People are insane - Dungeon edition

its ok . being on your ignore list seems benefitial if this means not having tank who cant keep agro or dont pull agresively enough :wink:

it’s alright, Lilíith. Not everyone has the ability to use logic and have a sense of empathy, but hopefully you will get there someday :wink:


Win-win :wink:

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Don’t think that’s on liliths priority list :wink:

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the first packs of a dungeon i always take it a little slower, just too see who has the patience and who is pulling to know who not to take aggro of and for healer to know who not to heal.

i’ve gotten some “come tank, faster” etc… and it’s always fkn hunters!!


so you kill bosses in dungeons with empathy ?

must be some new priest spell i guess :slight_smile:

they wannt pump .

without big pulls people cant pump

so ofc good players complain .

lets not pretend those dungeons are any challenging - especialy not after people push m+ for years :slight_smile:

I think you read it wrong. He uses logic, not empathy. Having a sense of empathy is a feeling, not a spell. Feelings seem a bit unfamiliar to you, and that’s okay. Feelings are mostly a burden anyway. :slight_smile: In case the meaning of logic is unclear, I advice you to use google :wink:

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In over 100 dungeons with randoms I have never been kicked even once, it might be a you problem.
Only time I kick people is when they are afk or ninja items, doesn’t happen often though.

Becouse Tanks who know what to do do so much damage they can almost pull entire dungeon and kill it easy , so its frustrating when you see tank that is pulling 1 by 1

You just press “w” 100% time and spam you AoE button, if you cant do that you sux as Tank

i pull as much as the healer can handle. and in Heroics, it’s not always possible to pull more than 2 packs. if you have played cataclysm classic, you should know. i see you are at lvl 80, i dare you to tank to 85 and pull more than 2-3 packs of mobs. and come back to this post.

And what you said was not the problem of this thread, i typed a very specific situation where i could not do anything. So please read the thread you are posting in before making accusations.

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how do you kill bosses with feelings ? :slight_smile:

i though you need dps to to that in wow

but its 2024 true :slight_smile: feelings are only thing important :smiley:

you deserve to be carried because you feel :wink:

Again, i only have gotten kicked in this one specific situation i described, by some toxic group. that was mostly what the thread was about. in addition, i adressed the amount of toxic players, that ask the impossible from the tank, or the healer that has to heal all that crap.

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in 350+ group its more then possible. you just need to know how to play .

and not carry bad players in group.

thats why people make premades for vp farm .

i wish you could read properly. i said “it’s not always possible” and with this reply to that druid, i mentioned leveling through 80-85. how are you mentioning 350+ ilevel lol. you are something else.

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I don’t kill bosses with feelings. Odd question.

The thing is, can i pull 15 mobs? Probably yes, but if i dont feel the heal can handle it or dps is trash I DONT WANT to play the way you want.

I am the tank, i am the leader so if you dont like my pace feel free to leave, i will do the same if the dps or the heal is trash, instead of telling people how to play.


Shure Tank is " the leader" but if Leader is crap you repleace him not bow down to his level

Play in a chill way is not crap, maybe crap is play hcs with m+ mentality. Imagine to expect people to play like you want bc you are a mega pro skilled m+ pusher.


It seens so abstract to them that people can enjoy playing a different way they do.

The funny part is that the actual “Good” players dont care at all of a slower run.

It’s the average and below average that needs to vent their frustation.

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