[PCU] Worgen/Night Elf RP - Dirge of Teldrassil 🌳

Aww we love you tOo~O :kissing_heart:

The Dirge of Teldrassil are currently in the Ohn’ahran Plains, working to prove their worth to the centaurs.

An excerpt of a previous adventure they’ve had on the Waking Shores:

What is the worth of the things that connect us? For Vhald that question struck deeper than most. A Nether Drake, his and his broods fate was forever altered when the corrupted Aspect of the Earth, Deathwing brought the eggs of countless Black Dragons to Outland. When that world tore itself apart as consequence of Nerzhul’s reckless actions, the chaotic Nether energies permanently altered the unborn dragons, saving them from the madness of their brood at the cost of a solitary existence:
the children of two and yet no worlds.

Many years later, hearing the call of the Dragon Isles the young dragon sensed an opportunity to discover any, no matter how small a link between himself and an estranged family. Joining the Dragonscale Expedition under the guise of the High Elf Vhald Summerwoods until by chance discovering a sealed repository of Black Dragon artifacts, among them a hair pin of the Black Dragon that had once been his mother.

Yet unable to succeed on his own he sought allies from the adventurers that resided on the isles and by chance would cross paths with the Dirge of Teldrassil. Themselves looking to bolster their renown within the various factions of the Isles, the Dirge agreed to co-operate with Vhald.
Though their first meeting soured by the Dragon arranging an impromptu test of skill, they then scoured the various ruins of the Waking Shore for a Keystone to open the vaults doors, enduring many challenges along the way.

Discovering their prize within draconic ruins perched high above, the Dirge next descended down into the Titan vaults after learning the full truth from the guilt-ridden Vhald, having kept them in the dark of his ultimate motives until then.
Facing one last obstacle in the form of an errant defence system within, the Dirge triumphed and drew open the long sealed doors and at long last uniting Vhald with the memento of his mother. Granting him the one thing he could feel bound to.


Sign up, embrace Elune. :sunglasses:

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For long, long has the Dirge sailed, across waves of an ocean vast. Yet now the goal, those distant shores already within reach.

The Dirge has travelled to Gilneas for new adventures!

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The Dirge of Teldrassil has remained a THORN in our side for a long, long time.
The memories of the wounds inflicted during the battles of Nazmir still tears at us…

They are definetely not sponsored by the Night Elven Deepstate, and are definietely NOT endorsed by the more militaristic voices amongst the Kaldorei and Gilnean populace! Wink wink.

If you long for vengeance for Teldrassil, for the War of Thorns, for the Death of Cenarius, for basically any fight ever… Then DoT is the place for you! They have horses.


:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :cowboy_hat_face: I want you for the Dirge of Teldrassil!

Find Yier, Elizaberta, Telasri or Illistra in-game.


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