People leaving M+ groups

what if like a flying truck falls down on your head? then you wouldn’t have to worry about such things anymore.

whataboutism and what if’s are easy. your arguments are based on the assumption that the solutions people propose here are perfect and set in stone. you don’t seem to grasp what an idea is.

oh and don’t worry, I’m sure your head will be just fine, it’s stuck up your arsse, well protected.


Its always funny when the nay Sayers finally admit their own self interest.

They start with bogus crap about telling people to only run with friends, which we all know is the reason we pug in the first place /rolleyes.

They then finally admit its only because they or their friends don’t want a negative review for acting like douchebags in a pug setting.

It truly is hilarious.

An idea? This time it was barely an idea - more like a rant.

“I can’t finish a key, people leave, so all leavers should be punished”. Nice idea.

There is enough material to go through on this forum to come up with at least a real idea, then perhaps add some pros and cons to that idea and you can suddenly actually discuss it.

Big chance that the OP did not think further than just “punish them” and his or her failed keys, so then those hypothetical situations you complain about just add another perspective to the subject. And well not a single idea so far had more pros than cons.

You can just not detect leavers. There is no system and you definitely can not leave it up to the players.

I don’t think you understand what “whataboutism” is.

Poking holes in a bad or incomplete suggestion isn’t whataboutism.

The solution was “hurr durr punish leavas!” thats not an idea, its an angry person with a pitchfork. Just for interest, I was probably about the first person that ever suggested it would be nice to have stats on leavers so people could be empowered to make their own decisions on who to accept.

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Oh but you can, see when 1 person acts like a special little snowflake and leaves upon 1 or 2 deaths and those include their personal deaths, then we can detect it. Cause 4 other people were there at the time and saw it as well.

People that do this have no business signing up to do a dungeon in the first place. So something negative to impact them, would indeed be nice.

The only thing that cant be left to the player base as you put it, is people like you on the forums, who have no interest in discussing the merits of a punishment system.

If all you as a person can ever do is say how something cant happen, then you are deliberately trying to derail suggestions that can improve the game play for others.

But you can not detect it. It is very possible the leaver is getting abused screamed at in chat. Usually something, whatever it is, happened before someone leaves. And then there is also usually 2 sides of the story.

A troll (noun) was originally a mythical ugly creature, now it usually means an intentionally disruptive person on the internet. … That’s how baiting people on the internet came to be known as trolling , not because the people doing the trolling are considered to be ugly people, or such.

Except for the fact that in 9 out of 10 of your posts, your more interested in causing arguments than giving a counter suggestion to improve the topic.

You do know there’s this thing called a chat log right?

Oh and the ability to right click and report people in game.

What has that to do with an automatic system of leavers? How ‘smart’ do you want this system to be?

As smart as it need to be obviously.

Someone being toxic in group with language and abuse? Add a report option that takes foul language into account and instantly flags that person.

Wow has truly earned one of the most toxic player base reps in mmorpgs of recent history and its not without cause.

Someone insta leaves without any sort of vote to disband? Instant 2 hr debuff to stop them joining another mythic+ and some sort of counter people can check to see how often they ditch runs without a legit disband reason.

Yeah, i am afraid we are not there yet.

You do realise that’s the point of these forums right?

Unless as noted earlier your just a no person who gets some sort of satisfaction out of saying: no… nope… no… nope… no… nope… to everything.

I am actually advocating PRO a lot, like LFR.

But i am a developer myself and i do not see how it is possible to make a system this smart. It is all fine to discuss the leaver-problem of course. But again, too many factors for a system to understand someone should get a punishment for getting out of the dungeon.

What have you added to the thread with this post? Where have you attempted to do anything other than berate and belittle people that disagree with you?
The last vile rant you went on got deleted by mods and judging from the gap in your posting history probably earned you a posting holiday.

You are literally worse than the thing you claim to hate and steadfastly refuse to see any pov but your own.

Your ideas are wildly impractical and all based on the assumption that people that disagree with you just want to act like “little douchebags” in a pug setting. Most people don’t, they just have legitimate concerns that there are holes in these ideas that a bus could be driven through.

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By all means point these examples of berating and belittling, I doubt you will find them anywhere but in your own mind.

Vile in what way? I’m pretty sure you personally know more about posting holidays than most on these forums.


Not at all, most of the ideas posted to try and combat the current toxic atmosphere of people dumping keys at the first sign of an issue are very easy to implement.

You don’t actually have concerns, cause lets remember you only play with friends, all you have is a self interest in stopping any system that will punish you or your friends leaving a key when ever you feel like it.

Id honestly take something, anything over people just ditching groups that easily take 30+ mins in some cases to form, Its one thing if its a hopeless run, its another entirely when its just someone seeing 1 or 2 deaths and insta quitting for no good reason.

I see you’re at it again. You ignore all the holes in your systems, and anyone pointing them out are just “trolls” in your mind.

Can you ones again, please describe your system that cannot be abused like crazy? oh you can’t … klkl

A troll (noun) was originally a mythical ugly creature, now it usually means an intentionally disruptive person on the internet. … That’s how baiting people on the internet came to be known as trolling , not because the people doing the trolling are considered to be ugly people, or such.

Sorry not being baited today Maliky, you can post your own counter argument, if you actually have one, but I doubt it, all your good at is attempting to bait people. :smiley:

Look, you are not a troll and i feel you. There are sometimes problems with leavers. But there is no system possible that works. There simply is none :frowning:

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