People quitting?

Wrong question
Can I have their gold?


Currencies like CP & JP would fix the gear issue , However we need more cosmetic rewards for torghast beside that release next patch a bit sooner would be a good idea and above all they need to remove bots at the moment number of the bots surpass real players .


Arent you the booster spammer “trainer” ?
You sure have alot of gold, you dont need more.


Sadly no one can, including a multibillion dollar company can see the future and predict these types of things without implementing them and seeing the reaction.

People complained about the maw for alts in the beta already.


So lets remove it completely after 100’s of hours of development time because a few people complained about it on beta.

Use your brain.

“Use my brain”?

You can skip BFA intro on alts. You can skip Legion intro on alts. With the press of a button, because they were tedious. Yet the maw can’t be skipped for alts and that’s ok? Hell no.


It’s 30minutes to an hour of your playtime on an alt that you’re supposedly going to play for tens upon tens of hours. I’m sure you’ll cope.

gold is gold, no matter where you get it from.

Lets face it, using your brain isn’t required in the maw, which is the whole problem with it. Why would anyone want to waste half an hour on that turgid, awfulness. It needs a skip button.

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I hate raiding, do i get a skip button too?

You don’t have to raid to play the expansion. I get that some people might actually like running through that same drudge laden set piece over and over. I get it but I will never understand it.

I hate leveling too, but it’s part of the game. It’s not going to murder/kill you to push yourself to do stuff you don’t like. It’s an MMORPG afterall, and grind is very much part of the genre of the game.

Me, my friends list and my guild haven’t been this active for a long time and no decline at all so far.


The lack of class balance is making everyone quit


Guess i am in a minority then. But ever since Torghast unlocked with SL, i’ve never had so much enjoyment over redoing the same thing over and over again. In years!!! Bear in mind i do that stuff in a group, can’t speak from soloers perspective.

I really don’t mind grind, I hate scripted grind as per the intro to SL. Once is enough, for those that like that kind of thing, they don’t have to press the skip button, enjoy.


Where does implementing skip options stop though? when you say so? or when Brenda next door who also hates other content. There has to be an ending point. Or they could just not implement one at all.

I think the only time skips are exceptional is when scenarios exist, which require other players to complete them. I think it’s fine as it is.

I think in the scheme of things, asking for a skip button for the maw intro is a small thing, I wouldn’t envisage skip buttons anywhere else but I would advocate alternative ways of earning currencies such as Soul Ash which involve the game mode a player enjoys most.

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Even in 8.3 my guild was more active , sl brings so little and unfun things mostly