Watrus was still… well, one does not like to say ‘missing’, but it certainly seemed that ‘not around’ no longer suited the situation.
So when the Red Venturers received the call to head on to Hammerfall, to aid the Horde forces from threats from both the Dark Lady’s most loyal and the Alliance’s most vengeance-fueled, it fell to Vallerianne Sykethen (known as ‘Venoma’ to both friend and enemy) to act as command of this batch of strange mercenaries. She wasn’t worried. What could there be to even be worried about?
Certainly there could not be any within her own ranks with loyalties that would be elsewhere.
With two brilliant hubs opening up, Red Venturers will be out of Orgrimmar and doing more of our social hub-style RP in, primarily, Hammerfall. There will be clashes with the Loyalist group, and perhaps there are some underhanded members of the RV who never quite stopped believing in Sylvanas Windrunner themselves.
If you wanted a chance to explore the Horde-loyal/Sylvanas-loyal split, and didn’t feel you had much opportunity, why not do so with us in RV and with the PCU? 8.2.5 didn’t spell the end of that chapter, after all!