People quitting?

Just nothing new ingame, all same. Torghast? All same hamsterwheel.
PVP players came to check PVP vendors, but now leaving cos of broken balance.


i unsubbed because they added transmog tab to the in-game shop. which means expansion of shop and eventually p2w system (which now translates to tokens).

i will most likely stay unsub because i saw the message of increasing the sub price.
but i cant see the future, maybe ill return, who knows.
*also the fact that this expansion is really bad isnt helping.

Yup. This patch broke it for me.
My two only interests in this game got gutted. M+… more like m-.
Raid? Why? I get more gold from killing a few mobs outside classhall.


It is not a surprise at all.

The end game content has been the same for the past 3 expansions (raid, M+, pvp) without any real innovation.

People are getting tired of repeating the same forms, especially when it is less rewarding.

Blizzard’s forced borrowed power and the incapability to balance them is another big problem for years now. And there is no solution for it, because Blizzard traps itself into this.


I’ll gladly embrace the grind if I could grind.
Time-gating grind is counter-productive. We literally are allowed to set amount of things per week, no more and we’re expected to do no less.

In a game we’re paying for game time in. Basically company is trying to control how much you play, and expects you to joyfully pay for it.

I myself found that I only logged in to do some weekly stuff and once a day to do dailies and beside that? Nada, not fun and waste of money and time.


Pretty much nail on the head. 6 years without real new content and the one we have (m+ and raid) is not worth doing. I killed 6 HC bosses this weak and got 0 drops. I don’t even want to raid next week. 3 hours i could have spent better.

M+ is another beast. The community is acting elitist and Blizzards chronicle inability to balance classes appropriately. I mean 20% top to bottom disparity is just insane. Some classes having all the tools and some none…

Anyway. This all is tied together with no rewards. I went 10. Yes 10 M+ keys without a single drop.

Pvp you need to be one if the OP specs or else good luck. Gearing in pvp seems to be fine the first time around tho.

I mean m+ could be so much more. You already have infinite scaling why do affixes only hinder you.
They could do something like.(and this is just from the top of my head and not an actual flashed out idea please read it as the example it is)
Everything takes 30% more damage while stunned and have extra mobs that stun everything the dungeon the week the affixe is on. So you could actually play around with affixes and not have easy pushing weeks and hard weeks you do one 15+ and log in next week. At the moment only the Saison affix is interesting and it gets old pretty fast.

Having Torghast not dropping loot or currency you can trade for loot is furthermore a waste. 5 man Torghast is pretty fun. But you have no reason to do Torghast after you got the dust.


Making the game pvp focused is ruining it. No reason players should have 233 weapons on week 1/2 of exp because they are gladiators. And before you tell me to get good at pvp, its an unbalanced joke.


It’s not as low as in BfA but my guild was off after Eternal Palace so time will tell. Next patch isn’t anytime soon as they said but there will likely be some action related to classic TBC plus PTR for next patch.

Shadowlands aren’t that bad, yet as usually there is no “need” to constantly pay and play. Aside of that for some the game may be boring with the current loot design + boring chores :wink:

Why did we have to end Legion?


What bug?


The decline of your guild is not a measure of the wow community as a whole. Guild have been declining and rising since vanilla.

Sir. Your arguments are ridiculous.


But the amount of guilds is. At the same time in BfA, we had about 5 guilds fully cleared mythic. Now there is only one guild and rest is as 5-6/10.

It’s about half of what we had back then.

To put it into numbers. Last guild on my realm on first page in BfA was consistently 1000-1200 (with exception of CoS). Now its 1800+.

I think that as Shadowlands came later than expected and the fact that many were home during the holidays and/or covid, many players had more time than usual to put in Shadowlands, so they have completed some aspect of the gamer quicker. This is one reason why people are not as present as before.

Other issues of course is the lack of loot from mythics and raiding, plus the many currency systems in SL that just make you want to stop doing anything as it feels you will never catch up on any of them, so why try?

Lastly as some classes are far better than others, it makes one wonder why even bother trying to level up a particular class or do anything past level 60 in SL?


Castle Nathria was opened around Christmas where a lot of players take vacations. While in BFA Uldir was opened around Sept, BoD end of Jan, Eternal Palace in July, Nyalotha around End of Jan or start of Feb.

Then there is raid difficulty, and devs also taking vacations. When they are back they will nerf some bosses like they always do and then you will see more clears.

And this proves what? If WoW population is declining, shouldn’t there be less guilds overall and the rank of last guild on your realm be less than 1000.

If anything, it proves that either your realm is declining (possibly people transferring to more high pop realms as is the case for years now), or wow population is increasing and there are 600-800 new guilds (I doubt that).

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I’m going to quit next month too. I resubbed to complete Covenant Campaign, but regretted it immediately after chapter 8, that is extremely overtuned. Because Blizzard make big mistake again. You should understand, that if they make game way too hardcore, as it was within whole BFA - I quit it, because I can’t bear it. But if they make game more casual/alt-friendly, but still keep it way too difficult - I quit it to wait for future patches to nerf things. This game is 16 years old and Blizzard still can’t find some way to make difficulties optional, i.e. only for players, who need them.

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PvE players are quitting because gearing is bad for them.
PvP players are quitting because of class tuning. Getting 1 shot over and over (even with full honor gear) trying to grind conquest and more honor isn’t a fun time. At least that’s been my experience so far.

Seems like no one can be bothered with the grind any more. I personally think there is too much to have to do, renown grind, torghast grind, legendary power grind, PvP gear upgrade grind, PvE gear not dropping grind, conquest grind, maw grind, bad stats from vault… grind. You get the point. Obviously you dont have to do everything… but ‘callings’ lead you to have to do some things, that you probably dont want to, to get higher renown.

Things I don’t like;

  • borrowed power systems; even when they’re kind of cool, I think they ruin the game overall. I think they should just let classes be classes and stop with all the nonsense.
  • bad gearing systems; PvP is getting praised for a good system, however its not as good as its been in the past. Infact when you think about it, its turned into a grind fest. Not just for PvPers, but for PvEers as well, because the PvE gearing system is bad right now they are forced into PvP. Yes we had BFA which forced PvP players into PvE, but it shouldnt feel like that for anyone.

Quick fixes that should be added imo;

  • Item reforging, or a currency for PvE players. E.g. collecting souls from mythic+ to buy and upgrade gear. Gear upgrades might require some souls and a higher mythic key.
  • I know I just mentioned gear upgrades for PvE, but Im going to put this out there as well… simplifying item level so that its not too spread. E.g. currently you get to 60 and maybe buy full honor gear to get you started at 158 ilvl. You then have to grind more BGs to upgrade the items, but you’re fighting players who are 2-3 weeks, maybe more, ahead of you, so they all have 200+ item level. 42+ ilvl difference. The jumps are way too high. You can see it in the health difference alone. How are you ever expected to win fights in BGs or catch up with conquest when you have less than half the health of other players, and get 1 shot over and over. So I say, remove the item upgrading and just have base item level for honor gear and conquest gear. E.g, honor 180, conquest 195. PvE, heroic 180, mythic 0/raid finder 190, normal raid/mythic 10 195, heroic raid/mythic 15 200, mythic raid 205. Rather than jumping 10-20 item level. People are level 60 and already have 40k+ health, we are 1~ month in and its already getting out of hand. Newly reached 60s, even though catch up systems are in place, have a horrible time trying to catch up. You die instantly in PvP and you get no drops from PvE. (Went on a smidge of a rant there…) please for the love of god, control item level.

This is so funny i asked about this kinda or sad it like 2 weeks ago and people on the forums laugh me for saying that, and now more and more people saying the same thing.

Here is the reasons why wow are not a good Product anymore

  1. Lack of content Expansions Try EQ you never run out of content after 6 week of a Expansion and EQ it’s a 20 year old game with 27 Expansions wow is 16 years old and only 8 Expansions Just fail total Fail

  2. Most of the content in SL is like playing Candy Crush no brain and boring as Manny people sad. lets make a list of the problems

1.Lack of communication to the players and Hey we paying a Subscription and really not feedback or roadmap if it was free to play sure i don’t care

  1. Loot problems and there is a lot

  2. Time gated, content was Was meant for you keep paying so blizzard can get them 15 Dollars per month out of you

  3. Content is to slow and to little lets see here
    4a. Dungeons too few
    4b. Crafting dead
    4c. open words dead WQ is Useless why give me 184 when i am 200+??
    4d. Torghast is just meh
    4e. PvP no new bgs noting new really PvP vender is the best thing the added to PvP
    4f. Transmog is dead no Achievements etc Special items etc or fun
    4g. Faction Grinding is just meh and boring try do it on other alts just not worth it
    4h. Lack of loot, the thing blizzard don’t understand if people not going get something ( loot ) there is always need to be Carrot off the end of the stick other wise no one is going to do it, go work at blizzard for honor points as for you Bonus, no wonder why people keep leaving blizzard its Common human nature
    4i. Quests are big part of a MMORPG and the Quests are really boring
    look at Swtor Quests are engaging and fun i am sure some read the quest texts but be for really how Manny of you are if fact reading all of them any day ?? 1% role players?

I am sure there is more but lets get back to other points tbh the lack of content, the content is boring and is over so fast in this expansion, it’s the fastest I have see where people are leaving and what do blizzard do ?? hold arena tournaments and mythic plus tournaments, No one really cares, ALOT of problems who care lets hold a mythic raid worlds first to a game that are so Unbalanced Great are you kidding me???

  1. Dead Talents Dead specs Dead class and what do blizzard do? hold a mythic raid to worlds frist, Let’s just cast the people who play a class or spec that they love down the drain and forget about them? we pay 15 Dollars for that?

  2. Same Grind all over where a lot needed to be account wise

7.Bugs A lot of them

8.Exploits Rogues in the Beginning now fire mages

  1. PvP is a joke in my eyes why? u are dead before u can even cast a spell is that skilled ? I played pvp in any mmorpg out there, and PvP in wow is a joke right now, some skills have a animation problem and it take to long to cast and your dead
    and its become more and more like Stun wars game even if u have a Tricked Dismiss returns is a joke, geting hit 27k by some aoe spell ??? the only good thing about pvp is in fact u can buy something with honor rest is a joke

10.RaiderIo don’t tell me about the addon, i use to run 15+ with my team in bfa, now i see Raider Io is a joke why people just pay to get High raider Io
more and more are selling high score for gold so the addon makes people toxic
and some are for it and some are not, I can laugh at Raiderio i see people with High score have no clue how to do the mechanics on a run

  1. 75% of the people play night fae really???

I can come up with more, the problem is lack of content this is not year 2001 its Year 2020-21 and people need content why do think people is leaving or playing other games ? Even when i go to raidbots now The queue line is like from 200-900 max where in the Beginning or after a reset its over 3000
So yes people are leaving

And the devs gms seem to miss out of the idea or they may have it but the suts at blizzard just want you to keep paying

As i sad long time ago make items only can be use in M+ or raid only and pvp only stats cosmetic wise that way you just added ALOT of content to the game we all know the feeling seen a person stand with a mount and are like WAUW i want that,

That is good that way, its giving people something to grind for and Motivate then to do something you tried it Torghast ( mount ) but it was a fail most of the people just don’t wanna do it or cant ( and the mount is kinda just a reskin really ugly ), why it’s boring and 3 hours of the same Candy crush, at last in the mage tower it was hard and really Rewarding just look around how many people still running around with the artifact skin today in Shadowlands the reason they do it is it mean something to them they made a really hard achievement and was praised for it, today Torghast is just RNG and best class win and DO IT ALL layers again with alts LOL

So if there was items only be use for m+ pvp raid etc u can Balanced it way better and just not try to fix it with some stat Again I carried the end of the stick I can care less about loot of i know if i was in the lets say the top get a Special transmog look that just show anyone This guy is a BADA33 same with mythic and pvp right now all the items item sets just look the same just Different colors and its just poor And easy development

I can go on and on but i stop here … yes to the OP post people are leaving
right now i have 3 chars all 200+ and i only raid and run after reset rest of the time just standing waitng for my sub to run out, and get back to something more fun

Its Beyond me why people would pay for a game that lacks Of so much content Even a single player game is most case have more content in SL

Right now i am waiting for new Open starwars and AoC or new world as alot of people do. Will i come back to wow ?
How to be smart about it.

  1. Keep paying for you stand in a town waiting for content or
  2. Stop paying and wait and save some ducks its not like blizzard is coming out with content fast blizzard always come out with slow real slow so done the raid normal Hc, I am normal a mythic raider but this expansion I really don’t care why raid is only for most part Range friendly,
    My main class that i love for so long is asin rogue and dh and guess what they are kinda a joke vs other classes
    And I dont find it fun any more 16 hc bossers and ZERO loot so want me to raid mythic?? yea right when i can easy spec sub and get High PVP rating and have 220 + and stand in a town waiting for next content?? No thanks i am going to the smart one here I stop paying and wait for next content in what like Six or seven months? and resub and get the hell out here again

I know there are fan boys out there who Keep defending blizzard, You go do that some day u might wanna open your eyes and small the coffee


there is not enough good content to keep people interested in the game.

dungeons and the raid are unrewarding vs the time you need to spend in them.

there is no world in “world of warcraft” anymore. a small main hub floating in the middle of nowhere, and you take these “loading” wormholes to get to 1 of the 4 small zones.

i have only been online for half an hour per day on average over the last 2 weeks.


Not quit but I’ve not stepped foot in Oribos in over a month. This entire expansion I am skipping. It holds nothing of interest to me.


My friends list and guild are super active, and haven’t had any quitting so far.