People leaving M+ groups

been trying to finish my 15 key all week and to no avail. people leaving left and right with no regard to anyone but their self interest.

been playing with high rio players, 2k+ and above and after someone fails a boss mechanic, including themselves ( special shout out to a 3.6k rio resto druid who died twice on the same boss because he took 2 aoe smashes to the face ) they just usually leave the group but not before making sure everyone else is bad.

the fact that there is no repercussions what so ever fuels this behavior. pvp and lfg tool both have deserter debuffs, why don’t mythic + have something like that?
also I am not hating on rio at all, the fact of the matter is that higher rio players are in general much better than lower ones with the odd exception.

now on top of needing a good rio score is also the fact that people avoid finishing a depleted key because it “looks” bad on their rio page.

tldr: people should be held accountable for leaving a mythic+ group like in pvp and lfg.


Because these groups are not being put together by Blizzard for us. Therefore they won’t police them in that way either. We make it, then it is also our problem - a little bit in that direction.

Mwa, doubt this is the reason. We do have an interesting issue though, namely that the Achievement now requires the same level as the max rewards from M+; +15. So the achievement-“pushers” may end up with the weekly folks, that mismatches.

That leads to the always returning solutions; communicate, go with friends, with guildies or join communities.

Maybe read one of the other thousand threads on the topic and realise why people can’t really be held to account.

While you’re doing it, make like minded friends.

Don’t listen to the nay Sayers, they only post in their own self interest.

Yes people that mess up keys for 4 other players should be held to account and the sooner the better.


I don’t understand this argument at all, “like minded friends”. I do have friends which strive to finish a dungeon. In fact a tank and healer/dps. We are 3 people, doesn’t really matter if one of the other 2 people invited leave, does it?

No one joins a group and is like “ok bois if you fail I’m leaving mid run”. Are you serious?

They can be held accountable, flag their account ( not character ) with a debuff that does not allow to search for groups for the duration of mythic dungeon they abandoned. Like for example if you had 39 minutes to finish that key if you leave you are not allowed to search for another group for 39 minutes.

While it may not be the BEST solution it’s at least something. Maybe other can come up with better options.

So if I’m in a dungeon and we wipe 4 times on the first boss because noone follows tactics and does subpar dps I should get flagged for leaving a no hope dungeon?

Or if a person DC’s and we wait 10 min and I leave I should get flagged?

Or if we’re 2 hours in and not finished I should get flagged for leaving?

Please think, then post.


Dont play with really high people, why a 3600 druud would join a 15?
im aware of several people who join a random dudes key to test out their MDI superstar tactics and leave.

People cried out loud in the forums for this since forever, honestly after so long i dont see it happening probably because of the abuse it will get from angry teenagers.

I can give you an example: 2k Prot war LAST season sets the tree boss on fire 7 times in WM 16 tyranical, i asked him man wth are you doing and he started spewing toxic waste all over the place, now he was angry i didn’t do anything wrong, dont know how but i managed to sustain it for 7 times lol yet 100% he would use anything he had to report flag or whatever.

Not seeing this happening, what you say is correct but it has other side-effects i guess

Rio should be able to record groups that have left keys. And yes, failing a key halfway through and deciding to lower the key and restart, is still a failure. Failure doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Lowering keys on purpose (<1m on timer) can be excluded.

Rio is only showing us completed runs, that’s where the problem starts.

That will only become possible when Blizzard decides to record and publish that data.

So you may as well say that the M+ leaderboard should record unfinished runs. Well it does not even record all the completed runs if it’s too busy on a realm already, let alone not finished ones.

It will still update your best run.

Only if it’s in the top500 of a dungeon on a realm.

The total runs I’ve done in the overview are still recorded. I can still see that +15 that I did in 2h instead of 30 minutes. I really don’t see the problem.

In my opinion the person who needs to think before they post is you considering I clearly stated that what I suggested is not the best/perfect solution, it’s a start. It can be adjusted.

There are counter arguments to every idea so if you want to split hairs and move the goalpost then by all means but please try to keep your condescending to yourself, you’re not impressing anyone.

And were you not the advocate of “make like minded friends”? Why would you join a random group that does sub par dps? I think that you’re doing a lot of mental gymnastics just to justify your toxic behavior.

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Big assumptions that I have toxic behaviour in game.

Again, think then post becuase I don’t leave keys. But then again I play with friends…

Then you clearly have no business posting in this thread. It doesn’t impact you in any shape or form.

The criteria for me weighing in is this is a public forum and I’m weighing in on what I believe is good and bad for the game. So it affects me indirectly.

So forgive me if I attach no weight to what you post.


Ah so you play with friends, but everyone should do what you want even if they don’t play with you.

Gotcha. You can take your own advice then: So forgive me if I attach no weight to what you post.

Okay so as stated you play with friends. Can you please elaborate on how would a change like that affect you indirectly?

I guess he’s still thinking before posting.

What if one of my friends pugs and gets a punishment for one of the bogus reasons you are proposing giving them out for?

What if us 5 friends decide to not complete a key, does the first one to leave get punished?

I wasn’t thinking about it, I’d just decided not to respond but your low level trolling proved irresistible.