People abusing vote kick

Its stupid that you say solo players are disrupted ones, if you allways plays in Party… Maybe we should see your behavior in that situations…

But you try to force others to play like you cause you are expliting a system on your own/Party benefict…

Im playing wow 18 years now, since cata classic launch, i saw more votekicks for stupid things than people asking for being kicked in 18 years… Thats my experience… So i really dont understand what are you talking about …

Just quit desertor to kicked ones, and let people Kick since start those Who wants to leave… Whats the problem of Kick someone Who dont want to make a dung, if you want to do It, Kick It and remplace It…

The system is a double edged sword, but it works 95% of the time. People abusing it for toxicity reasons are the minority. If you get kicked out, you need to figure out in that 15-30 minutes why you were kicked and then learn from your mistakes. Sadly a lot of players never learn from their mistakes, and that’s why THANK GOD(blizzard) we have this system.

Share loot with someone in premade, as we read on these posts, are not a reason to think about It 15-30 mins…

Maybe you are just trying to justifiy yourself for been one of the toxic ones :rofl::metal:t4:

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its 4 vs 1 .

majority dictates how group plays.

if you dont agree with that - make group yourself with likeminded people

thats how guilds are created.

then you can spend even a whole week in that 1 dungeon if you find people willing to do that with you

I have done hundreds of dungeons at this point and leveled many characters, generally from what I’ve seen is that the votekick system is either being used for: Punishing newer players who don’t know the dungeon yet, fragile egos clashing, toxic 3 man premades, sometimes even someone writing literally anything in the chat.

Most of the time at 85 I don’t really experience issues with the system, but where the system suffers the most is during leveling. Queuing with 3 friends for dungeon leveling is not something everyone can do.

Perhaps lowering the cd for being kicked could have better impact. I just got kicked from a party for politely asking if they wanted to learn a skip that makes BRD runs faster, instead of saying no they just instantly vote kicked me, even though I was still contributing by following and killing mobs with them.

Experiences like this hit way more than all the good runs, and just leaves a sour taste on the overall experience of the game.

49-58 is especially ROUGH since BRD is really confusing for a lot of newer players!

I rarely get kicked myself, but whenever I see it being used it’s not for good reasons. I don’t believe the current state of it is healthy for the community.

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