People leaving M+ groups

Sure there is. There is already a system in place to deal with LFR and LFG and BG leavers. They get a debuff. Said system has been in place since WotLK and no one is crying over it.

All the “counterarguments” that have been made can apply to those systems as well yet there are in place. Do you see any of them complain about that? Obviously not because LFR, LFG and BG have little impact now days.

Now mythic+ on the other hand is highly relevant and this is why all the leavers are squirming at the idea of a punishment being involved if they leave. So let’s do that Blizzard.

Put the same system that is already in place and apply it to mythic+ leavers only instead of having a set timer ( 30 min for LFR/LFG and 15 min for BG ) make it the duration of the said mythic+.


Edit: That being said I don’t think this is going to happen because we the little people don’t matter but if this were to happen to someone with decision power over at Blizzard you’ll see this change implemented.

You even get this debuff when you get kicked…

You create your own group, you decide who you want to take. There is no reason for penalties.

Rofl, plenty do. “Wah wah deserter after being kicked before the last boss”, “dcd now deserter”, “3man premade kicking randomly”, … use the search function ^^

But you seem to ignore that lfr/lfd/bg groups and premades are different, can barely compare them.

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This is not an argument at all. I made my groups because I do my own keys. I have 2 friends that I queue with. One is tank and the other is Hpal/Rogue. We are 3 total, this leaves 2 other randoms.

Those 2 randoms sometimes leave because of whatever reasons. Most of the time they themselves are at fault for failing a mechanic. How can I deal with that?

If there were to be punished, will they do it again? Maybe, maybe not, who knows. All I know is better to do something than do nothing.

Can you provide at least 5 posts regarding this in the current year? Because I can provide countless posts where people are crying over punishment when leaving a mythic +

Do you understand that probably the other 2 also have a story. Maybe your tank overpulled. Did a weird route. Did not communicate with the others. Having fails here or there, etc. Do you have any idea maybe these players do not leave just for nothing? They have a reason. It happens like ‘never’ people are just going into your key and leave when the key get putted in.

And yes, when you create your own group, make sure everyone is on the same page. Talk to each other. That is something different than an automatic system like LFR.

You need to reread what I wrote. I never said they leave without any reason and even though I am repeating myself, most, not all, MOST of the time it’s their fault for doing something wrong.

If you wanna rage quit because someone is doing something wrong once then that’s just proof of their attitude.

Everyone has their own stories, those are called rationalizations. Those are lies we tell ourselves in order to justify a decision we made. At the end of the day, the person leaving is not affected at all while I get my key dumpstered.

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Sure sure. Still would like to have a word with these ‘leavers’. 2 sides of the story. Always. You are also now making this story. You did something wrong. Key got out of hand, people leave because of this failing group, and then you feel like a victim and have to rage on the forums about it.

I have myself pugged ‘unlimited’ of times and this leavers-problem did not yet happened to me. :man_shrugging:

Use the search function yourself? You made a statement that nobody cries about it and now I have to either proof it or shoot it down - nice one.

There is even a topic giving an example which was created 1 hour ago.

But well, since typing in 1 word in the search bar is not too difficult, here are two examples from the last 4 days involving deserter. But I came across 5 from just the past week alone. So please, take your tone down a notch

3man premade kicking people before last boss in group finder - #13 by Alaashan-tarren-mill
Kicked out of BG suddenly

I actually got booted form a random 3 man island once, this was during the load in screen and I ended up with a debuff because of it. I messaged a GM to look into it and he agreed the other 2 booted me even before the island started and it wasn’t like I was slow to hit accept.

So yea that was annoying, people that abuse a system can and should have penalties applied as well if upon review they used it wrong.

I am still however for some sort of improvement to stop leavers.

If this has never happened to you then excuse me for asking but why are you here then? If you have never experienced this then how can you be affected by a change one way or the other?!

I don’t understand.

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Because i had leavers, but not out of just nothing. And there is here a big misconception about people who leave. They do it with reasons. THey do not need punisments.

Next you are suggesting things that will hurt others because there can not be a system that can take everything into account. You want punishments for people who leave for very good reasons.

I can also be just interested and with a little logical working brain i am allowed to post on this public forum.

I feel like you’re being dense on purpose. How is getting kicked the same as leaving by your own accord? What are you even talking about holy Jesus I’m about to lose it.

You cannot be kicked in a mythic+, you can only be removed by the group leader but this is NOT what we are discussing here.

Jesus Christ. I’m out, there is not talking to a wall.

Goes in one side and out the other i see :slight_smile:

But how is your system gonna prevent anyone from trolling the grp by intentionally wiping the grp over and over again, you can’t leave after all, because then you’ll be punished.

Oh, you’ll add a vote system, how are you gonna prevent people from voting anyone out of the grp before last boss?

Looking forward to your usual deflect, and no attempts at adressing the actual issues :slight_smile:

Really? If you can vote to disband, you can also vote to flag someone as disruptive, vulgar, deliberate wipe etc. Punish people that act like little children in a social game play setting. Simple.

Your hypothetical is really funny considering it already exists in the form of the group lead booting someone before a final boss.

Oh and its doubly funny because if they complete the dungeon anyway regardless, the booted person still gets the loot via in game mail, which btw someone was complaining about on the forums the other day.

By the way, grats on actually contributing something to the thread for a change.

How do you tell the difference between someone just being bad instead of trolling? So now i can flag people for trolling when they’re actually just bad?
It is not as simple as you want it to be.

Oh don’t worry Maliky, anyone reading your 1st question then reading your 2nd question will clearly understand the difference.

Funny how leavers are usually the ones who F up.

I would very much welcome some form of change to address this problem. Not necessarily a debuff given every single time someone is the first leaver in a M+, as that will undoubtedly lead to quite a lot of unfair bans. There are times where groups ought to be disbanded or where you may have a number of good reasons for leaving a group. However, a debuff/temporary group finder ban for repeated offenses should be explored.

Tank gets a 1 shot. Tank goes toxis to healer. Dps have no clue what happened and just blame healer because low hps. Healer leaves. Healer gets punished for group fails and toxicity.

I say “No” to a system where players make the reports.

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This is a perfect example of how any such system could and would go horribly wrong.

That being said Mythic dungeons has been a thing since WoD right? With the keys since Legion, at some point Blizzard do need to take responsibility for a system that has faults that are this significant. There’s only so long you can do nothing because we “might” make it worse before it just looks like either laziness or complacency.

I think though that it should be something automated, nothing players can vote on.