[PCU] Worgen/Night Elf RP - Dirge of Teldrassil 🌳

As we approach expansion launch, I’ll share here the Dirge’s OFFICIAL theme song:



 Just maybe
 These guys might’ve had a point.





Lleyaera turned into stone and fel!

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Eternal Cursehood


I have done a storyline against this guild named the Elvenbowl. The event was very fun with a lot of fun interactions ingame. I have gotten good memories out of it and hope that any Night elf or Worgen roleplayer will check them out themself and join them. Best of luck my friends hope to see you again soon!

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Dirge in they endless persistence, delve in the Silverpine, stabbing and perhaps stealing from the local Forsaken, of course it not so great for the Forsaken, however Dirge as always, follows it own rules, no peace will stop them
 At least not for long. They venture in Silverpine soon will transfer into Hillsbrad, just need to blew thing or two

Wandering outside of the immediate vicinity of the Stormpike encampment, Yier finds herself tailed by a shadowy presence. Once far out enough, she turns to address her company:

“Come out of the shadows already, there’s no risk of the dwarves seeing us out here. Turnwald.”

A lanky Worgen wearing a black padded tunic and a pair of onyx sunglasses emerges from the shade of the treeline with a half smirk on his face. A relative constant, she’d found in the few days they’d been dealing with each other. Like a trained actor, Turnwald simply put his right hand behind his head and approached as if apologising to Yier.

“My, I suppose I can’t keep my presence hidden from a venerated thousands-year old hunter such as yourself- Mmh?”

Turnwald blinked as Yier’s finger found itself pressed against his snout.

“Enough theatrics, I’m busy. What do you want?”

 cool as ever. Well, whatever.”

Turnwald simply shrugged the act off, and presented a bundle of lightly singed parchment to her. Yier cast her eyes on them as her eyebrow rose.

“I got a little curious and so before the Forsaken arrived, I went through the wreckage left behind your
 explosive conclusion to the spider issue. I couldn’t salvage more than this sadly, but I’ve found some interesting passes made by one of the Spider-Tenders that worked in the mines.”

Yier took the papers, and began reading

With the end of the war, we're forced to rely exclusively on either gnolls or the few Worgen skulking around our bases we've managed to capture for our breeding operations. All attempts to grow the spiders outside of a host have been met by failure, thus far. If we weren't forbidden from using the Blight, that could open an interesting avenue for study. Alas.
-... commander changed. Under Commander Jackob Bernardors now. I heard he switched sides, but I best keep my neck clear of that. Running critically low on suitable growing medium. Will request expeditions to capture more gnolls.

There seems to be a considerable time skip between this and the next passage.

I don't like it. Not at all. The Commander has made inroads with some strange individuals as of late, I've heard the rumours. A Death Knight... but not like most. And now we're getting Nerubians to help us out? And this new strain... where'd they get it? It's faint, but I swear there is a tinge of Arcane in these thing's blood...

Several passages that follow are clearly merely a personal rant, venting off frustrations scribbled sporadically.

Another assistant taken. It's been happening all across our force. A 'special assingment' they call it. They say they're fine afterwards... but they don't look right in the eyes, even if that strength is no joking matter. Yet no one seems to know... and they won't talk. I don't like it. I thought we were over the secrets, the lies... If we cannot even trust each other, we will truly become forsaken. At least with the amount of Worgen zealots we've snatched as of late keeps me too busy to wallow in this. I best get back to work.

“Pretty interesting stuff, huh?”

Turnwald spoke, leaning around Yier’s shoulder like a mischievous imp.

“Looks like the Nerubians aren’t the only weirdness about this bunch. These
 ‘special assignment’ troops, yeah we also know of them. Though not much yet. They’re something like their elite forces, it seems. Scary strong and almost unstoppable in battle.”

Yier eyed at the papers, then at Turnwald as her eyes narrowed.

“And where could we find one of these
 ‘elite soldiers’?”

Turnwald scratched his chin, shrugging his shoulders broadly.

“That’s a tough one
 they don’t really leave the Forsaken base in Alterac, from what we’ve seen. Other than that, I think all we’ve ever seen them elsewhere is around the former Yeti caverns.”

 interesting. And suppose we’d go and pay these caverns a visit next?”

Turnwald suddenly turned to Yier, holding his hands up with an alarmed expression.

“Woah hey hold on-
 that’s not your job right now! Listen, you’ve got to get on the dwarves’ good side- that’s your mission! This isn’t just about the Forsaken squatting up in the mountains, but eroding the trust between these two forces you know

Yier flashed a wolfish grin at Turnwald’s way, causing him to visibly shirk back.

“You speak of our mission
 but as far as I am concerned, a stranger simply held us chained in a barn and dictated their terms to us without any chance for us to speak against him. I’ve opted to work together with your forces because our goals happen to align at this moment
 but make no mistake, I am under no obligation to do as you
 or your commander says.” A snarl escaped Turnwald’s lips as Yier brought a finger pointing at his face.

“Do you
 Do you have any idea how scary the Commander can be? A Death Knight has more leniency! He’ll skin me alive in a brine bath, if we mess this up!”

“That sounds like a problem for yourself. Don’t worry, we’ll continue courting the dwarves’ favour
 after we’ve learned a bit more of our enemy.”

Turnwald’s expression had turned into fearful rage by this point.

“You damned-

The Worgen managed as he threw his hands up in the air, before holding them around himself as he shook from dread.

“The Commander’s gonna kill us all
 He’s really going to do it

“Only if we fail. And we won’t.”


A dwarf sat by a lantern fire early in the morning, the morning mist still clinging on to the grassy fields opening out down below from the jagged peaks at the foot of the Alterac mountains the Stormpikes called home. His name was Strumgrath, a Stormpike Force Commander responsible for keeping the roads safe and the passage to the main base safe. A job that had grown considerably easier, following the armistice between the Horde and the Alliance, for which he was personally grateful.

He gazed out to the side at his night-table, a trio of framed photographs of youthful dwarves set in a row besides each other. They had been his sons, his pride. And he had lost each in turn to the flames of seemingly endless war. When the news of the armistice was first announced, he had admittedly lost all hope before it even began. He still remembered the last period of peace between them and the Horde, and how it had ended with the rise of the Banshee Queen. But now, time had passed and he had begun to dare hope. Perhaps they had at long last paid with enough blood to buy a lasting peace.

But not all were as convinced.

“Sitting lost in ye memories again, are ye?”

A sharp voice spoke, as a dwarf of similar age to Sturmgrath barged into his tent, holding a cloth bundle in his other hand. Sturmgrath just sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. .

“Entry into the commander’s tent without permission isn’t allowed, Eragoth. I presume ye’s got a good reason to break protocol?” The two exchanged looks, not hiding the mutual dislike of the other. Eragoth proceeded to unceremoniously dump the contents of the cloth on the floor before Strumgrath. An assortment of craftsmenship tools and a bottle of what looked like oil. He just rose an eyebrow, staring at Eragoth with a deadpan expression.

“If ye’s decided to turn me tent into a waste-pile, I’ll have ye cleaning the latrines for a month.”

“The scouts caught a Forsaken spying position last night, this is what they left behind in their hurry. Equipment to maintain one’s armour
 for an extended stake-out.” Eragoth drew a pointed finger to the items.

“Don’t act blind, Sturmgrath. They left these fer us on purpose. They’s taunting you. I know we’ve caught more and more Forsaken spying on our positions from a distance
 and they’re getting closer by the day. We’re getting encircled out here!” Eragoth’s voice rose and was soon met by Sturmgrath.

“I am not letting myself get swayed by ye bloodlust, Eragoth! The truce holds, and we are bound to it! Have the Forsaken attacked our forces? No. They’ve kept clear of us. As shall we.” He grunted and resumed his seating, fighting back the heated emotion as he moves to stroke his beard. It’s clear that despite direct orders, Eragoth’s friends had been keeping him in the loop of things. How annoying.

“If that’s all, ye may leave now.” His hand rose to dismiss Eragoth, who just leaned against the table defiantly.

“This isn’t like before, Sturmgrath. That Forsaken commander that came
 he’s different, and ye know it. They’re up to something, I can feel it in me bones. We know they’ve increased their sweeps for Worgen, and there’s even rumours they’ve got Nerubians working for them. And then there’s the sudden drop in the number of ogres. If ye’s unwilling to take action over things around ye, we should at least take preventative measures at camp!” Sturmgrath grunted, briefly glancing up at Eragoth.

“Didn’t I tell you to leave

“They’ll go after the tanks first, ye know it. Ye should double the amount of maintenance, safeguard the fuel stores. And drop this ridiculous ban on live-training alread-” There it was. He knew this was what Eragoth had been leading up to, as his irritation rose until he slammed his fist on the table.

“ENOUGH! I am NOT letting you resume commanding the tanks, Eragoth! It was bad enough already before, but you expect me to trust you with the peace of the region- nay, the peace of the entire world, when the situation is already volatile enough!? No! You’re to -stay- put, and keep your opinions to yourself! Am I understood!?”


 Sir.” Eragoth replied with an icy voice, turning to leave the tent.

Their voices were by now loud enough to be heard outside. None spoke it out, but he knew Eragoth wasn’t alone
 perhaps worryingly so. Old grudges
 new recruits that hadn’t ever tasted real war
 the cycle of hatred was as resilient as it was detestable. And as time went on, it was as if this dwarf’s voice begun to find more and more willing listeners. .

And then there was the Forsaken. He had many questions. Their actions were concerning, even if they hadn’t actually done anything to directly threaten the Alliance’s positions. They always maintained just enough space to claim innocense. Even when he had once confronted them over it, they had simply maintained it all in an effort to increase the general safety of the region.

He eyed down at the pile of equipment on the ground. He had to be careful about how he’d proceed.

Some distance away, one Night Elf was also awake
 and her ears had picked up on the fight within.


Look, someone has to look after night elf interests
And this is the place to do it!


Standing atop Aerie Peak, Yier gazed out to the forest unfolding out before herself, filling the valley of the Hinterlands. A deep sigh escaped her lips, as she leaned against the stone fence. Nighttime had long since already settled in, but her eyes saw much in the darkness even then.

Beyond her vision to the left was the local home of the High Elves, Quel’Danil. Though the exact details were still somewhat lost on her, as she had left Ivan to deal with those as she settled other business ahead of time it was her understanding a potential thread had come upon it, alongside even Aerie Peak itself perhaps.

Troll fanatics attempting to bring about their own Loa, resurrect it or what was it again
 it didn’t really matter, it was always some variant of a power-hungry troll leading the others, more often than not straight to their dooms. No wonder they could never rise above from the muck and grime of their sordid existence, she mused. Then there were the Forsaken
 she didn’t really even want to know what they were up to, but they had found evidence of some sort of alchemical experimentation from a mysteriously abandoned encampment further out in the wilderness. Whether these ones had any connection with the forces from Alterac, she hadn’t a clue.

Enemies, enemies and more enemies
 such had always been the case for them, so she didn’t find it that stressful frankly. What right now caused her far more concern
 were her allies. Her gaze wandered down the slope, to the well in the middle of the central square that served as something of a casual meet-up spot for their three forces. It had been largely spontaneous, but the Dirge of Teldrassil, the Order of Oronaar and the Azure Dawn had found themselves here at the same time. Well, at least for her it had been. As they had arrived, she’d learned that the Order’s leader, a Draenei going by the name of Praetor Hartuum had wished for a meeting
 where he had offered the leaders of the Azure Dawn a spot in what was called “the Concordat”, a group of Alliance forces that sought a closer cooperation and existence from each-other. Well, over time for her it had become a way to keep Stormwind’s influence in check and ensure the Dirge wouldn’t get pushed around too much, ideally. Their numbers had been dwindling as of recent however, so bringing the Azure Dawn to the fold would at least ensure the concept survived another day.

She had accepted their joining, even if some reservations existed between all three. However, a worry she had quickly manifested itself as earlier this day she had caught one of the High Elves declare the Azure Dawn’s unwillingness to provoke the Forsaken and by extension the Horde too much, and had thusly opted to sit out of an operation to investigate the Forsaken camp.

Though their search yielded naught but one stray Forsaken to deal with, the fact was that the Azure Dawn had chosen the truce over the Concordat, this day. Blame was too strong a word for it, but it did not make her less uneasy. She had long since abandoned trust in waiting things out
 fate had to be grabbed with ones own two hands, if anything was to come of it. How far can she count on these allies of hers
 to do what is necessary?

Another sigh escaped her lips, as she leaned against the stone, idly looking on the edge of the cliffside falling down ahead of her. Only time would tell.


Even Argents agree that we are making based Warcrimes against the Horde Fight against Ancient enemies of Azeroth.

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The dirge is not just a Night elf and Worgen RP guild, it is The Night elf and Worgen RP guild.

Answer the call! Kalimdor’s soil is stained with innocent blood! Our sacred groves burn!
Answer the call brothers and sister, join the ranks of the Dirge and stand beside the Harbinger!

Fight for Kalimdor! Fight for your kin!


Based elves and their Dogs. Keep them on the leash, please!


The Dirge of Teldrassil are on the road once more, this time with considerably more company however! Travelers on the dwarven roads speak of trouble within Blackrock Mountain, but whatever could be going on

It’s once again that time of year that the Dirge is on the campaign trail. Should you be interested be sure to check us out and contact any one of us in game either via whisper or mail:

Yier / Relisea




I’m interested in jumping into RP in WoW for the first time, having done it on forums and playing DnD in the past, and this guild seems perfect for the RP character I want to create (worgen vengeful against the horde who’ve now destroyed two homelands). Are you welcoming to newcomers? I get the principles, but might need some guidance with exact mechanics and how things work. Thanks in advance for any reply!

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We’re more than happy to take in RPers of any experience level, and give them guidance along the way! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Just be in contact with any one of us and we’ll talk further! Hope to hear from you then! :heart:


Thanks! I’ll be in touch next time I’m online


Wretched Horde heathens, they will pay for their mockery, for their ignorance with their tongues!

Mother Moon
 Give us the strenght to avenge our children, to cleanse our home from the horrendous plague that has withheld within it

Mother Moon
 Give us the strenght to wipe them out, and all of their children, give us the strenght to shatter their homes and break their hope.

Mother Moon. Give us strenght.
For Wrath, is ours alone.