People are toxic as hell

Problem with these types of posts, one made by the op, is that you only hear one side of the story.


What a vile individual you are. You expose yourself as an absolute toxic crybaby yet you’re pointing fingers at other people. Absolutely disgusting.

I trade all my items if i don’t need it. So yeah i’m a vile individual and you, you are the good guy.


How does this crap even get upvotes.

The other people even told you they need azerit for other traits/speccs
and the trinket guy gave it maybe to his friend so what?

you are still the only toxic jerk who demands loot which isnt yours

  • on top your performance of being dead on almost every boss makes you an entilted brat

People arent toxic you little sh1t. Jk

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Yes, and that player needed that azurite piece. You just didn’t accepted that.


A guild would fix all of this and remove you from the toxic cesspool that is the dungeon/raidfinder system.

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uff toxic xd

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Hehe you just contradicted yourself there :joy:.

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It was a joke im actually nice person :slight_smile:


So…if i win the lottery and refuse to share it with random people, i am toxic?!

Btw. The people that got the loot are paying customers. They did the raid, they got loot…other players did not. Get over it.


But that is -your- choice.

I also trade all the things I don’t need. I link with roll, if no one rolls the first one to /w gets it. And that is MY choice. You don’t know if the other guys is as badly hit by RNG as you are, or even more. Or if they need mad or gold even more than you do.

-Nothing- is automaticly yours dude, unless you loot it. It can be differen’t in guilds if they have loot policy, but otherwise, you are just as much bowing to RnGesus like the rest of us.


that’s the reason why personal loot is the worst looting system ever. miss the days when i could roll to get the items i needed.


Ye I know, but as it happens I had a very similar thing happen to me. The guy said he doesn’t need, made a step towards me as if you’d do if you want to open the trade window and then left the group.
So I guess I’m a bit biased. :pensive:

That’s what they all say Jk :stuck_out_tongue: but yeah what I see on the op case is just one part of the story his or her side of things and the other part is missing so I can’t judge from that but what I can judge is ops attitude that he instead of earning that gear himself he resorts to asking for it without considering that maybe that player wanted a gear piece for himself it is personal loot anyway.

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He didn’t give you loot because your character looked maxed.

Badum tss…


Pretty ppl have it worst. :pensive:


Ye I know, but as it happens I had a very similar thing happen to me. The guy said he doesn’t need, made a step towards me as if you’d do if you want to open the trade window and then left the group.
So I guess I’m a bit biased. :pensive:

Next time he will equip the item and remove it in front of you then /dance. Jesus … all of that is because people are so mad about RNG they want you to be stuck and doesn’t progress. Some guys can be terrible.

No it’s not. It’s their loot.
In my opinion the toxic ones are the people who keep asking others for their loot. :man_shrugging:


The only toxic person I see here is you. You are the reason why people dont even loot anymore and just wait for whatever they may have gotten to come vie mail. Get an item and then get insta spammed by 8 ppl “do you need” “do you need” “do you need” “do you need” “do you need”… If I don’t need it, I will put it on the chat for a roll, and if I dont, then I need it.

So the a guy you whisp answered you with a completely valid reason why they don’t want to trade and you lost it and left the raid… So ToXiC! Oh My GaWd!

You, and everyone else like you would make pug raiding a lot better if you stop whispering people every time someone gets a piece of loot. If they dont put it on the chat for a roll they need it (for whatever reason)!


why so toxic

and they still needed their loot and you probably answered them in a same way you are behaving here now xD

toxic kid