in Arathi or the Hinterlands.

They were fortunate tonight, the savage trolls were called to reinforce their allies in the north, perhaps someone had beat the Dirge and its allies to the prize and attacked the Banshee’s lot themselves; they would find out soon enough, as soon as they traversed the land to this ‘Death’s Breach’.

The Dirge rests briefly at Chillwind camp after several days of battling the Horde. Soon they will set off to continue their quest for vengeance against the Baron and his twisted army.


Lady Nethersong’s Mansion, Stormwind, approx. 3am…

Ash and dust hung in the air, glittering in the moonlight pouring through the shattered windows of Vashava’s study. The room had been reduced to ruin, scorched and burnt until there was nothing left to fuel the flames. Vashava herself lay on the floor at the center of the room, her fury now calming. She and Llyiene had led the Dirge through the north of the Eastern Kingdoms, and they had failed in their one task: hunt down the Gest.

They’d started off in Arathi, and had engaged in multiple conflicts with the Thirteenth and their allies. The opportunity had presented itself for ambushes and even two strikes at Hammerfall. They’d bloodied the foe, and set several fires in the wooden fort, but no definitive breakthrough had been achieved. The Thirteenth and their allies had chased them off into the Hinterlands. At least the Assemblage of Uld had stood by them on that day, and had fought with them all throughout their time in the north.

The battles in the Hinterlands had been both political and physical. Zandalari fools had decided to attack the Dirge and Assemblage in the Hinterlands, and the combined forces had stood side by side and driven the trolls off. Vashava smiled bitterly, recalling one Zandalari ‘druid’ that had learned that Highborne fire was greater than trollish mysticism. Her smile vanished, as she recalled that the thing had dared to hit her. A shame it’d fled when Blakemore had joined the fight, the thing should be dead for daring to hit it’s better.

The meeting later with other pro-war forces had been successful, she thought, although she held reservations about the human contingent. However, time would tell if the humans showed the metal of their Stromic ancestors.

The days following had seen continued fighting with the Thirteenth and the Zandalari, first in Plaguemist Pass, then in the ruins of Scholomance. The ambush in the pass had been a brutal slog, slowly marching uphill, all the time perused by the Horde, until Beastpaw had successfully conjured vast roots to block the Horde’s pursuit, and allow the Dirge, Assemblage and several other groups who fought with them to escape to Chillwind.

The following day had been better. They’d gone scavenging for supplies, and had decided to scour the surface ruins of Scholomance for anything of use. Food wasn’t on that list, but other supplies were. Spare daggers, whetstones, arrows, all things they needed more of. The trolls and others had attempted another ambush there, and the Dirge, Assemblage and the Rangers of Lordamere had held the line once more, then pushed the filth back, sending them fleeing back into the Hinterlands.

Then had come yesterday. They’d set off with the Assemblage to Death’s Breach, ready to finally face the Gest and their rotten allies, to see justice done for Fangstorm, and had found… nothing. The undead forces had left, likely by boat, before they’d even arrived. Vashava’s fury had resulted in several trees being burnt down in the ruins of New Avalon, and her study had not survived either.

But they wouldn’t stop now, no. They had sworn vengeance, and they’d hunt the undead, even if the walking corpses had fled into the depths of Northrend, or the mountains of Pandaria. The Dirge would bring the Baron’s head to Fangstorm’s grave, even if she had to burn cities to achieve that goal. Vashava slowly got up, and looked around the ruins of her study. They’d need more fighters as well, more who desired to avenge Teldrassil and hunt the filth that had allowed it to happen, or worse, joined in. There were other Kaldorei and Gilneans out there, who thought the same…

Striding from her ruined study, ash billowing out around her, she snapped orders to her Lady’s Maid. Quill and ink to the library, and her address book at once. She’s send letters to everyone she could think of, searching for any trail of the Gest and their ilk she could find. Further, she’d start making inquiries in the refugee population of Stormwind, and see who could be brought into the campaign to avenge Teldrassil. They’d have peace when Teldrassil was avenged and the Horde broken, not before. Not now. Vashava swept into the library, quill, ink and her address book already there, and set to work.

The Dirge of Teldrassil are currently in Stormwind, incognito, and we’re always on the lookout for new recruits. Contact Vashava, Llyiene or Falathim in game for more information!


An assassin had attempted to kill the Darkcrest, who had hired him was as yet unknown, but it had been dealt with and he had failed in his task, he had managed to get inside Lady Nethersongs mansion which was of concern to Ilistria. Although she had spent most of her waking time outside keeping watch the assassination attempt had happened when she had been at a briefing by the Darkcrest with a few other members of the Dirge. Clearly the assassin sent was not experienced or had just been rushed into the attempt, because trying to assassinate your mark when they were in a group was a risky move and as had proved for the assassin a fatal one.

Soon the Dirge would move to Northrend in the hunt for the Baron, but before that Darkcrest Nethersong required the acquisition of some items from a warehouse complex belonging to one of her business rivals. Objective one was to obtain a safe of which the precise contents were unknown until it was acquired and opened and objective two was to get samples of the finished azurite explosives being stored in one of the warehouses and samples of the Azerite powder being stored in another warehouse, a powder supposedly made into a more stable form than others manufacturing weapons from it had managed to achieve.

The Darkcrest had given them orders to not kill guards, workers or any witnesses when the operation was underway, but instead disable them via knocking them unconscious or drugging them to sleep. Ilistria was not keen on this tactic and had voiced her concern about leaving witnesses alive that could identify them, but the Darkcrest had seemed very set on avoiding deaths, even though she did not seem overly concerned if one or more warehouses were destroyed after the samples were acquired.

Ilistria had left the briefing soon after to meet up with her associate in Stormwind and get an outfit more suitable for the operation in hand. The idea of leaving enemies behind did not sit well with her, but she also was obliged to follow the Darkcrests orders and to avoid killing them. But she thought if a few died accidently during the operation than she could hardly be to blame, so although she would not aim to kill them, if they fought back and in defending herself she killed the odd one or two or if a few happened to be in the area of any explosions caused by the destruction of the warehouse then they would be more unfortunate collateral damage, which on missions of these types were after all hard to avoid entirely.

Ilistria would certainly lose no sleep over the deaths of a few short lived humans and as for the mercenaries employed to guard the area, well mercenaries got paid well and they knew the risks when taking on a job, she didn’t understand why the Darkcrest wanted to avoid deaths and have a potential threat come up later by leaving some stray lose end of someone wanting payback for an action. But she thought maybe she had lost her sense of compassion since her capture and treatment by the Sin’dorei lord and his evil sister.
After her eventual escape she had wandered alone, feeling betrayed by her own kinfolk for abandoning her to her fate, during that time she had done terrible things, evil things.

But when she was their prisoner she had been forced to change in order to survive the ordeal and in so doing a monster had been born inside her mind, a monster that was sustained by rage and hate and a need for vengeance against the world.

Before Teldrassil had burned she had made some progress in being able to control the monster inside her, mostly with the help of Suran her new found sister, it was her that had helped her find her old self again to see the world as she had before her capture and to try and help her redeem herself for some of terrible things she had done after her escape. But now more than ever the monster was needed to fight the battle against the horde, it had the anger and the hate, it had the strength in battle, the will to fight on, to do whatever was needed to get justice so she had allowed it to surface once more.

But the price was high and she struggled to keep some control over it, knowing to give in to it fully would likely lead her back to the darkness she had tried so hard to escape from.

Only time would tell she thought.


Good idea good ppl, If you play a Mutt or Knifeear try them out.


I love the concept of this guild a lot, there’s only a handful of vengeance incarnate Nelf roleplayers (which should change). If you’re seeking lore-friendly and story-driven roleplay for your Night Elf/Worgen, please consider joining them, they roleplay the aspect of the Army of the Black Moon perfectly.

They organise a lot of engaging RP-PvP but also a fair amount of RP-PvE. Best thing is that they organise NPCs characters that are played by players and not by raid markers. Anything is possible in their events!

Definitely worth checking out.


I am very much minded to look you up once I sort my migration to AD. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

After a brief holiday-break, the Dirge is up and running once again. Tonight, we returned to Stormwind to restock supplies and recruit more able-bodied worgen and night elves.

Give us a whisper or walk-up if you are interested in hitting us up!


It makes you wonder when/if we will see something come of their apparent defiance to the decree of the remaining Alliance. Treason is a strong word, but I’d bet my fur that it will eventually end up with some drama to mirror the Horde’s repeated management issues.

Although for the Worgen it could currently be viewed as treason to continue the fight and ignore the truce, Tyrande has yet to declare she accepts the truce so to continue the fight and ignore the truce is not committing treason for a Night Elf. Anduin may be overall head of the Alliance, but it is still an Alliance of individual nations/races and therefore he alone can’t make the choice to bring in a truce without the agreement of all leaders of the Alliance he is head of and as Tyrande has yet to formally accept it…. killing horde is perfectly acceptable.

Also while in less sympathetic areas to the cause, we often tend to wear cunningly designed disguises so as not to highlight the fact we are the heroic fighters for justice out to avenge the crimes committed at Teldrassil by the Horde. :thinking:

I am looking forward to patch 8.3 to see if we get further updates on just where Tyrande sits on the whole issue. And to the continued fun RP with this guild and the interactions with the other PCU guilds I have had and the RP with them. The language pots have really added a whole new level to cross faction RP, I have played Wow forever and this really is the first time during all that time I have been able to really RP and feel involved RP wise with the other faction in any meaningful way, it makes events so much more interesting when instead of raid markers you come up against living, breathing Horde to battle and RP with. RPPVP was something I had never done prior to this, I am still learning to adapt my RP to it, but I am really enjoying the whole extra element it can add to roleplaying.


The Dirge has been stuck in an odd position for the last couple of days, in the lands of Borean Tundra. :elf: :dagger: :mountain_snow:

First, clearing out the Riplash’s kvaldir :ghost: and discovering a set of most interesting pearls :diamonds: . The following day, they were approached by a harbormaster of Valiance Keep, offering a deal if the elves were to assist him in finding the smugglers… As it turned out, murder hobo guild. :dizzy_face: Only time will tell how many innocents were killed… by accident, of course.

Tonight was a truly epic event with Rotgarde, Grim Gest, Assemblage of Uld and another (!) associated group, as the Loyalists would attempt their hands at getting their hands on a giant flying necropolis (:point_right::airplane:). Fortunately, their plans didn’t come to pass… :sweat_smile:


The hawk circled overhead of the battle raging on, its keen eyes able to pick out the details of those fighting far below it. It cried out briefly as it caught another air current and gained more height as it watched.

Nithsethel seemed almost in a trance as she concentrated hard, she was still quite new to learning the craft of seeing through the eyes of her companion pet and it was still rather disconcerting for her to see out the eyes of another creature, more so as her hawk was in flight, and she was struggling to keep her stomach in check as the bird flew in circles in the distance high above the necropolis that had taken to the sky.

After a time she broke her connection, wobbling a little as her vision adjusted back to her actual surroundings. Her companion Tannith, a ren’dorei like herself reached out to steady her.

“So what did you see?” Tannith asked

“Hmmm she’s on it , It looks pretty intense, there are a lot of forsaken attacking them. I don’t know why she didn’t just ask us to help, instead of just watching…what good are we over here?..I could be over there putting my arrows through forsaken heads…”

Tannith looked a moment at Nith “We are acting as backup, she didn’t want us directly involved, and besides I am a famous bard…So I need time to think about the events so I can compose some epic story or song that will be sung in taverns and inns thousands of years from now…”

“Tanni…your not famous…people need to know who you are for you to be famous, your an out of work squire currently working in a club in Dalaran…serving food and drinks and singing a few songs…”

Tannith wrinkled her nose up a little “But that man last week said he had heard of me…”

Nith peered at the elf for a moment “He is in the club every night Tanni…he is off his head on drink…and you tell him who you are every time he is in”

Tannith mumbled a little “What about those two elves the week before…

“Tanni….” Nith cut her off mid sentence, “Can we please focus on the matter at hand, namely acting as back up for Ilistria should she have need of us, and not go into the details about the membership of your ever growing fan club”

Tannith looked back “Fine…I was just saying they knew who I was, so…you going to…you know have another look, can you try and remember the details too…it will make the song easier to write…”

Nith looked at her friend for a short while, then sighed and concentrated once more…her vision blurring and once more she saw out the eyes of the hawk.

The battle still raged on below, the hawks keen eyes quickly found Ilistria, she was locked in battle with a forsaken, dangerously close to the edge of the ledge. A banshee approached the pair as they fought on and then Nith watched in shock as she saw events unfold, She saw the night elf shaking her head, saw what looked like a scream coming from her, saw her get closer to the edge and then she was falling, her body plummeting towards the ground.

Nith concentrated harder, urging the hawk to dive down towards the falling elf…and then she did something she had never done from the distance she was at and while looking through another creatures eyes.

Ilistria felt herself fall, she had tried to use her grapple to save herself, but it had failed to connect to anything. The rush of the air around her was deafening as she gained speed, the necropolis that she had been fighting on moments before was getting further and further away as she dropped towards the ground and her almost certain demise.

Shadows seem to surround the elf, then darkness, whispers assaulted her mind as she entered the void rift. Then a voice louder than the rest, one she knew…”Ilistria…take my hand…it’s me Tannith…take my hand”

A hand appeared from the shadows around her, Ilistria reached out and grabbed it and moments later she lay under the stars on a Hillside, peering up at Nithsethel and Tannith.

Nithsethel wiggled her nose as she looked down “Welcome back, I thought we had lost you then”

Ilistria pulled herself to her feet grunting in pain “Indeed…Well done, both of you and thank you”


Truly a great guild. Interesting events, and vengeance driven themes. Any true Gilnean or Kaldorei should join them!


Vashava sat at her desk, thinking. The last week had been chaotic, to say the least, but a great deal of good had come from it, overall. Whilst there had been the nastiness at Valiance to deal with, she had managed to get that sorted, even if it meant making a large donation for ‘upkeep and maintenance’ to the local commander to keep the matter somewhat quiet. This surge in anarchic and void-like events has helped even more to keep things under wraps. Vashava tapped her quill on some parchment, before dipping it into an inkwell, and writing a quick note to herself to keep tabs on that situation.

Of much better news, was the recent defeat of the foul Banshee Loyalists in Northrend. Their pathetic attempt to raise a Necropolis had almost succeeded, but once again, arrogance had been their undoing. They had played with a force beyond their understanding, raw Arcane power, and it had been child’s play for her and Magus Fiddlepuff to destabilise the entire power system, bringing the Necropolis crashing back down. Her fellow Dirge members had fought so well, Blakemore and Moonglow keeping her and Fiddlepuff protected whilst they worked their arcane magics, and Bloomtender and Beastpaw supporting Polemus and the assault force keep fighting with their druidic powers. Together with the Assemblage and the Draenei, the Dirge had formed an unstoppable triumvirate. Vashava wrote another note to herself, reminding her to prepare something to congratulate the Dirge with. Perhaps some new weapons, or… she put a question mark next to the note, and resolved to ask them about it later.

Of a more bitter note, the local guards in Stormwind had proven to be quite an irritation to her, although the City Watch had been far more sensible and amenable. But, that matter was now being addressed, she would let natural justice resolve that matter as it saw fit. At least she had gained more recruits to the cause as a result of the chaos in the city, she mused as she ringed a new cost estimate on a financial document. The more, the merrier, as they said. Perhaps others would reach out to her in due time, Elune willing…

The Dirge of Teldrassil is currently in Stormwind, but we’ll be off to hunt down more foul Horde very soon! If you’re interested in joining, or just have some questions, please contact me in game at any time!


Aboard ship, Valiance Keep.

Vashava sat in her private cabin, drinking. So, it was over. The Dirge had returned to Northrend and with their allies in the Assemblage of Uld, and the Order of Oronaar, had fought the foul undead once more. The monstrosities had lingered, even after the destruction of their Necropolis before, and worked to repair it. Such a threat could not be ignored, it had to be quashed, utterly, ground to dust beneath boot and cog and hoof. The three contingents had gathered their forces in the Gizzly Hills, had planned to obliterate the foe with a short, sharp raid, and set out to Zul’Drak.

It had gone wrong almost immediately. Upon arriving at the crashed Necropolis, who did they find but the Saurfangites, or the New Horde, or whatever they were called. Vashava shook her head, it didn’t matter. The cowards had gone and ruined the plan utterly. What should have been a victory, had ended with the Necropolis flying, and a victory for the Banshee Loyalists. Had those Horde fools not bogged down the initial assault with a three-way fight, in which the living had come off worse by all accounts, then…

Vashava took another gulp of manawine, scowling. It had only gotten worse in the air. After the initial fight on the ground, the Banshee Loyalists had managed to get their Necropolis flying again. The attempt to storm it and bring it down again was delayed, again, by the Horde, attacking everyone who wasn’t them. And people said that peace with such people was an option. Vashava scoffed to herself, a bitter smile crossing her face. So much for the whelp of Stormwind’s peace.

Eventually, the battle had ended in the heart of the Necropolis, with the living finally having achieved an uneasy truce, hard as it was for the Horde to understand the importance of stopping the Banshee Loyalists. But the damage had been done, and the loss was assured. Vashava looked down at her leg, only recently healed from being broken in three places by the High Executor, among other wounds. The Dirge as a whole had suffered too much in the loss, none leaving the Necropolis without wounds.

After she ripped open a portal to safety, the Assemblage, Dirge and Oronaarians had made it back to safety, and there was little left to do. A few loose ends to tie up in Northrend, and once that was done, the Dirge would return to Ashenvale. The Banshee Loyalists had won, their Necropolis, long gone. But this would not be the end of it, no, far from it. Vashava paced her cabin, her mind whirring. They would have their revenge, oh yes. The Lunar Festival approached, and the Dirge would be renewed and restored, ready to fight once more. Now, she only had to find some arcanite, perhaps a few mana-crystals, and she could get the ball rolling…

The Dirge of Teldrassil is heading to Ashenvale on the 23rd of January, and we’ll be in Northern Kalimdor for the Lunar Festival. If you want to join the guild, or want more information, don’t hesitate to /w me in game, or you can find us in the Guild Finder in-game.

We’re also part of the PCU, so if you’re not a Night Elf or Worgen, but you’re interested joining some awesome RP, check out this other thread (Also check out the latest posts there, they contain plenty of screenshots of the Battle of the Necropolis!)