People abusing vote kick

To be fair, not being able to get rid of anyone in your party would create an even more toxic environment. It just has to exist in some form. Just imagine how many trolls, griefers etc would exist if they were immune to being replaced.

With that said though, unwarranted kicks for vague or no reason definitely is a problem when it happens.

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I disagree.
The existence of either “side” being able to hold the other side hostage isnt essential.

Acting like not-an-idiot and therefore ending up on ppls in-game friends-lists is the main positive thing, if you are good at the game in addition thats an even further positive incentive for friends list.

The vote to kick function creates more bad stuff than it solves.

Not really. It solves one issue and creates one issue. It allows to to remove otherwise untouchable player that may intentionally or not hinder the group. How else you’re gonna handle self centered tank that rushes ahead, doesn’t use any defensive cooldown and picks more mobs than they can chew and then proceeds to Blame a healer? Or DPS that ignores every mechanic getting themselves killed right at the start of the fight and then again blaming healer/tank/everyone else?

But it also creates potential for abuse which is player centric problem when occurs.

There’s no easy and right solution. In fact the only real solution is for the player base to stop acting like a bunch of selfish, egotistical,stuck up brats treating everyone around them as NPCs. Both people dropping the dungeons and leaving groups once they did what they wanted and groups kicking others just so THEY get the loot are part of the same mentality problem.

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No, its like I say it.

I agree on all the things but i only write for update my warcraftlogs

Maybe limit how many time you can kick a day or flag up players kicking too often? maybe add a report abuse of system button so it flags these people?


Just got kicked because had to drink
 what is wrong with ppl lol

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Very stupid response.

on my hunter i did not get kicked. on rogue been kicked 5 times. 5 x 30min buffs. my game is Fugged. And lemons like you think it is okay.

seems like you are better at pressing buttong on your hunter :0

And atm the system leaves all the power to the premade if they are at least 3. Is that fair?

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you knwo why ?

because literaly nothing is stopping you from making your own premade.

One problem is that I can’t chose the group. And then (sh)it happens and I get into a group with you. horror

Well, I don’t pug and I don’t PvE and I don’t play Cata. So luckily the risk for me to be grouped with (ppl like) you is zero. :sweat_smile:

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That is actually not true, a 3 man pre-made cannot kick someone without the fourth person also voting yes. That just happened last night when our 3 man was queued togther with some other two man group, who were needing on items they couldn’t use, and failing on like every boss mechanic, and we couldn’t kick them because of that, fortunately they eventually left on their own after about 10 minutes of waiting for them to make it back to the last boss after a wipe.

a 3 man pre made can kick anyone they want, its done by majority

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That is just not true because in the heroic I was doing yesterday with two guildies, we couldn’t kick one of the other two (who were a 2 stack) because the other one of them was voting no. If you are 3 pugs, then yes you can vote kick someone with 3 votes, but 3 stack queued together can not.

Just avoid RDF when you see there are 3 persons or more in the same guild! 9 out of 10 times when theres 3 or more in the same guild in the RDF i get votekicked right before the last boss and i feel incredible pissed about it when that happens because its wasting my time for their own gain. We need harscher punishments for votekick abusers, absolutely.

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It’s not for leaving the dungeon. You get 30 min deserter debuff if you get vote kicked.

if there are 3 people from a premade group they need 4th person acceptance to kick you , if 4th person click no they cant kick you

You are wrong, sometimes a kick votation pop up and before i click anything the person was kicked so, if the kicked person cant vote and i didnt vote, the “yes” needed are three not four


3 is enought is entire party is random or kick was inicieted by non premade member, tryed meny times when was in premade of 3.

we coudnt kick any1 unless 4th person agreed , but they coud kick us just by 2 votes

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